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Star Wars Outlaws review: the open-world Star Wars adventure you’ve been looking for
3:00 pm | August 26, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Gaming | Tags: | Comments: Off
Review info

Platform reviewed: PS5
Available on: PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PC
Release date: August 30, 2024 (August 27 for Gold and Ultimate Edition owners) 

Star Wars Outlaws promises the excitement of being a scoundrel and rogue in the famous sci-fi universe - and it delivers brilliantly on this, with everything being housed in an authentic Star Wars setting, aesthetic, and experience. 

Everything in this action-adventure game from serial third-person open-world makers Ubisoft (its Massive Entertainment studio, specifically) combines to make for a fulsome, moreish, and compelling experience. Be it undermining the crime syndicates, stealthing through strongholds with your companion Nix to steal specific treasures, roaming the lands for experts to learn skills from, or soaking up the beautiful worlds and vistas on offer, there’s rogueish enjoyment around every corner. There are Ubisoft fingerprints all over Outlaws too with new variants on The Division’s pulse mechanic, eavesdropping from Assassin’s Creed, and the hacking from Watch Dogs; while it’s familiar when such things all come together, the payoff is a thrill.

It’s not totally blemish-free, however, and some characteristically Ubisoft open-world-isms, including quest repetition and labored and pedestrian traversal sections which are grating and make the experience stutter.

Far, far away

A screenshot of a crashed ship in Star Wars Outlaws

(Image credit: Ubisoft/LucasFilm Games)

Outlaws’ open-world experience not only offers an open-world experience for discovery, exploration, and enjoying beautiful places that channels the pedigree Ubisoft has for making beautiful and expansive worlds. Outlaws serves up some incredible vistas and stunning environments - that aren’t covered in a carpet of question marks - to explore. but a desire and deliver them authentically too.

Complementing that is a dedication to Star Wars authenticity in everything from aesthetics and styles, to audio and overall ambience. It really is a true Star Wars experience and feels like it constantly, earning its place in the universe’s canon (Outlaws officially takes place between the The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi films). The beeps of droids and machines, the alien-language chatter in cantinas, the construction of buildings, ships, and apparel all feel ripped right from the screen. 

This is on top of beautifully realized landscapes such as the expansive emptiness of Tatooine or the lush verdancy of Akiva, and wonderfully immersive and detailed cities like the wintry urban setting of Kijimi City (my personal favorite place in the game so far).

Getting between these planets is easy and smooth in Kay’s spaceship, The Trailblazer, with the transitions between space travel, landing, and exiting the ship being exceptionally cool and swift. On-planet travel on a speeder is a little less exciting, particularly after a while, however. It was fun for a while, getting to know how this shopping cart-come-wheel-less-motorcycle accelerates, handles, and turns, but it didn’t take me that long to start comfortably relying on fast travel locations or bombing in straight lines on my speeder between locations.

You like me because I'm a scoundrel

A screenshot of Kay and Nix sneaking in a stronghold in Star Wars Outlaws

(Image credit: Ubisoft/LucasFilm Games)

Navigating these worlds and places as protagonist Kay Vess with her animal companion Nix, however, is what truly brings the game to life. 

Kay is a likable protagonist and is a tremendous ‘normal’ person to explore the galaxies through, free from The Force and all that lightsaber nonsense. The Han Solo inspiration is clear, though she’s a rogue and scoundrel who stands on her own two feet with clear strengths and distinction between her and Harrison Ford’s iconic character.

One of the clearest demonstrations of this is in her relationship with Nix, her animal companion. Nix feels like much more than ‘just’ a sidekick or travel buddy; there’s clearly an incredibly strong bond here, with the pair doing everything together. They even eat street food together in wholesome quicktime events which is a great microcosm of their relationship - the food even ends up giving Nix bonuses or extra little skills to deploy, too. As a result, I quickly became very invested in their relationship, which helped one particular rescue mission particularly resonate with me.

Best bit

Kay Vess looking at a screen in a dark room in Star Wars Outlaws

(Image credit: Massive Entertainment)

Living out a Star Wars scoundrel fantasy as a normal person in the sci-fi universe is one of Outlaw's greatest strengths. I’ve consistently had the most fun when I’m scratching around cities for credits, chasing weird parts for my gear, stealing items to play off syndicates against each other, and tracking down experts to teach me skills.

In practical application, however, Nix accentuates and complements Kay’s scoundrel and thief-like action in-game. Nix can help in combat by taking enemies out temporarily, and is a great boon in stealth, recovering items, powering off devices, and distracting guards while you stay undetected.

This scoundrel roleplay you can engage Kay in is perhaps the greatest strength of the game, too. On a micro-scale and macro scale: from the moment to moment, sneaking, lockpicking, and hacking through bases to lift high-value items, planning searches for parts and upgrades for your, blaster, speeder, or ship, and going on a multitude of missions and side quests to change your standings with the crime syndicates, it’s a brilliant rogue’s life. 

In fact, planning and engaging in all the scoundrelly side content in the game is where most of the game’s best depth and interest lies: there’s so much to do and think about and you can get so much out of contracts, intel chasing to fill out your journal with tasks and quests, loitering in places to pick up on overheard conversations, and general exploration, while the mini-game of Sabacc (a card game) is a seriously moreish addition. Where’s the standalone version, Ubisoft? 

Never tell me the odds

A screenshot of Kay and Nix walking in the snow in Kijimi City in Star Wars Outlaws

(Image credit: Ubisoft/LucasFilm Games)

The missions and quests in Star Wars Outlaws have some of the best places and environments in the game. They’re very deliberate settings that make for great self-contained adventures, such as the rusting remains of huge ships. 

These come further alive when applying Key’s stealthy and sneaky approach, taking advantage of the multiple routes that are almost always open to you. Stealthing through missions to quietly turn off alarms, set off distractions, silently take down guards, and sabotage equipment is a thrill. It reinforces the fact that Kay is a normal person, a thief, and a rogue, and so has to reply being sneaky. Perfecting infiltrations as such a comparatively underpowered character is incredibly satisfying.

However, such missions also house some of my biggest frustrations with the game. There is some annoying checkpointing in some which can lead to big chunks of progress lost if you make the smallest mistake. Some of the side quests too can fall into the trap of being repetitive, following that very well-trodden and familiar pattern of: ‘go to the place, infiltrate the place, find the thing in the place, shoot some baddies in the place, leave the place.’ Almost all missions will involve similar infiltration tactics too, such as finding vents to bypass areas, scaling cliff edges and building ledges, and climbing ladders. There are a lot of ladders.

It certainly doesn’t help that traversal feels very plain. While Kay’s grappling hook is a great tool to have, it can only be used in a few spots and with quite sluggish animations. Worse still, the Uncharted-esque scaling of walls and grates feels boring, overly simplistic, and is just highly forgettable. 

A rogue's toolkit

A screenshot of Kay and Nix using the grappling hook in a stronghold in Star Wars Outlaws

(Image credit: Ubisoft/LucasFilm Games)

That said, completing said missions with the rest of Kay’s abilities and toolset is a highlight. While she can ‘slice’ (hack) her way into security systems and computers by cracking (simple) codes by matching symbols, her data spike is the best of the bunch and demands some skills to use. It has you match inputs rhythmically to a click sound and light flash on the lock to break it open by matching the pattern. 

In a clever twist on leveling up and acquiring skills and abilities, Kay has to find the right expert to teach her said abilities. It makes sense and matches the scoundrel lifestyle she leads - she only gets better at things when she learns them. As a result, skills feel truly earned. This also neatly ties in progression to world-building - and vice versa - successfully making you and your actions feel part of an active world, not someone passing through it to pick up points transiently.

I didn’t collect all the experts on my playthrough and definitely missed out on some helpful tools and abilities as a result, so it really is worth gathering them up when you have the chance.

Another brilliant skill is Kay’s slick adrenaline ability that enables her to tag and dead-eye blast enemies. It’s not something I haven’t seen before, but still feels worthy of Han Solo himself and is even more satisfying when hightailing it across a landscape while being chased by stormtroopers. 

Speaking of blasters, Kay has three types of ammunition by default: basic plasms, an Ion one for disrupting shields and some enemies, and a charged powerful shot. Her blaster can also be upgraded as you go, offering different variations of delivering blasts, boosts to recharges, and more. 

Hand-to-hand combat is okay on the whole, with each punch delivering a decent level of impact. There are some cool moves or finishers that can happen depending on where you are, though the stealth takedowns are a bit disappointing. They feel sluggish and the time they take Kay to perform can be annoying when you’re trying to  quickly move between targets or areas undetected.

Playing the game

Kay Vess meets a Hutt

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Another major factor to consider is the crime syndicate and reputation system - it’s a seriously meaningful mechanic that tangbily impacts how you play the game. 

There are four crime syndicates, with at least two inhabiting each world vying for power and influence. Kay has to make the best of fluctuating relationships with all of them and her reputation quickly changes along a scale with every completed mission. The four different stages of approval noticeably change how the factions interact with you, from goons that shoot you on-site all the way to getting preferential treatment and exclusive access.

While you can earn favor from all the syndicates separately, it’s incredibly difficult, bordering impossible, to achieve this at the same time - instead you’ll have to constantly balance being in favor with some with being out of favor with others. This adds jeopardy and meaning to your choices, forcing you to think carefully about decisions, such as dialogue choices that can sway the outcome of a mission in an instnat, and what quests you want or need to do.

It's a familiar combination, sir, but it checks out

Much like other Ubisoft open-world games, when each element of Star Wars Outlaws comes together it makes for some compelling magic that’s brilliant fun. 

Part of me feels frustrated by the flaws in the game and the truly amazing adventure that it could have been, but then another part of me can’t wait to get back to being an inter-planetary scoundrel, navigating the seedy underbelly of the Outer Rim. It has its faults but Star Wars Outlaws is easily one of the most enjoyable games I’ve played this year and must for any Star Wars fans. 


Star Wars Outlaws has numerous accessibility options, and its dedicated menu splits them up into five areas: gameplay, cognitive, colors, vision, and hearing. We’ve attached images of all of them below to give you an insight into what’s on offer.

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Star Wars Outlaws accessibility screenshot

(Image credit: Ubisoft/LucasFilm Games)
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Star Wars Outlaws accessibility screenshot

(Image credit: Ubisoft/LucasFilm Games)
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Star Wars Outlaws accessibility screenshot

(Image credit: Ubisoft/LucasFilm Games)
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Star Wars Outlaws accessibility screenshot

(Image credit: Ubisoft/LucasFilm Games)
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Star Wars Outlaws accessibility screenshot

(Image credit: Ubisoft/LucasFilm Games)
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Star Wars Outlaws accessibility screenshot

(Image credit: Ubisoft/LucasFilm Games)

As well as the dedicated difficulty options in the accessibility menu, there are also a host of other options that can be played around with to get the right balance for you, from visual changes to mini-game mechanics.

Should I play Star Wars Outlaws?

Play it if...

You’ve been yearning for an open-world Star Wars game and experience
Star Wars Outlaws is a tremendously fun open-world game to explore. It simply magical to mess around in the rich settings it has and the wider Star Wars universe and is perfect for fans to immerse themselves in.

You want to be an interplanetary rapscallion
Working in the underworld of the Star Wars universe is a joy and makes for some really fun experiences, missions, and political machinations. If working like a rogue is of interest to you, then this is going to be a winner.

You revel in Ubisoft-style open-world games
If you enjoy playing other open-world adventures from the developer where there’s plenty to do and get your teeth into, then Outlaws will be perfect thanks to its abundance of compelling side content.

Don't play it if...

You want a bombastic lightsaber-wielding Force-driven adventure
One of Star Wars Outlaws’ greatest strengths is playing as a regular person with no special Jedi-like abilities. If you’re all about lightsabers and slicing down imperial guards, then you should try the Star Wars Jedi series instead. 

How I reviewed Star Wars Outlaws

I have played roughly 25 hours of Star Wars Outlaws and managed to complete the main storyline as well as a host of other quests, missions, and exploration. However, I still have plenty to do, including recruiting a couple of experts, so I’m excited to jump back in.

Playing the PS5 version, I tested both graphical (performance and quality) and resolution (full screen, 16:9 and 21:9) settings. I found the performance mode better for play and quality making the worlds look even more beautiful. When it comes to resolution I found the fullscreen option was superior as the cinematic one removed a whole lot of screen and game instantly.

I tested the game with a regular DualSense Wireless Controller, and played the game on my Samsung Q6F 4K QLED TV and Samsung HW-J6500 curved soundbar I also played some when plugged into the PS5 Pulse Elite headset and SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro Wireless headset. I also played a fair chunk on my PlayStation Portal combined with my Pulse Explore earbuds and found the game was a great match for the PS5 remote play device.

Samsung QN85D review: a solid mini-LED 4K TV, but there are better-value rivals
11:00 am | July 11, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Televisions | Tags: , , , | Comments: Off

Samsung QN85D review: Two minute review

The Samsung QN85D is a solid, mid-range mini-LED TV that offers good performance for both gaming and movies. It isn't perfect and doesn’t provide the same value as other mini-LED sets such as the Hisense U7N, one of the best TVs in the budget range, but there are things to like about the QN85D. 

The NQ4 Gen2 AI processor used by the Samsung QN85D is the same one you’ll find in the Samsung S95D, one of the best OLED TVs, and it provides AI-driven features for picture, sound and gaming, with Real Depth Enhancer serving as the highlight. 

Picture quality is a mixed bag on the QN85D. Textures and details are accurate, crisp and refined from nearly every source and colors are bold and vibrant yet natural and true-to-life. Black levels and contrast are solid for the most part though occasional backlight blooming can make blacks take on a grayer tone. Motion handling is good during movies but less so during sports. Although performance is mixed, the QN85D’s picture still makes it a solid mini-LED contender. 

Audio quality is also a mixed bag on the QN85D. It has solid, hefty bass, clear enough dialogue and Object Tracking Sound (OTS) Lite for excellent sound placement that follows the onscreen action. However, its Dolby Atmos and virtual surround placement is limited by the 2.2-channel, 40W built-in speakers. It may be fine for some, but it's worth considering one of the best soundbars to boost the QN85D’s sound. 

The QN85D’s design is simple and solid. It’s reassuringly weighty with a well-built rear panel and a burnished metal frame that feels sturdy. It has a trim profile with a slim bezel around three sides of the screen that allows the picture to take center stage. The stand, in contrast, is a little cheap, matching what you would find on a much cheaper TV. 

Samsung’s own Tizen smart TV platform is used on the QN85D, and its neatened-up home menu doesn’t bombard with recommendations like it did in the past. It provides access to all the major apps and is easy enough to navigate thanks to its separate hubs for Home, Game, Daily+ and Ambient. Picture settings are on offer for those who like to experiment, though not so much on the sound front.

Gaming is one area where the QN85D thrives. Its four HDMI 2.1 ports support 4K 120Hz and VRR with AMD FreeSync Premium Pro, and the Gaming Hub collates everything gaming into one easy-to-find and use place. Graphics and gaming performance are also top-notch, putting the QN85D alongside the best gaming TVs

Value is a tough obstacle for the QN85D as it competes with similarly equipped but cheaper mini-LED TV options. While it may top budget TVs in some areas and offers great features and performance for the money, it ultimately can't compete with budget options such as the Hisense U7N and TCL QM851G on the value front.

Samsung QN85D with mountains on screen

The Samsung QN85D suffers from reflections, but its brightness does a serviceable job of reducing them (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN85D review: Prices & release date

  • Release date: April 2024 
  • 55-inch: $1,399 / £1,599 / AU$2,499 
  • 65-inch: $1,999 / £2,399 / AU$2,999 
  • 75-inch: $2,599 / £3,099 / AU$3,999 
  • 85-inch: $3,699 / £4,099 / AU$5,499 

The Samsung QN85D is the entry-level model in Samsung’s 2024 Neo QLED (mini-LED) range. It is available in 55, 65, 75 and 85-inch sizes and sits below the Samsung QN90D and Samsung QN95D (the latter only available in the UK). 

Since its release in April 2024, prices for the QN85D have fallen across the board in every size and nearly every region. The 65-inch model I tested has already seen its price fall to $1,599 and £1,899 in the US and UK respectively. Prices in Australia have remained the same. 

Samsung QN85D review: Specs

Samsung QN85D review: Benchmark results

Samsung QN85D with Daily+ hub screen

The Samsung QN85D's Daily+ hub screen (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN85D review: Features

  • NQ4 AI Gen2 Processor 
  • HDR10+ HDR support 
  • Four HDMI 2.1 ports and Samsung Gaming hub 

The Samsung QN85D’s mini-LED backlight provides superior local dimming and contrast over standard LED sets. Its NQ4 AI Gen2 Processor is the same one in more premium models such as the Samsung QN90D and even Samsung's flagship OLED, the S95D. This processor enables AI features such as Real Depth Enhancer Pro, Object Tracking Sound (OTS) Lite, AI Sound and more. 

Like all Samsung TVs, the Samsung QN85D supports the HDR10+ HDR format but not Dolby Vision. 

The QN85D is well-stocked with gaming features. Its four HDMI 2.1 ports support 4K 120Hz, VRR including AMD FreeSync Premium Pro, HGiG and ALLM. It also features Samsung’s Gaming Hub with cloud gaming apps such as Xbox, Luna, and Nvidia GeForce Now. 

The QN85D’s audio is provided by a 2.2-channel, 40W speaker array that supports Dolby Atmos. It also features ‘360 Audio’ and OTS Lite for surround sound, as well AI sound features such as Active Voice Amplifier Pro and Adaptive Sound Pro, both of which are designed to enhance and adapt dialogue and sound based on the viewing environment. 

Samsung’s own Tizen smart TV platform provides separate hubs for categories including the previously mentioned Gaming Hub, Ambient Hub for displaying artworks and Samsung Daily+ for lifestyle apps such as Samsung Health and office-based apps. Tizen provides access to Netflix, Disney Plus, Prime Video and more. For UK viewers it’s worth noting that live TV management is not provided by Freeview Play or Freely but rather Samsung’s own TV Plus, though there is still access to major UK apps such as BBC iPlayer and ITVX. 

  • Features score: 4.5 / 5 

Samsung QN85D with green butterfly on screen

The Samsung QN85D's natural colors are one of its biggest strengths (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN85D review: Picture quality

  • Natural and detailed textures 
  • Bold, vibrant colors 
  • Some backlight blooming  

Measurements taken on a 10% white HDR window yielded 878 and 1,026 nits in Standard and Filmmaker Mode respectively. While those are decent brightness results, they're similar to the Samsung Q80D, a QLED TV that uses a standard LED backlight. For context, a premium mini-LED such as the Sony Bravia 9 yielded results of 2,280 and 1,871 nits in Standard and Filmmaker Mode respectively when we measured it.

The QN85D demonstrated good full-screen HDR brightness, clocking in at 696 and 635 nits in Standard and Filmmaker modes respectively. That brightness level is useful for daytime viewing and is almost double what you would get on OLED models such as the LG C4.

When measuring the QN85D’s UHDA-P3 and BT.2020 HDR color gamut coverage, it yielded results of 93 and 69.1%. While those aren't the best results we’ve seen, they are still solid enough numbers. 

It's time to move from numbers to real-world viewing. Starting with broadcast TV, the QN85D did an effective job upscaling pictures to 4K, although textures looked a little soft in some TV shows.  

Moving onto 4K, I started by viewing The Batman to test black levels and local dimming. While blacks had a slightly gray tone overall, they were still suitably dark for an entry-level mini-LED TV. The QN85D also demonstrated impressive backlight control when viewed front-on, showing a good contrast range between the darker tones of the hallway and the brightness of the lamps in the opening crime scene. The QN85D’s excellent detail was also on show in this scene, with clothing and other objects taking on a natural look. 

Viewing the same scene in dark conditions, the QN85D’s backlight struggled a bit more, showing some minor blooming and a gray wash in the blacks. Its performance here was still noticeably better than what you’ll see on standard LED sets, however. 

Colors on the QN85D were bold, vibrant and lifelike. Watching the throne room fight scene in Star Wars: The Last Jedi on Disney Plus, the reds of the lightsabers were punchy and vivid but still maintained a natural and not overblown appearance. In the opening scene of La La Land,  bright green, yellow, red and blue outfits worn by the dancers displayed dynamic yet natural hues. When measuring the QN85D’s color accuracy, it gave a result of 1.75 (we typically look for a margin of error below 3) which is a great result and shows why the QN85D’s colors appeared true-to-life. 

Samsung QN85D with city at night on screen

The Samsung QN85D's picture is a mixed bag, but it demonstrates decent contrast (Image credit: Future)

I next watched Oppenheimer to test the QN85D’s contrast and its handling of black and white images. Overall, it demonstrated strong contrast with a good balance between whites, blacks and gray tones although black crush in some shots resulted in a loss of detail. Once again, facial features, objects and textures were realistic thanks to the TV’s Real Depth Enhancer AI feature.

To test motion, I watched Top Gun: Maverick, focusing on the opening Darkstar testing and first training missions. In Filmmaker Mode (which has no motion smoothing), the QN85D did a solid job handling the sweeping camera angles, with only minor judder to be seen on the jets careering in the air.

Watching an HD stream of a Man U v Chelsea soccer match on Prime Video, also in Filmmaker Mode, I found the motion to be a little inconsistent. The lack of motion smoothing resulted in some stuttering long side-to-side aerial shots, though adding some motion smoothing made the action look unnatural. Eventually, I set judder and blur reduction to around 2-3 and got good results.

Finally, I used the demo footage on the Spears & Munsil UHD Benchmark 4K Blu-ray to test all elements of the QN85D’s picture. Colors on parrots and butterflies looked punchy and the textures and details were crisp. Black levels, though solid, took on a gray-ish hue, however, which was particularly noticeable in shots with large areas of shadows there was some backlight blooming, particularly when viewing off-center.

Analyzing the QN85D’s AI Picture mode (in the Intelligence Mode settings), I found that colors, while brighter, lost their natural look and brightness seemed overblown. Textures also appeared sharper but enough so that it created a ‘fake’ look.

  •  Picture quality score: 4/5 

Samsung QN85D with La La Land title on screen

The Samsung QN85D's built-in speakers suffer from limited soundstage, reducing the impact of movies such as La La Land (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN85D review: Sound quality

  • 2.2-channel speaker array  
  • Punchy bass 
  • Limited soundstage 

The QN85D features a 2.2-channel speaker array with 40W of power. Dolby Atmos is supported and there are AI features including Adaptive Sound Pro and Active Voice Amplifier. Two preset sound modes are available: Standard and Amplify, the latter of which I used for testing. 

Bass on Samsung’s TV is hefty enough and has a solid weight. In both The Batman and Top Gun: Maverick, the rumble of the engines from the Batmobile and jets carried enough power to satisfy most bass fans, and provided an immersive feel. OTS Lite was effective at connecting the action to the screen, with the crunching cars, shattering glass and screeching car tires within the Batmobile chase scene all accurately placed. 

Dialogue overall was clear, though I did struggle during the Batmobile chase scene to hear voices over the chaotic and bassy audio. Watching La La Land, vocals during many of the big dance numbers were crisp and easy to hear, despite the brass-heavy score throughout. The QN85D showed a good balance between instruments as well, especially with the vocals and delicate piano during the ‘Somewhere In The Crowd’ scene.

It wasn't all good news with the QN85D’s sound. Although it supports Dolby Atmos, spatial effects were rarely audible. The soundstage was also somewhat limited, with the big, theatrical soundtrack of La La Land struggling to extend beyond the confines of the screen itself. 

Applying AI Sound (again found in the TV’s Intelligence Mode settings), Adaptive Sound Pro did a good job of improving balance by making the soundstage a bit wider and immersive, though this came at a great cost to bass levels.  

While the QN85D’s sound is perfectly acceptable, I'd still recommend using this TV with one of the best soundbars, particularly Samsung ones with Q Symphony, a feature that combines the soundbar’s speakers with the ones built into the TV.

  •  Sound quality score: 3.5/5 

Samsung Qn85D stand

The Samsung QN85D's stand (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN85D review: Design

  • Trim profile 
  • Solid but safe design 
  • Samsung SolarCell remote    

The QN85D has a safe, but reassuringly solid design. It feels weighty and well-constructed, with a plastic and metal rear panel. It also has a nearly bezel-less screen, a trim profile and a burnished metal frame that makes it feel more premium than budget mini-LED sets from the likes of Hisense and TCL. 

The stand on the 65-inch model I tested in the UK is a gray plastic and aluminum pedestal that’s different from stands you’ll find on other sets. I found it subject to wobbling, but its smaller size means that the QN85D will fit on most TV furniture. 

The supplied remote is Samsung’s eco-friendly SolarCell remote, which draws power from either a solar panel on the rear or a USB-C port on the bottom. It’s small and has a limited button count, but is sleek and modern enough that most will enjoy using it.

  •  Design score: 4/5 

Samsung QN85D with Tizen home menu

The Samsung QN85D's Tizen smart TV platform offers recommendations across its home menu (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN85D review: Smart TV & menus

  • Tizen smart TV platform
  • Game, Ambient, and Daily+ hubs
  • Plenty of settings to tweak

Like all Samsung TVs, the QN85D uses Samsung’s own Tizen smart TV platform. There haven’t been any upgrades made to the platform since last year aside from small improvements to make navigation and customization easier.

The Tizen home screen locates apps near the top and is divided into three sections: For You, Live and Apps. There are other hubs to choose from, including Daily+, which focuses on lifestyle apps such as health and office; Game for all things gaming including cloud-based apps; and Ambient, where you can display both static and dynamic background artworks and images. 

Along with Standard, Movie, Filmmaker, and other preset picture modes, there are plenty of picture settings in the QN85D's menus for those who like to experiment. Sound settings are somewhat limited compared to other TVs, with only two preset sound modes and a limited number of settings to adjust. Tizen may be a little on the safe side, but it is a solid and serviceable smart TV platform. 

  • Smart TV & menus score: 4/5 

Samsung QN85D with Battlefield V on screen

The Samsung QN85D is a great gaming performer, even with intense games such as Battlefield V  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN85D review: Gaming

  • Four HDMI 2.1 ports 
  • Gaming hub
  • Ultra-low 10.1ms input lag 

The QN85D comes with a full suite of gaming features across its four HDMI 2.1 ports, including 4K 120Hz support, ALLM, VRR including AMD FreeSync Premium Pro, and HGiG. It also offers cloud-based gaming from services such as Xbox, Luna, and Nvidia GeForce Now as well as live Twitch streaming in the Gaming Hub and has a Game Bar menu that lets you customize settings such as black level and virtual aiming. 

The QN85D handles higher frame rate gaming at 120fps with ease, resulting in fluid gameplay. Playing Battlefield V, switching from target to target felt easy and controlled even during chaotic battle sequences, and sprinting motions never felt too fast or overwhelming. When I measured the QN85D’s input lag using a Leo Bodnar 4K tester, it yielded a result of 10.1ms – well below the 15ms threshold that we look for in the best 120Hz TVs

When gaming, the QN85D displayed the same picture quality level as it did for movies. During a desert mission, the vast surrounding sands had true-to-life color and textures. Details within the various weapons were intricate and vehicles and environments had a 3D-like quality. 

  • Gaming score: 4.5/5 

Samsung SolarCell Remote

The eco-friendly Samsung SolarCell remote (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN85D review: Value

  • Competitive mini-LED market 
  • Decent price for performance and features 
  • Cheaper options from Hisense and TCL 

As mini-LED tech continues to grow in popularity, the market has become more crowded. Samsung’s mini-LED sets generally feel more premium than TVs from rival brands, but those rival brands are gaining. 

Hisense’s ULED range is Samsung’s closest rival, with the Hisense U7N providing the main competition to the Samsung QN85D. In the US, the U7N costs nearly half as much as the QN85D, with a 65-inch model averaging $799 and a 75-inch one averaging $1,699. Although the QN85D tops the U7N in some areas, that’s a tough price gap to ignore.

Still, the QN85D’s gaming features and movie performance aren’t to be forgotten, and it’s a solid option for those who can stretch their budget a bit further. 

  •  Value score: 3.5/5 

Samsung QN85D with La La Land on screen

(Image credit: Future)

Should I buy the Samsung QN85D?

Buy it if...

You want a good picture
Natural textures and accurate colors mean the QN85D suits many different pictures, especially 4K HDR ones.

You want a great gaming TV
The QN85D is stacked with gaming features including 4K 120Hz, VRR and a useful Gaming hub, and it performs well when gaming.

You want a solid smart TV platform
Tizen may not be the perfect smart TV platform, but it does provide plenty of customization options for users.

Don't buy it if...

You want the best value mini-LED TV
Mini-LED rivals such as the Hisense U7N and TCL QM815G provide a similar list of features as the QN85D for less money.

You need good viewing angles
While the QN85D's viewing angles aren't bad, they are limited compared to more premium sets, revealing fading contrast and backlight blooming.

You need great built-in sound
The QN85D's has decent bass, but unfortunately suffers from a limited soundstage and lacking virtual surround sound placement.

Also consider

Hisense U7N
The Hisense U7N carries many similar features for gaming and performance to the QN85D for cheaper (especially in the US). It may also not be perfect, but it performs well for the money as we found in our Hisense U7N review.

Offering a significant brightness upgrade and a mostly similar list of gaming features, the TCL QM851G rivals the Samsung QN85D at larger screen sizes. Overall, when performance and features are weighed up, the QM851G demonstrates better value.  Here's our full TCL QM851G review.

Samsung Q80D
Although it is a step down in screen tech with only a QLED panel, the Q80D is a very good TV offering excellent gaming features and top-notch performance and picture quality. The QN85D has mini-LED tech for better local dimming, but the Q80D is one to consider if you want to save money. Here's our full Samsung Q80D review.

Samsung QN85D with Calman and testing equipment connected

(Image credit: Future)

How I tested the Samsung QN85D

  • Measurements taken using Portrait Displays' Calman software
  • Tested using variety of SDR ad HDR sources
  • Tested in varying lighting conditions

My testing of the Samsung QN85D was split into two parts: subjective, using reference scenes to analyze picture and sound quality, and objective, using specialized equipment to take measurements. 

After some casual viewing to establish the most accurate picture modes, in this case Filmmaker Mode, I then viewed broadcast TV in both SD and HD quality, and 4K Blu-rays and streaming services, analyzing the QN85D's picture for contrast, color, brightness, black levels, textures and details, and upscaling. 

I used a Panasonic DP-UB820 4K Blu-ray player for 4K Blu-ray playback, Disney Plus and Prime Video for streaming, and an Xbox Series X to test gaming performance and features.

After completing subjective viewing, I then moved on to objective testing, which involved taking measurements using specialized equipment including a test pattern generator, and colorimeter, and recording those measurements with  Portrait Displays' Calman calibration software. 

The measurements taken were for both SDR and HDR brightness measured in nits on white window patterns covering from 1-100% of the screen, UHDA-P3 and BT.2020 color gamut coverage, and SDR color and grayscale accuracy.

Input lag was measured at 4K/60Hz using a Leo Bodnar 4K HDMI Input Lag tester.  

Hisense U7N review: a budget mini-LED 4K TV that out-performs its price
5:46 pm | June 28, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Televisions | Tags: , , , | Comments: Off

Hisense U7N review: Two minute review

The Hisense U7N is a budget to mid-range mini-LED TV that delivers much for your money. It covers all the bases and performs well for gaming and movies, making it a versatile TV choice.

Picture quality on the Hisense U7N is generally good with whatever is thrown its way. Colors are vivid and punchy, black levels and contrast are rich and details and textures are as refined as on more premium TVs. Motion handling can be a little inconsistent, but fast-paced sources such as sport are generally well-handled. There is backlight blooming and you’ll have to do some tweaking to get the most accurate picture, but the U7N is still an overall great performer, even if it doesn’t beat the best TVs

the U7N's sound quality isn’t the most impressive, with a limited soundstage and surround effects that are extremely difficult to hear despite Dolby Atmos and DTS:X support. But, the U7N provides clear dialogue and meaty bass, along with directional sound that closely follows the picture on the screen. Its performance may be good enough for some, but one of the best soundbars is recommended. 

The U7N is well-equipped for gaming, with features including 4K 120Hz, 144Hz support for PC gaming, VRR including AMD FreeSync Premium Pro, and Dolby Vision gaming. Performance is impressive, with smooth gameplay and crisp graphics. The only drawback is the TV’s two HDMI 2.1 ports as opposed to the four we typically expect from the best gaming TVs.

The Hisense U7N’s design and VIDAA smart TV platform (Google TV in the US) are on the plain side, but both are serviceable and functional. There are plenty of picture settings to experiment with – a good thing because the U7N requires adjustment for best performance. It also features the live TV streaming service Freely, which is a breath of fresh air for UK viewers. 

It may not be the ultimate TV, but the U7N is the epitome of a high-value TV – more so in the US and Australia since UK prices are higher. Compared to rivals, the U7N's smart and gaming features and picture performance make it a bargain.

Hisense U7N with late sunset on screen

The Hisense U7N great contrast makes dusk and night scenes look good (Image credit: Future)

Hisense U7N review: Prices & release date

  • Release date: April 2024 
  • 55-inch price: $799 / £1,299 / AU$1,599 
  • 65-inch price: $999 / £1,599 / AU$2,299
  • 75-inch price: $1,499 / £1,899 / AU$2,999
  • 85-inch price: $2,030 / £2,799 / AU$3,999   

The Hisense U7N is the mid-range model in its mini-LED TV lineup, sitting above the U6N and below the U8N, flagship U9N and massive UX (sized at 98- and 100-inch) models. It comes in 55, 65, 75 and 85-inch sizes, though it’s worth noting the 85-inch model is not available in the UK.

We’re already seeing huge discounts on the U7N only a couple of months after release, particularly in the US where you can buy the 65-inch model (the size we tested) for $799. Whether this discount is permanent is unclear, but it’s likely the U7N will receive big discounts around Black Friday. 

Hisense U7N review: Specs

Hisense U7N review: Benchmark results

Hisense U7N with butterfly on screen

The Hisense U7N's bold colors make it look more premium than its price would indicate (Image credit: Future)

Hisense U7N review: Features

  • Dolby Vision and HDR10+ high dynamic range support
  • 144Hz refresh rate, Dolby Vision gaming
  • VIDAA/Google TV smart TV platform   

The U7N uses what Hisense calls ‘Mini-LED PRO’, which is mini-LED tech combined with full-array local dimming. It supports the Dolby Vision, HDR10+, HDR10 and HLG high dynamic range formats and is IMAX Enhanced certified. 

For gaming, the U7N has two HDMI 2.1 ports that support 4K 120Hz (with up to 144Hz refresh rate), VRR including AMD FreeSync Premium Pro and Nvidia GSync, ALLM, and Dolby Vision and HDR10+ gaming. It also features Hisense’s Game Bar, which can adjust gaming settings such as Dark Detail. 

The U7N has a 2.1-channel speaker array and supports both the Dolby Atmos and DTS:X soundtrack formats. It features several different preset sound modes including Standard and Movie plus an Enhanced (ACR) mode that uses viewing data (with permission) to enhance sound based on your viewing habits. 

Two different smart TV platforms are used for the Hisense U7N: Google TV in the US and Hisense’s own VIDAA platform in the UK. Both have access to all the major apps including Netflix, Disney Plus and Prime Video. In the UK, the U7N hosts Freely, a live TV streaming service backed by BBC, ITV and Channels 4 and 5, which enables live TV viewing without an aerial or satellite dish. Freely is also where UK viewers can find BBC iPlayer, ITVX and other UK-based catch-up services. In the US, the U7N features an ATSC 3.0 tuner for broadcast TV. 

The U7N’s design is on the basic side, with a black, plastic central stand attached to two metal feet on the 65-inch model I tested. Materials-wise, it has a silver-toned metal frame with a trim, but slightly deep bezel. It also has a slim, black remote that can be charged using its front solar panel or USB-C port. 

  • Features score: 4.5/5

Hisense U7N with lake and sunset on screen

The Hisense U7N has refined textures and detail (Image credit: Future)

Hisense U7N review: Picture quality

  • Bold, colorful picture 
  • Well-defined details and textures  
  • Picture requires adjustment 

Starting off with measurements, the U7N in its default Standard and Filmmaker Mode settings yielded peak brightness results of 807 nits and 1074 nits, respectively, on a 10% HDR white window test pattern. Those numbers are lower than what we’ve measured from more premium mini-LEDs such as the Sony Bravia 9, which hit 2,280 nits peak HDR brightness in Standard mode. 

I did find that some adjustments improved brightness – setting Local Dimming to High and turning off Dynamic Contrast, for instance. With those settings, the U7N measured 1,256 nits in Standard mode. 

This was a common theme with the U7N – some picture settings needed to be adjusted to improve its performance. Before conducting my subjective tests, I found setting Local Dimming to High added more detail and contrast, and turning off Super Resolution removed the U7N’s oversharpened look, which it even displayed in Filmmaker Mode. 

After cycling through different picture presets, I established that Filmmaker Mode was the most accurate, but the brighter Standard mode better suited some TV shows and movies. 

When watching broadcast TV, lower-resolution TV shows had fuzzy textures. HD pictures, on the other hand, looked good, with solid color and detail. One thing to note for UK viewers,  lower-resolution TV shows streamed through Freely actually improved picture quality over broadcast TV, giving them a similar look to HD. 

Moving onto 4K, I first streamed Star Wars: The Last Jedi in Dolby Vision on Disney Plus. This activated the set's Dolby Vision picture modes, including Dolby Vision IQ. Colors were bold but natural, with the throne room fight scene featuring vivid, though not oversaturated reds. HDR highlights including lasers from blasters and other lightsabers also had a dazzling sheen.

The Hisense U7N’s strong color performance was confirmed by my measurements of its UHDA-P3 and BT.2020 color gamut coverage, which was 95.5% and 75.4% respectively – both excellent results for a budget mini-LED TV. Color accuracy measurements 1.75, another fantastic result. 

I next watched the  Spears & Munsil UHD Benchmark 4K Blu-ray’s demo footage section. The U7N looked very good across the board, showing dynamic and vibrant colors in bright landscapes and animal shots, and excellent black depth when full black backgrounds were displayed. Contrast was also excellent in a shot of bright white city lights against a night sky. Details and textures looked accurate and refined, although they were not as good as what I’d seen on more premium mini-LED sets such as the Sony X95L.

Hisense U7N with city aerial shot at night

The Hisense U7N has very good contrast (Image credit: Future)

I next watched The Batman (also in Dolby Vision), a disc I find to be a great test for black levels and shadow detail. The U7N demonstrated good backlight control, with only minimal blooming in a scene where Batman walks down a dim hallway illuminated by bright lamps.

Black levels and contrast were rich with brilliant shadow detail in the opening crime scene investigation, though there was some black crush before I set Local Dimming to High. After that, facial features and objects such as Batman’s intricate suit looked true-to-life and realistic.

For motion testing, I used a combination of movies on 4K Blu-ray and sports. Beginning with an HD stream of a soccer game, the U7N did a credible job, though setting the motion preset to Standard or Smooth allowed the match to flow better and greatly reduced motion blur.

Watching Top Gun: Maverick’s opening Darkstar testing sequence and training mission, the U7N did a decent job handling the fast panning camera sequences and weaving jets, though there was occasional judder. Also, viewing the race in Ready Player One, the U7N did a good job handling the chaotic action and free-flowing camera, again with only minimal judder.

While I was impressed with the U7N’s picture, I noted contrast fade and more obvious backlight blooming when viewing off-axis. Also, while some of its preset modes, such as Filmmaker, are good, others require a lot more tweaking. Frustratingly, the Dolby Vision IQ preset sets motion smoothing to the overly aggressive Standard setting, making adjustments necessary.

The Hisense U7N isn’t going to beat the likes of the OLED-rivalling Sony Bravia 9 anytime soon, but for what you pay, the picture punches above its weight.

  • Picture quality score: 4/5

Hisense U7N with La La Land on screen

The Hisense U7N's sound quality was credible, but limited with movies such as La La Land (Image credit: Future)

Hisense U7N review: Sound quality

  • Clear dialogue 
  • Good directional sound 
  • Lacking soundstage and virtual surround   

With a 2.1-channel speaker array totaling 40W of power, the Hisense U7N can’t rival the best TVs for sound such as the Panasonic MZ2000 or Sony A80L. It does deliver in some areas, such as dialogue and directional sound, but is lacking in others. If you're looking for great audio with the U7N, I’d consider adding one of the best soundbars

Watching the batmobile chase scene from The Batman, the U7N demonstrated clear speech even during moments of loud explosions and crunching metal with its Theater preset sound mode active. Directional sounds were also captured well by the U7N, with each sound effect connected to the action on screen, and it had somewhat weighty bass. Dolby Atmos effects in this scene such as thrashing rain were barely audible over the other sounds, however, and the soundstage was limited, with everything very much contained to the screen itself. 

Moving to La La Land, it was a similar story. The horn-heavy jazz score was well handled and never distorted even at higher volumes. Vocals came through nice and clear and warmer instruments such as double bass and drums sat nicely in the mix. However, the limited soundstage didn’t allow instruments to breathe.  

  • Sound quality score: 3.5/5

Hisense U7N stand

The Hisense U7N's stand (65-inch pictured) is easy to assemble (Image credit: Future)

Hisense U7N review: Design

  • Trim bezel  
  • Easy to assemble stand 
  • Solar-powered remote control 

The Hisense U7N has a plain but solid design. Its rear panel is made of a thick but cheaper feeling plastic, though a solid silver frame gives it a more premium look. 

The U7N’s bezel is trim enough and allows the picture to take up the majority of the screen, though it’s not as trim as you’d find on more premium TVs. Its two reassuringly weighty metal feet connect to a plastic stand by simply slotting into place. This is one of the easier stand assemblies I’ve seen. It does feel a little cheap – not surprising given the U7N’s budget price.  

Hisense’s supplied remote for the U7N feels more premium than expected. It features a solar panel on the front and a USB-C charging point on the bottom, eliminating the need for batteries. Although the solar panel is a welcome addition, it gives the remote a bottom-heavy feel. 

  • Design score: 4/5

Hisense U7N with VIDAA home screen

Hisense uses VIDAA as its smart TV platform in the UK (home menu pictured) (Image credit: Future)

Hisense U7N review: Smart TV & menus

  • Google TV (US), VIDAA (UK & Australia) 
  • Good selection of picture settings
  • Sometimes stuttering performance   

The U7N’s smart TV platform varies depending on the region. Since I’m based in the UK, I will be discussing Hisense’s own smart TV platform, VIDAA. For US readers, the Hisense U7N uses  Google TV, which is also featured on the Hisense U8K and Sony Bravia 9 if you’d like to read up about it. 

The VIDAA home menu is filled with recommendations from various apps; it’s a little cluttered, and this can affect scrolling speed on the home menu. Stuttering occurred at multiple points while navigating VIDAA, which lacked the smooth feel of other smart TV platforms such as LG’s web OS, Samsung’s Tizen and Google TV.

I appreciated VIDAA’s settings and menu layouts. It was very easy to find settings I was looking for and I was pleasantly surprised by how many picture adjustments were available. These turned out to be necessary, as simple changes to local dimming, motion smoothing, super-resolution, dynamic contrast and other settings transformed the U7N’s picture completely. 

VIDAA provides access to all major streaming apps including Netflix, Disney Plus, and Prime Video. Hisense TVs also host Freely, a live TV streaming service that lets viewers watch a range of live TV shows without any need to connect to an aerial or satellite dish and provides access to UK-based streaming apps including BBC iPlayer, ITVX and more. 

  • Smart TV & menus score: 4/5

Hisense U7N with Battlefield V on screen

Similar to TVs from LG, Samsung and Panasonic, the Hisense U7N features a Game Bar for gaming settings  (Image credit: Future)

Hisense U7N review: Gaming

  • 4K 120Hz and 144Hz refresh rate support
  • 13.1ms input lag 
  • Only two HDMI 2.1 ports   

The U7N has plenty of gaming features on offer , including a 4K 120Hz (even up to 144Hz) refresh rate, Dolby Vision gaming, VRR including AMD FreeSync Premium Pro and Nvidia GSync, and ALLM. This list of features lets the U7N easily compete with the best gaming TVs. Hisense’s Game Bar also allows for settings such as Dark Detail and FPS Viewing to be tweaked during gaming. 

Unlike other TVs that feature dedicated Game picture modes, the U7N’s Game Mode works in tandem with its main picture preset settings, providing freedom to customize the picture during gameplay. Annoyingly, it leaves motion smoothing settings switched on, so it’s important to turn those off during gaming.

the U7N's gaming performance was very good. Playing Battlefield V on Xbox Series X, motion was smooth, with quick camera cuts to switch between targets and landscape panning shots all feeling seamless and free-flowing with no judder or stutter. The U7N also did a great job with Battlefield, displaying plenty of intricate details on objects such as weapons and landscapes and showing the same rich contrast and bold colors as with movies.

The  U7N’s measured input lag was 13.1ms. A result below 15ms is what gamers generally look for, so this will be fine for the majority of users. 

Unfortunately, the U7N only has two HDMI 2.1 ports, with the other two HDMI 2.0 ports capped at 60Hz with no gaming features supported. 

  • Gaming score: 4.5/5

Hisense U7N remote

The Hisense U7N's supplied remote is sleek and eco-friendly, but a little bottom-heavy (Image credit: Future)

Hisense U7N review: Value

  • Excellent value (in the US) 
  • Cheaper than many rivals  
  • Crowded mini-LED TV market 

Although the U7N generally represents good value, it is a significantly better value in the US. The 65-inch model I tested dropped as low as $799 since launch, which for a TV with this many features and this picture quality level is simply phenomenal. Rival sets such as the Samsung QN85D are priced at $1,699 for a 65-inch model, while premium mini-LED options such as the Sony Bravia 9 cost $2,999 for the same screen size. 

In the UK, the margin is somewhat narrowed, though the U7N is still priced cheaper than many of its rivals. The 65-inch U7N currently sits at £1,599, while the Samsung QN85D is priced at £2,099 and OLED options like the LG B4 are priced at £1,699 in a 65-inch size. So even though the U7N is still cheaper and provides plenty of features, you’re not quite getting the same bang for your buck as in the US.

But wherever you are, it is hard to argue just how many bases the Hisense U7N covers at the price it does, with its great overall picture quality, stacks of gaming features and good smart TV platform. With the money you save with the U7N, you can add a Dolby Atmos soundbar, such as the brilliant Hisense AX5125H

  • Value score: 4.5/5

Hisense U7N with La La Land 4K Blu-ray home menu on screen

The Hisense U7N accurately displays bold, bright colors such as those in the La La Land logo (Image credit: Future)

Should I buy the Hisense U7N?

Buy it if...

You want great picture quality
The U7N delivers dynamic pictures for both movies and gaming that look more premium than the price you pay. 

You want a TV for gaming
4K 120Hz, 144Hz, VRR, and Dolby Vision gaming are just some of the features the U7N offers that make it ideal for PS5 and Xbox Series X

You want real value from your TV
The U7N offers similar features and performance to rival sets from Samsung and Sony but has a lower price tag. 

Don't buy it if...

You don't want to adjust picture settings
To get the best out of the U7N, setup is required, and that involves digging into the nitty gritty of its picture settings. 

You want the perfect picture
Like a lot of mini-LED TVs, the U7N suffers from backlight blooming. To avoid this, you'll have to fork out more for premium mini-LED or OLED TV. 

You need the best built-in sound
It may be adequate for most, but the U7N's sound feels limited and contained. Want better TV sound? Look to Sony. 

Also consider...

Samsung QN85D
The Samsung QN85D is arguably the U7N's closest competitor, offering similar features and performance. Pictures appear more natural and Tizen is a better smart TV platform, but you'll be paying a lot more and the gap is tough to justify. We are currently testing this TV and will have a full review live soon.

Hisense U6N
The step-down model from the U7N, the U6N doesn't offer the same level of features or picture performance. It is cheaper than the U7N, however, and the performance it gives for the price is admirable. We are currently testing this TV and will have a full review live soon. 

Samsung QN90D
The Samsung QN90D is a more premium mini-LED option when compared to the U7N. Although it's pricier, you'll no doubt be getting better picture performance, especially for daytime sports viewing. There isn't much between them in terms of gaming features, so it does come down to picture vs price. 

Read our Samsung QN90D hands-on review 

Hisense U7N with testing equipment including Calman

(Image credit: Future)

How I tested the Hisense U7N

  • Tested in varying lighting conditions 
  • Measurements taken using Calman calibration software
  • Tested using both SDR and HDR sources

My first step in testing the U7N was casual viewing to establish the most accurate out-of-the-box picture preset using a variety of sources such as broadcast TV and DVD, 4K Blu-ray and 4K streaming. 

I then used several reference scenes from various movies, TV shows and sports streams to judge the U7N on picture criteria including contrast, color, black levels, motion handling and upscaling. I also tested it built-in sound quality for speech, bass, virtual surround sound processing and directional sound. 

To test the U7N's gaming performance, I used an Xbox Series X console, primarily playing Battlefield V

Moving onto objective testing, I analyzed the U7N's SDR and HDR brightness, HDR color gamut coverage (both UHDA-P3 and BT.2020) and grayscale and color accuracy. For this, I used a test pattern generator and colorimeter, recording the results with Portrait Displays' Calman calibration software.  

I also measured the U7N's input lag in milliseconds using a Leo Bodnar 4K HDMI Input lag tester while the U7N was in Game mode. 

For a more detailed breakdown, check out our guide on how we test TVs at TechRadar

Hisense AX5125H review: impressive Dolby Atmos performance in an affordable soundbar system
9:00 pm | June 22, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Soundbars Televisions | Tags: , , , | Comments: Off

Hisense AX5125H review: Two minute review

The Hisense AX5125H is a 5.1.2-channel soundbar system comprising four units –  a soundbar, a subwoofer and two satellite speakers.

Compared to the best soundbars, the Hisense AX5125H has somewhat basic features, with only Bluetooth connectivity for music streaming as opposed to the Wi-Fi streaming you’ll find on the similarly priced Sonos Beam and Bose Smart Soundbar 600. However, unlike those soundbars, the AX5125H provides a ‘real’ surround sound experience with Dolby Atmos and DTS:X compatibility out of the box as opposed to requiring optional speakers at an additional cost. 

The AX5125H takes a no-frills approach, and it shows. But for a budget soundbar, the AX5125H’s sound is impressive, providing plenty of punch, clarity and immersion. Dolby Atmos and surround effects are accurately reproduced, speech is crystal clear and bass is weighty yet controlled. Even streamed music sounds good despite being limited to Bluetooth quality. For an affordable system, the Hisense AX5125H rivals some of the cheaper examples of the best Dolby Atmos soundbars

Its main bar may be a little on the wider side, but the AX5125H’s sub and rear speakers have a compact design – ideal for those looking to minimize the impact of external boxes. Its materials and build quality aren’t the most premium, but both are better than expected thanks to stylish metal grilles and a reassuringly solid feel. The provided remote feels every bit cheap, however. 

The Hisense AX5125H's simple plug-and-play approach makes setup a breeze. Those who like a good app for control and settings adjustments will be disappointed as one isn’t available, leaving all control to the provided remote. But for those looking for simplicity, the AX5125H provides.

For a 5.1.2-channel speaker array with nine speakers across four units, including two up-firing drivers for Atmos, the AX5125H is an incredible value at under $350 / £350 / AU$450. Those looking for a soundbar with all the bells and whistles may want to look elsewhere, But, if you’re after a soundbar that’s going to add plenty of oomph to your TV plus real surround immersion on a budget, look no further than the AX5125H.

Hisense AX5125H main soundbar connected to Hisense U6N

The Hisense AX5125H's main soundbar provides excellent speech clarity (Image credit: Future)

Hisense AX5125H review: Price & release date

  • Release date: 2023
  • Price at release: $449 / £499 / AU$599 
  • Price at time of writing: $299 / £349 / AU$449  

The Hisense AX5125H is a 5.1.2-channel Dolby Atmos soundbar system that comes with a main soundbar, subwoofer and two satellite speakers. Upon its release in 2023, the AX5125H sold for $399 / £499 / AU$599. At that price, it was in a similar price range to the Sony HT-S2000, one of the best budget soundbars on the market.

Since its release, prices for the AX5125H have dropped, and at the time of writing, we’re seeing it available for as low as $299 / £349 / AU$449 – again in line with the Sony HT-S2000’s current prices. 

Hisense AX5125H review: Specs

Hisense AX5125H connections

The Hisense AX5125H's connections include not only HDMI but also a 3.5mm AUX input (Image credit: Future)

Hisense AX5125H review: Features

  • 5.1.2-channel configuration
  • Dolby Atmos and DTS:X compatible
  • Bluetooth-only streaming     

Featuring nine speakers across four ‘boxes’, the Hisense AX5125H offers a 5.1.2-channel speaker array and supports the Dolby Atmos and DTS:X formats, along with the Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio formats. 

The AX5125H has seven preset ‘AI EQ’ sound modes such as Movie and Night, and includes an AI mode that analyzes content to improve the sound. Unlike soundbars from brands such as Sonos, Bose and Sony, the AX5125H does not have a companion app or any kind of EQ customization, instead relying on basic Bass and Treble adjustments with the provided remote control. 

The AX5125H has two HDMI ports (one with eARC), plus optical digital, 3.5mm AUX, and USB connections. There’s no built-in Wi-Fi, but Bluetooth version 5.3 is provided for music streaming. 

Some of the AX5125H’s budget and mid-range rivals such as the Sonos Ray, Sonos Beam and Bose Smart Soundbar 600 provide Wi-Fi connectivity and app features such as EQ. On the other hand, you are getting a more complete surround package out of the box with the AX5125H. 

  • Features score: 4/5

Hisense AX5125H soundbar, sub and rear speakers

The Hisense AX5125H soundbar with sub and two rear speakers: 9 speakers and 5.1.2 channels across four units (Image credit: Future)

Hisense AX5125H review: Sound quality

  • ‘Real’ Dolby Atmos sound 
  • Punchy, dynamic performance  
  • Small satellite speakers can get overwhelmed

Watching Star Wars: A New Hope on Disney Plus, the effectiveness of the surround sound was immediately apparent during the final attack run on the Death Star. The screeching TIE fighters and roaring rear engines sounded like they were coming from all around thanks to the Hisense’s effective Dolby Atmos delivery, led by the main soundbar’s up-firing speakers. The soundstage was surprisingly wide, and it gave all aspects of the soundtrack room to breathe. Dialogue was crystal clear, and the horn-heavy score, explosions and gunfire were all presented with equal importance. 

Switching to The Batman on 4K Blu-ray, the opening crime scene section demonstrated the AX5125H’s subtleties. Dialogue was impressive, and the low hum of the officers' voices, camera clicks, and even the stretching of Batman’s leather suit were all easily distinguishable and accurately placed. 

Moving to the chaotic batmobile car chase, the same punchy power and balance I heard in Star Wars was present, and the driving rain showcased the AX5125H’s Atmos chops.

Music listening was also enjoyable with the AX5125H, despite the streaming quality being limited to Bluetooth. Whatever genre I threw at it, the AX5125H obliged. The pounding drums, bassy synths and gravelly vocals of Bruce Springsteen’s Dancing in the Dark were all well-handled. Thelonius Monk’s Japanese Folk Song demonstrated the AX5125H’s ability to convey all frequencies, with the twinkling piano keys and sharp sax balancing well with the smooth drums and double bass. Finally, listening to Caroline Polachek’s Welcome To My Island, her soaring vocals could be pushed to high volumes with no strain.

The Hisense AX5125H is not all perfect, as its smaller satellite speakers could sometimes get overwhelmed reproducing surround effects. Even so, its performance was meaty and even feisty. 

  • Sound quality score: 4.5/5

Hisense AX5125H sub

The Hisense AX5125H's sub provides plenty of powerful bass in a fairly compact size (Image credit: Future)

Hisense AX5125H review: Design

  • Compact subwoofer and rear speakers 
  • Decent build quality 
  • Front LED display 

The Hisense AX5125H’s main soundbar measures 36.2 x 18.8 x 3.5-inches (920 x 478 x 90mm), the subwoofer 8.5 x 12.3 x 11.9-inches (210.5 x 310 x 300mm) and the satellites 3.6 x 5.7 x 4.3-inches (90.1 x 140.5 x 110mm). 

Build quality is mixed, though the grilles for each speaker are the kind of black mesh metal you’d expect to find on more premium units. It also features a front LED display. There is an option to dim and brighten the LED display to four levels, plus turn it off completely to prevent distractions.

The provided remote is basic but serviceable, with Bass and Treble EQ buttons and a dedicated button to cycle through the sound presets. 

  • Design score: 4/5

Hisense AX5125H remote

The Hisense AX5125H's supplied remote is basic and feels a bit cheap, but is simple to use (Image credit: Future)

Hisense AX5125H review: Usability & setup

  • Two HDMI ports
  • Easy, basic setup
  • No app support   

Setup of the Hisense AX5125H is easy. Once I connected the main soundbar to a TV using its HDMI eARC port, I then connected the wireless sub and satellite speakers by pressing the pairing button on each unit and all were connected and ready to go. Once paired, there was no need to pair again on the next usage even when I unplugged them.

With no companion app, everything is controlled using the provided remote (or your TV remote using HDMI-CEC). 

The AX5125H’s front alphanumeric display gives clear feedback from input commands and adjustments without any need to rely on the blinking LEDs you find on some soundbars such as the Sonos Beam and Ray. Although obscured somewhat by the soundbar’s grille, it’s still a welcome feature. 

  • Usability & setup score: 4.5/5

Hisense AX5125H rear speaker next to remote

Despite the fairly small size, the Hisense AX5125H's satellite speakers (one shown next to the AX5125H's supplied remote) provide excellent immersion (Image credit: Future)

Hisense AX5125H review: Value

  • Full soundbar package for a budget price 
  • Good performance for the money 
  • Lacks premium features such as Wi-Fi  

At roughly $349 / £349 / AU$449 for a complete surround package with two up-firing speakers, the Hisense AX5125H provides excellent value. Despite missing some features such as Wi-Fi connectivity and a companion app for EQ control, the system’s performance more than makes up for the omission.

At this price range, there is budget competition from Bose, Sonos, and Sony, but crucially, these will be all-in-one bars that don’t provide the full surround sound experience you get from the AX5125H. Yes, it may not rival more premium soundbars, but the sound quality it provides is nothing short of impressive for the price.

  • Value score: 4.5/5

Should I buy the Hisense AX5125H?

Buy it if...

Don't but it if...

Also consider

Hisense AX5125H soundbar, sub and rear speakers in testing room

The Hisense AX5125H in our testing room, connected to a Hisense U6N TV (Image credit: Future)

How I tested the Hisense AX5125H

  • Tested with a variety of sources
  • Connected to a Hisense U6N TV
  • Dolby Atmos, surround and stereo sound tested

I tested the Hisense AX5125H connected to a Hisense U6N TV, and although Hisense-specific features were on offer, testing was done without these turned on. 

After cycling through the different AI EQ modes, including News, Night and more, I opted for Movie, which was the most accurate and immersive. After this, I tested the AX5125H with a variety of sources, including broadcast TV, mainly testing lower-resolution speech and signals, and 4K Blu-ray and Disney Plus for Dolby Atmos and surround playback.

I next tested music streaming from Spotify and Tidal using Bluetooth, playing reference tracks from multiple genres that I have used to test soundbars, headphones and speakers in the past. 

Read more about how we test

  • First reviewed: 21st June, 2024
Samsung QN800D review: an impressive 8K TV that proves they still have a place in the world
6:30 pm | June 13, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Televisions | Tags: , , | Comments: Off

Samsung QN800D review: Two minute review

The Samsung QN800D is the entry-level set in the company’s 8K Neo QLED range, offering  8K resolution at a slightly more affordable price than the flagship Samsung QN900D. It’s still a pricey TV, however, with the 65-inch model I tested currently selling for $3,499 / £3,499 / AU$4,799 – a higher price than most premium 4K TVs. 

Samsung makes some of the best TVs and consistently flies the 8K flag as other brands move away from the technology. Based on the performance of the QN800D, it may be justified to fly that flag. 

The QN800D’s picture quality is nothing short of impressive, mainly due to the exceptional 8K AI upscaling and Real Depth Enhancer Pro features of the TV’s NQ8 AI Gen2 Processor. These add incredible depth and refined detail to any textures, and the picture also has rich contrast and impressive black levels for a mini-LED TV. There is some minor backlight blooming and reflections can occur in harsh lighting conditions, but those are the only drawbacks of an otherwise phenomenal picture. 

Gaming features are plentiful with the QN800D, with its four HDMI 2.1 ports kitted out with all the bells and whistles we look for in the best gaming TVs. The QN800D supports 4K up to 165Hz,8K up to 60Hz, VRR including AMD FreeSync Premium Pro and comes with Samsung’s useful Gaming Hub. Gaming performance is excellent, feeling smooth and seamless even in the most intense of FPS games, and with the TV’s 8K AI upscaling, graphically beautiful as well. 

Sound quality is an area where the QN800D stumbles compared to the rest of its performance. A 4.2.2-channel speaker array provides exceptional tracking of on-screen action and dialogue is crisp and clear, but the QN800D’s lean bass means it can’t compete with some of the best TVs for sound such as the Sony A80L and Panasonic MZ2000. As such, it will be worth pairing the QN800D with one of the best soundbars to compliment its picture quality. 

The QN800D uses Samsung’s ‘Infinity One’ design for a sleek, slim appearance with a near bezel-less look that allows the impeccable picture to be the star of the show. It also comes with Samsung’s One Connect Box to house all external source connections, making the QN800D perfect for wall mounting. It does come with a premium metal stand, but be warned, it can be a little fiddly to fit on. 

There’s no getting around the fact that the QN800D is a premium-priced TV, with many flagship 4K models, including some of the best OLED TVs, selling for significantly less while still offering many of the same great features. There’s also a lack of 8K media to make full use of the QN800D’s high resolution. But the QN800D’s impressive 8K upscaling breathes extra life into every source it’s given, especially 4K movies with HDR. If you can stretch your budget for it you won’t be let down. I may have been skeptical about 8K TVs before, but the QN800D has made me a believer. 

Samsung QN800D with Star Wars The Force Awakens on screen

Star Wars: The Force Awakens shows the QN800D's bold colors and highlights.  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN800D review: Prices & release date

  • Release date: April 2024  
  • 65-inch: $3,499 / £3,499 / AU$4,799 
  • 75-inch: $4,499 / £4,499 / AU$6,499 
  • 85-inch: $5,999 / £6,999 / AU$8.999 

The Samsung QN800D is the entry-level 8K Neo QLED model for 2024 and sits below the flagship Samsung QN900D. It is available in 65-, 75- and 85-inch sizes and was released in April 2024. 

Since its release, we have seen some offers and reductions on the QN800D in its various sizes. The 65-inch model I tested has seen roughly $200 off, with as much as £500 off in the UK for the 85-inch model, though it still carries a high price tag across the board. 

Samsung QN800D review: Specs

Samsung QN800D review: Benchmark results

Samsung QN800D slim one connect box

The Slim One Connect Box handles all external connections to keep things tidy.  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN800D review: Features

  • NQ8 AI Gen2 Processor with 8K AI Upscaling Pro
  • 4.2.2-channel speaker array
  • One Connect Box    

The Samsung QN800D uses the  NQ8 AI Gen2 Processor, which boasts features such as 8K AI Upscaling Pro to upscale 4K images with up to 84% of the resolution of native 8K (according to Samsung). It also has Real Depth Enhancer Pro and Adaptive Picture, both of which use AI technology to analyze the picture and the surrounding environment to enhance images. The QN800D can display native 8K video, but there are no broadcast or home video 8K options outside of YouTube. 

Like all Samsung TVs, the QN800D supports the HDR10+, HDR10 and HLG HDR formats, but not Dolby Vision. 

For gaming, the QN800D is equipped with four HDMI 2.1 ports that support up to 165Hz refresh rate at 4K, 60Hz at 8K, VRR (including AMD FreeSync Premium Pro), ALLM and HGiG. It also features Samsung’s Gaming Hub that locates everything gaming-related in one handy location, including cloud-based gaming apps from Xbox, Luna, Nvidia GeForce Now and more. 

The QN800D comes with the One Connect Box Slim, which houses all connections and links to the TV with a One Connect cable. This design keeps cables tidy, especially for wall-mount installations. Along with its four HDMI 2.1 ports, connections include optical digital audio out, an ATSC 3.0 tuner (US-only) and aerial and satellite connections for the UK, and three USB ports including USB-C. 

For audio, the QN800D has a built-in 4.2.2 channel speaker array with 70W of power and support for Dolby Atmos. It also supports AI features such as Adaptive Sound Pro and Active Voice Amplifier Pro, which analyze the scene and viewing environment to optimize sound. The QN800D supports Q Symphony, which combines the TV’s audio output with compatible Samsung soundbars when connected. 

The QN800D uses Samsung’s own Tizen smart TV platform, which appears largely unchanged for 2024 except for a new ‘recommended for you’ section that recommends movies and TV shows based on your past viewing. There is also a new 'Recent' window that lets you easily jump back into a movie or TV show you were recently watching. 

  • Features score: 5 / 5

Samsung QN800D with gemstone on screen

The Samsung QN800D's 8K upscaling results in some incredible picture detail.  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN800D review: Picture quality

  • Exceptional picture detail  
  • Effective 8K upscaling
  • Minor reflections and backlight blooming   

With he 65-inch QN800D’s picture presets in their default settings, peak brightness measured 1,045 nits measured on a 10% HDR window in Standard mode, and 1,126 nits in Filmmaker Mode. 

Those results don't match up to the flagship Samsung QN900D, which clocked in at 1,979 nits on a 10% window in Filmmaker Mode when we tested it. It also isn’t as bright as the Samsung S95D QD-OLED, which gave a result of 1,868 nits peak brightness in Standard mode. But the QN800D did have excellent full-screen brightness results, measuring 626 and 528 nits in Standard and Filmmaker Mode respectively, and such high full-screen brightness makes it ideal for daytime viewing and sports. 

When tested in our lab in varying lighting conditions, including harsh overhead lights, there were some mirror-like reflections on the QN800D’s screen, but they weren’t too distracting, and brighter images weren't an issue at all. 

After cycling through picture presets, Filmmaker Mode was the most accurate. Standard will suit people looking for a brighter image, although textures don’t look as natural in that mode as in Filmmaker. 

Upscaling on the QN800D is incredibly effective. Starting with broadcast TV viewing, in both standard (SD) and high-definition (HD), images looked crisp and clean. Even SD TV shows didn’t have the common fuzzy texture issue that regular LED TVs suffer from. 

Moving onto a 4K stream of Star Wars: The Last Jedi on Disney Plus, the characters’ facial features were incredibly detailed, with Real Depth Enhancer Pro adding even greater refinement for a lifelike appearance. The throne room fight scene features lots of red tones and the QN800D displayed them in a bold, vibrant fashion, with lightsabers in particular taking on a shimmering brightness. When I measured the BT.2020 and UHDA-P3 color gamut coverage using Portrait Displays’ Calman software, it gave results of 69% and 94% respectively. Those numbers were lower than expected, but didn’t take away from the QN800D’s impressive color rendition. 

Demo footage from the Spears & Munsil UHD Benchmark 4K Blu-ray disc revealed all the QN800D’s strengths. The outstanding level of detail demonstrated itself once again, with forest landscapes and sunsets on sea horizons looking incredibly realistic and animals appearing true to life. The 8K upscaling added an extra layer to these images that I’d seen so many times on 4K sets but importantly didn’t over-sharpen the textures for a fake-looking style. 

Close-up studio images with fully black backgrounds demonstrated the QN800D’s superb contrast and black levels, with the bright objects well-balanced against the dark backgrounds. Some backlight blooming was visible, but it was minor. Scenes of a Ferris wheel and city skyscape at night also showcased the QN800D’s excellent local dimming, revealing only the slightest hint of backlight blooming once again. 

Moving onto a 4K Blu-ray of The Batman, the QN800D displayed deep blacks and excellent shadow detail. In a scene where Batman walks down a gloomy hallway lit only by bright wall lamps, the QN800D kept the gloomy, grainy tone of the film while maintaining superb backlight control for spectacular contrast with only minor blooming. Once again, detail was impeccable with a close-up shot of Batman showing stubble I hadn’t noticed before on a 4K screen. 

Motion handling on the QN800D was effective. Viewing the opening test flight sequence in Top Gun: Maverick, the long, panning shot that follows the Darkstar jet showed minimal judder even with motion controls turned off, although motion smoothing controls can be adjusted if you wish.  

I decided to test the QN800D’s intelligence mode settings (its Adaptive Picture) which adjust brightness and color based on lighting conditions. In Optimized mode, I found that textures in Top Gun: Maverick were too sharp, taking away their natural look. An Eye Comfort mode adapts the color temperature based on the scene (cooler for bright, warmer for dark) to reduce eye strain, but unfortunately, this once again made textures too sharp. Thankfully these settings are switched off by default, allowing the more effective AI features to do their work. 

Despite some backlight blooming and occasional screen reflections, the QN800D has an impressive picture overall, with outstanding detail, incredible 8K upscaling and spectacular color and contrast. 

  • Picture quality score: 5 / 5

Samsung QN800D rear drivers

Part of the Samsung QN800D's 4.2.2 channel speaker configuration.  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN800D review: Sound quality

  • 4.2.2 channel speaker configuration 
  • OTS+ (Object Tracking Sound Plus)  
  • AI Adaptive Sound Pro 

The QN800D has a 70W, 4.2.2 channel speaker system that supports Dolby Atmos. I found dialog to be clear across all sources, whether it was broadcast TV news or action-filled movie sequences. The TV’s Object Tracking Sound Plus feature is incredibly effective, with the sound closely following the action on screen. During the batmobile chase in The Batman, each screeching tire, explosion or crunch was naturally placed, and in Top Gun: Maverick, jets soaring in all directions were easy to follow. 

Bass on the QN800D was solid enough, though it sounded thinner than the surround effects and dialog. Compared with other sets, there were only two sound presets: Standard and Amplify. Amplify provided the most accurate sound profile and was the mode I used for testing. In some instances, Atmos reproduction wasn’t the most effective, with the rain in the batmobile chase scene from The Batman being barely noticeable. In Top Gun: Maverick, however, there was a sense of spaciousness during any flight sequences.  

The QN800D’s Adaptive Sound mode was more trebly and surround-focused, sacrificing the already lean bass. Adaptive Voice Pro as expected prioritized speech above all else and although effective in some scenarios, it wasn’t the best for movies. 

Sound on the QN800D will be perfectly fine for most and is impressive in some areas, but this TV could benefit from one of the best Dolby Atmos soundbars to complement its fantastic picture quality. 

  • Sound quality score: 4 / 5

Samsung QN800D stand

The Samsung QN800D's stand feels premium but might be tricky to install for some people.  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN800D review: Design

  • Slim One Connect Box  
  • Infinity slim design  
  • Fiddly stand installation 

The QN800D has a premium ‘Infinity One’ design, with a solid, silver, metal frame and a trim bezel that allows the picture to become the main focus without any borders. It also measures a razor-thin 0.7 inches (17.2mm) without its stand. 

An external One Connect Box houses all inputs, with a single cable connecting to the QN800D. It's a good design that keeps cables from sources tidy and is especially useful for people looking to wall-mount.

The QN800D also comes with a weighty, black metal stand that feels suitably sturdy and gives the TV a floating appearance when viewed front on. However, it’s worth noting that the stand was very fiddly to install, with me and a colleague needing to hold the stand in place while trying to line up and tighten the screws. Make sure you have another person with you when installing this TV. 

Samsung’s SolarCell remote draws power from surrounding light and can also be charged using USB-C, making it significantly more eco-friendly than remotes with disposable batteries. Although on the minimal side, with settings, volume and app shortcut buttons for Netflix, Disney Plus and Prime Video making up the majority of buttons, it should suit most people. 

  • Design score: 4.5 / 5

Samsung QN800D with Tizen home page on screen

Tizen's 2024 version focuses on customization and personalization.  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN800D review: Smart TV & menus

  • Tizen smart TV platform
  • Different portals for Gaming, Daily and more   
  • Customization options 

The QN800D uses Samsung’s Tizen system as a smart TV platform. Although its overall design remains largely unchanged from 2023, there have been updates for 2024. 

The home menu is now split into three categories: For You, which bases recommendations on apps and viewing history; Live, showing live TV; and Apps, which displays your installed apps. Navigation is easy enough across any of these menus, but For You is likely to be the most used. 

There are also several ‘portals’ that can be accessed, with each housing a different category. Daily+ aims to be a day-to-day portal, encompassing apps such as Samsung Health, workout tracking and a video calling app. There is also Ambient, for displaying artworks and images, and Gaming Hub for everything gaming. 

There are plenty of picture settings to play with for those who like to tweak and experiment and these are all easily accessible, allowing for high levels of customization. A fair amount of sound settings are provided as well, but as stated above, Standard and Amplify are the only sound presets. 

  • Smart TV & menus score: 4 / 5

Samsung QN800D with Battlefield V on screen

Gaming features and performance are incredibly strong on the Samsung QN800D.  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN800D review: Gaming

  • Four HDMI 2.1 ports
  • Gaming Hub  
  • Low 9.8ms input lag   

The QN800D is equipped with all the gaming features you would need, including 4K 165Hz and 8K 60Hz refresh rate, VRR with AMD FreeSync Premium Pro, and ALLM across all four HDMI 2.1 ports. The Gaming Hub portal houses everything gaming in one handy location, including links to popular live Twitch streams and cloud-based gaming apps including Xbox, Luna, Nvidia GeForce Now and more. 

With Battlefield V on Xbox Series X, the gameplay felt incredibly smooth and free of any screen judder or tearing, and switching between targets in a vast landscape on a desert mission was seamless and easy. This is probably due in part to the QN800D’s ultra-low input lag, which I measured at 9.8ms using the Leo Bodnar HDMI 4K input lag tester – a number that rivals many of the best 120Hz TVs. 

Graphically, the QN800D is extremely impressive. Using the same phenomenal 8K upscaling it does for movies, every detail in Battlefield V was amplified – the large desert landscapes took on a realistic look and the intricate details of the various weapons were more pronounced. The QN800D added depth to every aspect of the game, and I could adjust its game-related settings on the fly to enhance things even further by calling up the onscreen game menu. 

  • Gaming score: 5 / 5

Samsung SolarCell Remote

The Samsung SolarCell remote is a more eco-friendly approach to remote controls.  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung QN800D review: Value

  • Very pricey compared to 4K models 
  • Unique 8K features 
  • Limited 8K content  

With the QN800D being an 8K TV (even a mid-range one by 8K standards) it unfortunately carries a high price tag. For the 65-inch model I tested, you’ll pay $3,499 / £3,499 / AU$4,799. To put that in perspective, you can buy the Samsung QN90D (Samsung’s upper mid-range 4K Neo QLED), which has many  of the same gaming and smart features as the QN800D, in a 65-inch size for $2,699 / £2,399 / AU$3,995. 

The QN800D does offer unique features compared to 4K models, most notably the 8K AI upscaling and the NQ8 Gen2 AI Processor. However, there are no real 8K sources outside of YouTube to make use of the QN800D’s native 8K display But if you can stretch your budget to make use of the 8K upscaling and processing chops the QN800D provides, I’d recommend it. Just keep in mind that you can buy a mid-range 4K OLED TV such as Samsung’s own S90C and one of the best Dolby Atmos soundbars for a good deal less.

  • Value score: 3.5 / 5

Samsung QN800D with reptile on screen

The Samsung QN800D shows off its spectacular contrast and image detail.  (Image credit: Future)

Should I buy the Samsung QN800D?

Buy it if...

Don't buy it if...

Also consider...

Samsung QN800D with testing equipment attached

(Image credit: Future)

How I tested the Samsung QN800D

  • Tested in lab with varying light conditions
  • Tested using a variety of SDR and HDR sources
  • Measurements made using Portrait Displays' Calman software

I tested the Samsung QN800D in our lab, which allows me to view in conditions including harsh overhead lighting, dimmed lighting, and pitch black to test a TV's handling of reflections and the effectiveness of its backlight. 

After an initial run-in period with some casual viewing to determine the most accurate picture mode, I then tested the QN800D using standard and high-definition broadcast TV, 4K Blu-ray, and 4K streaming apps such as Disney Plus and Prime Video, using reference scenes from TV shows and movies that I regularly use fo testing.

To test the QN800D's picture, I looked at contrast, color, brightness, backlight control, and motion. I also evaluated its sound quality, checking for object placement, speech clarity, bass levels and virtual surround sound delivery. 

For objective testing, I used specialized equipment including a test pattern generator, colorimeter and Portrait Displays' Calman calibration software. I tested the QN800D (like all TVs) for SDR and HDR brightness, grayscale and color accuracy, and color gamut coverage. 

For gaming performance, I used an Xbox Series X to test gaming features, graphics and overall quality. I also measured the QN800D's input lag using the Leo Bodnar HDMI 4K Input lag tester. 

For a more detailed breakdown, check how we test TVs at TechRadar at the link. 

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: a feature-rich TV that suffers from mini-LED’s biggest flaw
9:00 pm | June 2, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Televisions | Tags: , , , | Comments: Off

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: Two minute review

The LG QNED91T, the company's flagship 4K model in its mini-LED ‘QNED’ range, is a TV with mixed performance. It’s stacked with smart and gaming features that will keep many people happy, but the picture and sound quality are inconsistent, succeeding in some areas, but failing in other crucial ones. It’s worth noting that in the US, this TV is called the LG QNED90 and comes with a pair of feet instead of a central pedestal stand.

Priced at $1,799 / £1,699 / AU$2,995 for the 65-inch version I tested, this is roughly in the same category as many other mini-LED sets of this size, meaning the QNED91T has plenty of competition. 

Picture quality is the most inconsistent aspect of the QNED91T. It has fantastic picture detail and colors that stand out in brighter scenes, but poor backlight control results in blooming issues that are especially visible in darker scenes. Off-center viewing also results in faded contrast and even more obvious backlight blooming. Unfortunately, this keeps the QNED91T from fulfilling its true potential, falling short of some of the best TVs such as the Samsung QN90C, another mini-LED model. 

Audio quality on the QNED91T is again mixed, with meaty bass and clear dialogue having to coexist with average virtual surround sound performance and an uneven sound balance. The TV’s AI Sound Pro mode can improve the balance but sacrifices bass performance in turn. Some may find the QNED91T’s built-in sound adequate, but most would benefit from adding one of the best soundbars

Design-wise, LG took a simple approach with the QNED91T, favoring functionality over looks. Its bulky weight makes it feel reassuringly solid but adds a more old-school appearance. That’s not necessarily bad, but it’s something for those who place design high up in their list of requirements to bear in mind. 

LG’s smart webOS smartTV platform continues to be one of the best. The version on the QNED91T, webOS 24, presents a sleek home menu with plenty of opportunities for customization and organization, and it’s both visually appealing and user-friendly. Not much has changed since last year’s webOS 23. There are new features such as an AI Chatbot and customizable profiles, though the latter feature is currently only available in the US. 

The QNED91T is a great performer when it comes to gaming, and has all the gaming bells and whistles you could need. Gameplay is smooth and responsive in any situation. But the QNED91T is sadly held back from greatness by the same picture issues that plague it with movies and, despite valiant effort, won't find itself amongst the best 120Hz TVs

Although it has some great features, the QNED91T's picture quality issues are hard to overlook. It thrives in some settings, but ultimately there’s too much inconsistency for the QNED91T to rank among the best TVs. 

LG QNED91T with satellite on screen

The LG QNED91T has excellent picture detail. (Image credit: Future)

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: Prices & release date

  • Released May 2024 
  • 65-inch: $1,799 / £1,699 / AU$2,995 
  • 75-inch: $2,399 / £2,499 / AU$3,995 
  • 86-inch: $3,299 / £3,799 / AU$5,445  

The LG QNED91T (QNED90 2024 series in the US) is LG’s flagship 4K mini-LED model for 2024, with the LG QNED99 8K TV serving as the overall flagship. Available from May 2024, the LG QNED91T comes in three sizes: 65-, 75- and 86-inch. The LG QNED91T’s pricing puts it in competition with mini-LED TVs such as the Sony X95L (its 2023 flagship) and the Hisense U9N (its 2024 flagship). 

We’ve already seen price drops as much as 20% on the QNED91T across multiple sites. Whether these discounts are permanent or will disappear remains to be seen.

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: Specs

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: Benchmark results

LG QNED91T connections panel

The LG QNED91T's connection panel, with four HDMI 2.1 ports (Image credit: Future)

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: Features

  • Built-in with LG’s a8 AI Processor 4K 
  • Mini-LED backlight with LG’s NanoCell layer 
  • Dolby Vision support 

Serving as the flagship QNED, which combines a mini-LED backlight with LG’s quantum dot NanoCell technology, the LG QNED91T aims to deliver bold brightness and color while maintaining good contrast – something it does with mixed results. 

The QNED91T features LG’s a8 AI Processor, the same found in other 2024 models including the LG B4 and LG QNED87/85, that aims to emulate the performance of last year’s LG C3, particularly in terms of brightness – which it achieves. 

The a8 AI Processor enables features for AI Picture Pro, including AI Super Upscaling and Dynamic Tone Mapping, and AI Sound Pro, including Virtual Surround and AI Clear Sound. It’s also responsible for AI Picture Wizard, which helps you create your preferred picture settings. This is done by choosing your favorite images from a group of different types such as bright landscape, sunset, nighttime and more, which Ai Picture Wizard uses to create your personalized setting. 

For HDR, the QNED91T supports Dolby Vision, HDR10 and HLG formats, but not HDR10+. 

The QNED91T is well stocked with gaming features, with four HDMI 2.1 ports supporting 4K 120Hz, VRR including AMD Freesync, and ALLM and HGiG support. It also features LG’s Game Optimizer, which activates the optimum settings for gaming and allows customization of gaming settings on the fly such as black level, genre and more. 

Audio is provided by a 2.2 speaker system totaling 40W of power with support for Dolby Atmos and DTS:X. While it's not the most mind-blowing of speaker configurations, it provides sufficient punch and there are several preset sound modes including AI Sound Pro. 

The QNED91T comes with the latest iteration of LG’s smart TV platform, webOS 24. While there haven’t been any major changes, the home page has been redesigned. It still has Quick Cards, which enable you to organize apps into categories such as Music, Sports, Games and more. It also supports all major apps including Netflix, Prime Video, Disney Plus as well as Freeview Play and its apps in the UK such as BBC iPlayer and ITVX.  

New features in webOS 24 include an AI Chatbot assistant and the ability to create up to 10 profiles that store each user’s settings and personalized TV and movie recommendations. LG has also committed to five years’ worth of updates on select TVs, including the QNED91T, meaning the latest iteration of webOS will appear via a firmware update for the next five years. 

  • Feautres score: 4.5 / 5

LG QNED91T with hot spring on screen

The LG QNED91T's colors and textures are highlights, though picture quality is inconsistent. (Image credit: Future)

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: Picture quality

  • Excellent detail and bold colors 
  • Backlight blooming issues  
  • Limited viewing angle  

The LG QNED91T faces much competition in the mini-LED TV category from the likes of Samsung, Sony, TCL and Hisense, with the latter two providing more budget-friendly options. Sadly, it falls short of some of its major rivals. 

Mini-LED TVs tend to excel at brightness and the QNED91T on the surface has a bright picture, particularly when displaying HDR images. When I measured it on a 10% HDR white window, the results were 1,274 nits and 1,132 nits in Standard and Filmmaker Mode respectively. It also yielded 671 and 601 nits respectively in those modes when I measured a 100% full-screen HDR white window. Those are good numbers overall, but they fail to match the likes of the Samsung QN90C, Sony X95L and Hisense U8K

After some casual viewing with both HD and 4K HDR sources and cycling through the various picture presets, I established that the most accurate picture mode was Filmmaker Mode, although Standard and Cinema are two alternatives that deliver a brighter image. 

First starting with broadcast TV, the QNED91T did an effective job of upscaling, but lower-resolution pictures still had a comparatively fuzzy appearance. HD broadcast TV had cleaner textures overall with good contrast and color, and when viewed in Standard mode, a brighter look as well. 

Moving onto 4K HDR movies with Filmmaker Mode’s default settings active, the QNED91T demonstrated excellent image detail in faces and clothing when watching Top Gun: Maverick. This impressive detail carried over to demo footage on the Spears & Munsil UHD Benchmark Blu-ray. Rocky landscapes and forests had refined edges and a good sense of depth. Studio shots of owls and lizards again showed realistic detail, with feathers and scales having a 3D-like quality. 

The QNED91T also excelled when it came to color. Viewing the throne room lightsaber sequence in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, streamed through Disney Plus, the vibrant reds carried plenty of vivid punch and never looked overblown. Lightsabers took on a bold, glossy sheen that showcased the QNED91T’s HDR highlights. Turning back to Spears & Munsil, green trees and blue skies popped off the screen. 

When measuring the QNED91T’s UHDA-P3 and BT.2020 color gamut coverage using Portrait Displays’ Calman calibration software, the QNED91T yielded 96%  and 72.2% respectively. Those are both good results so it’s no surprise colors in 4K HDR programs looked good. Color accuracy Delta E values averaged out to 1.1 (we typically look for below 3) in Filmmaker Mode, which is an outstanding result. 

When viewing both the opening Darkstar flight sequence in Top Gun: Maverick and the Batmobile chase sequence in The Batman, the QNED91T demonstrated excellent motion handling, even in Filmmaker Mode with all motion settings turned off. Quick panning shots and long left-to-right sequences showed little to no sign of judder or stutter and motion was incredibly smooth. 

The Batman is also where the QNED91T started to show weaknesses in the picture department. Black levels were decent in some cases and contrast was rich enough, but when viewing dark scenes such as the first crime scene investigation, backlight blooming was very apparent. Lights in the darkened hallway had a clouding effect that changed the deep, black shadows to a dark gray. 

Changing the Local Dimming,  set to Low by default, to High in the TV’s Brightness settings reduced some backlight blooming issues. But this also resulted in some black crush, with objects in dark scenes such as the bat symbol on Batman’s chest in The Batman starting to disappear. Even then, some backlight blooming was still present. 

An issue that some mini-LED TVs suffer from is poor viewing angles, although models such as the Samsung QN90C and Sony X95L have features to improve this. Unfortunately, viewing angles were an issue with the LG QNED91T. When viewed off-axis, backlight blooming, particularly in dark scenes, became apparent, with large, blocky squares of the backlight shining through at extreme angles. Contrast and color saturation also faded when the TV was viewed from off-center seats. 

Finally, although I didn’t expect the LG to beat the Samsung S95D’s OLED Glare Free screen or the anti-reflection features of its more premium mini-LED sets, I expected the QNED91T to handle reflections better than it did. Under harsh lighting conditions in our testing lab, mirror-like reflections were an issue, which made darker scenes very difficult to see. And with the overhead lights dimmed, other light sources in the room were still reflected on the TV’s screen. 

  • Picture quality score: 3.5 / 5

LG QNED91T with butterfly on screen

The LG QNED91T suffers from reflections, even when displaying bright HDR images.  (Image credit: Future)

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: Sound quality

  • Decent bass levels 
  • Clear dialogue  
  • Average virtual surround sound 

With a 40W, 2.2 speaker configuration and Dolby Atmos/DTS support, the QNED91T has perfectly adequate built-in audio, though it lacks the sound prowess of rivals such as the Sony X95L. The QNED91T’s speakers may suit some, but generally one of the best soundbars would be an improvement. 

I found Cinema with its warmer profile to be the best sound preset. The QNED91T displayed strong dialogue clarity across most movies and TV shows I watched, from broadcast TV to intense action movie sequences. During the chaotic Batmobile chase in The Batman, speech came through clearly despite loud background noise and a driving score. 

Bass was another highlight, aided by the Cinema sound preset’s warm profile and the QNED91T’s deeper design. Even with the QNED91T’s relatively average power, the rumble of the Batmobile from The Batman and jets in Top Gun: Maverick had plenty of heft and weight. 

Despite Dolby Atmos support, I found the QNED91t’s effects processing to be average. Some effects were present, such as screeching wheels in the Batmobile chase in the Batman but the pounding rain was missing altogether. And in Top Gun: Maverick, background effects from within the cockpit were lost behind the rumble of the engines. 

With AI Sound Pro active, the overall volume and surround sound effects were heightened, but I found dialogue to be on the harsher side and bass reduced. While some may prefer this brightening of the mix, I preferred the Cinema sound preset. 

  • Sound quality score: 3.5 / 5

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: Design

LG QNED91T Stand

The LG QNED91T comes with reassuringly solid stand in the UK. (Image credit: Future)
  • Solid, central stand (on model tested in UK) 
  • Chunkier than other TVs 
  • Somewhat old-school, basic look 

The QNED91T has somewhat of an old-school design, with a deeper-than-average body and matte gray appearance on the back that harks back to older LCD models. It isn’t the deepest TV on the market (look at the Panasonic MZ2000 for that) but it's still surprisingly chunky. The bezel is trim, however, giving the picture nearly the full scale of the screen. 

With a central, metal stand (on the 65-inch version I tested in the UK), the QNED91T feels reassuringly solid and sturdy. However, it’s worth noting that this is a weighty TV at around 35 kg with the stand attached. In the US, the QNED90 comes with support feet and while I can’t comment on their appearance, the TV itself weighs in at 69.2 lbs with its feet attached. 

Connections are housed in a rear panel and feature four HDMI 2.1 and three USB ports, optical digital audio, and an RF for broadcast and satellite TV. The QNED91 also has  Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities as expected. 

Like most LG TVs, the QNED91T comes with LG’s Magic Remote. This has a central wheel and arrows for scrolling and navigation, or its pointer can be used instead. It also has a built-in mic for voice control and quick access options for apps including Netflix and Prime Video. 

  • Design score: 4 / 5

webOS 24 home page on LG QNED91T

webOS 24 has a tidier home screen menu and is still incredibly user-friendly.  (Image credit: Future)

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: Smart TV & menus

  • LG’s webOS 24 smart TV platform
  • Quick Cards for app organization
  • Home menu trimmed down from previous generation     

The QNED91T features webOS 24, the latest iteration of LG’s smart TV platform. The home menu has been trimmed down and tidied compared to previous versions, with a smaller top banner allowing more space for apps and tailored recommendations. All in all, it’s a welcome redesign. 

Carrying over last year’s Quick Cards, which lets apps be organized by category such as Music and Office, there is the introduction of a more refined Sports card and an an Accessibility feature. The Sports card features the useful My Team function that allows you to receive live updates, scores and recommended videos based on your chosen team from sports such as baseball, basketball, soccer, American football and more. Accessibility includes the AI Chatbot, which can be used to diagnose and solve technical issues such as ‘The screen is too dark’ or ‘The volume is too low’. I found it effective enough, brightening the screen when asked, but it did seem on the basic side. 

LG's webOS 24 continues to be amongst the best smart TV platforms for settings and menus, with the Quick Menu providing an easy way to change important settings such as picture and sound modes without having to navigate away from the screen. There are also plenty of advanced adjustments for those who like to play with picture and sound settings. 

  •  Smart TV & menus: 4.5 / 5 

LG QNED91T with Battlefield V on screen

Gaming performance on the LG QNED91T is good, but games suffer the same picture quality issues as movies. (Image credit: Future)

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: Gaming

  • Four HDMI 2.1 ports
  • LG Game Optimizer 
  • Picture still affected by backlight blooming  

The QNED91T has a good stock of gaming features across its four HDMI 2.1 ports, including 4K 120Hz, VRR with AMD FreeSync support, ALLM and HGiG. LG’s Game Optimizer also provides the best settings for gaming and allows adjustment on the go using an easy to access and navigate menu. 

Playing Battlefield V on Xbox Series X felt smooth and responsive on the QNED91T. When in graphically intense battle sequences or when quickly scoping across landscapes to spot enemies, I saw no signs of tearing, stuttering or judder. Setting the game genre to FPS on the Game Optimizer enhanced this further by smoothing out quick camera cuts. 

When I measured the QNED91T’s input lag using the Leo Bodnar 4K HDMI input lag tester, it gave a result of 15ms at 4K 60Hz. Although still an acceptable result, that’s higher than what you typically find on the best gaming TVs

For graphics, the QNED91T excelled and suffered in the same areas as it did with movies. Colors in brighter sequences were still vibrant and punchy, and textures were clear on every part of the weapon and surrounding environment. But backlight blooming was still an issue, and that meant night missions in Battlefield V took on a gray rather than a black tone, and lamps within a stealth mission had a halo around them that bled into the night sky overhead.  

  • Gaming score: 4 / 5

LG magic remote 2024

The LG QNED91T as always comes with LG's Magic Remote. (Image credit: Future)

LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T review: Value

  • Competitive mini-LED market 
  • Good range of smart features 
  • Inconsistent picture affects value  

The QNED91T is priced at $1,799 / £1,699 / AU$2,995 for the 65-inch version I tested, though there are price reductions available (up to 20% off in some cases). At that price, there is plenty of new TV competition in 2024 such as the 65-inch Hisense U8N, which is priced at $1,499 / £1,799 / AU$2,795 (although we’ve seen it as low as $1,099 in the US). And there’s also the Samsung QN90D, though it's priced at a much more premium $2,699 / £2,699 / AU$3,995 for the 65-inch model.

Despite a good list of smart and gaming features, it’s tough to overlook that the QNED91T’s picture is similar to a budget TV due to its backlight blooming and viewing angle issues. It’s also tough to overlook that 2023 TVs such as the Hisense U8K and Sony X95L offer better performance and are available for less. 

  • Value score: 3 / 5

LG QNED91T with ferries wheel on screen

The LG QNED91T's backlight blooming is more visible when the picture is viewed from an angle. (Image credit: Future)

Should you buy the LG QNED90T/91T?

Buy it if...

Don't buy it if...

Also consider...

LG QNED91T with calman and testing equipment

The LG QNED91T with testing equipment, including Portrait Displays' Calman calibration software to record measurements.  (Image credit: Future)

How I tested the LG QNED90T/LG QNED91T

  • Tested using SDR and HDR sources
  • Tested in a lab with varying lighting conditions
  • Measurements taken using Portrait Displays' Calman Calibration software

After some initial causal viewing, I determined the LG's Filmmaker Mode picture preset was the most accurate. I used this for my subjective testing and for measurements using specialized equipment.

For subjective testing, I viewed both lower-resolution and high-definition broadcast TV, and HDR sources such as 4K Blu-ray. I used reference scenes from several movies to test for black levels, contrast, color, motion and more. I also used these same reference scenes to test the QNED91T's built-in audio performance.

To test gaming performance, I used an Xbox Series X and used Battlefield V, looking for smoothness of gameplay while analyzing graphics quality. I also used a Leo Bodnar 4K HDMI Input Lag Tester to test the QNED91T's input lag. 

For objective testing I used specialized equipment including a test pattern generator, colorimeter and Portrait Displays' Calman calibration software to record the results. I tested SDR and HDR brightness levels, color and grayscale accuracy and color gamut coverage.

For a more detailed breakdown, check out our guide on how we test TVs at TechRadar

Samsung Q990D review: the best Dolby Atmos soundbar, and now perfect for PS5 and Xbox Series X, too
8:00 pm | May 4, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Soundbars Televisions | Tags: , , , | Comments: Off

Samsung HW-Q990D review: Two minute review

The Samsung HW-Q990D follows in the footsteps of one of the best soundbars in recent years, the Samsung HW-Q990C, but adds gaming features including 4K 120Hz and VRR pass-through, along with a more refined and controlled sound profile. 

Filled to the brim with features, the Q990D offers plenty of settings for those who like to experiment. AI enhancements including Adaptive Sound and SpaceFit allow the Q990D to analyze sources and the viewing environment to create the best possible experience. Alongside these, the new gaming features enable users to get the most from their PS5 or Xbox Series X. And for those with a Samsung TV, there’s also Q-Symphony and a wireless Dolby Atmos option.

Carrying 22 speakers across four units, with an 11.1.4 channel configuration, the Q990D confirms Samsung's continued domination of the soundbar market, especially when it comes to immersive Dolby Atmos sound. But, it’s not just immersive sound where it succeeds, as bass levels are punchy yet refined and trebles and mids can breathe easy over the bass.  The Q990D also serves as an excellent music streaming option whether over Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, with its wide soundstage giving every aspect of a song the space it needs.

Although on the bulkier side, the Q990D feels every bit its premium price thanks to its solid build quality, and it has a sleek, modern look. The main soundbar’s size may be an issue for some and its front LED display is not the most user-friendly, but for many, it will beat the mess of cables you get with a wired home theater setup.

With a variety of control options including a supplied remote and the Samsung SmartThings app, the Q990D is easy to use and tailor settings to how you like. Initial setup is a breeze, making it simple to get great sound. 

The Q990D may be a premium soundbar, and there are cheaper options such as last year’s Samsung Q990C and this year’s Samsung HW-Q930D, but neither of those carries the full range of features or the performance found in the Q990D. Although pricey, it delivers the best Dolby Atmos soundbar experience you can get today. 

Samsung HW-Q990D soundbar, subwoofer and rear speakers

The Samsung HW-Q990D comprises a soundbar, subwoofer and two surrounds, with 11.1.4 channels across 22 speakers. (Image credit: Future)

Samsung HW-Q990D review: Price & release date

  • Release date - March 2024 
  • Price - $1,799 / £1,699 / AU$1,995 

The Samsung HW-Q990D is Samsung’s flagship Dolby Atmos soundbar for 2024. Released at $1,799 / £1,699 / AU$1,995, the Q990D is a premium soundbar package.

For context, that’s roughly $400 more than the JBL Bar 1300X, an older soundbar that includes wireless rear speakers and a powerful subwoofer, but is roughly $500 more than the most widely available Sonos home theater package, which features the Sonos Arc, Sonos Sub (Gen 3) and a pair of Sonos Era 100s as rears.

Samsung HW-Q990D review: Specs

Samsung HW-Q990D in front of the Samsung S95D

The Samsung HW-Q990D (connected to the Samsung S95D TV) now has gaming features including 120Hz and VRR. (Image credit: Future)

Samsung HW-Q990D review: Features

  • 11.1.4 speaker channels 
  • HDMI 2.1 with 4K 120Hz support  
  • Wireless Dolby Atmos  

The Samsung Q990D has many of  the same features as its impressive predecessor, the Samsung HW-Q990C, including 11.1.4 speaker channels and 22 speakers spread across the four units (soundbar, subwoofer and two rear speakers).

One new feature is HDMI 2.1 ports for gaming, with both HDMI inputs supporting 4K120Hz and VRR. Both HDMI ports also pass through HDR10+ and Dolby Vision HDR formats.

Supported sound formats include Dolby Atmos and DTS:X, Dolby 5.1, Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby TrueHD. 

The Q990D is stacked with sound-enhancing features including Adaptive Sound, which analyzes what you’re watching and intelligently adjusts audio levels; SpaceFit Sound Pro, which analyzes your environment and tunes the Q990D’s audio output for the space; and Game Mode Pro, which tailors directional sound to optimal levels when gaming.

Wi-Fi streaming on the Q990D supports hi-res audio formats including ALAC, FLAC and WAV and also Dolby Atmos music tracks found on streaming services such as Apple Music and Tidal. Speaking of streaming, there is also Spotify and Tidal Connect support. 

There are some Samsung-exclusive enhancements alongside these features (meaning they only work with compatible Samsung TVs). The first is Q-Symphony, where the Q990D works with the speakers of a Samsung TV to boost sound even further. The next is wireless Dolby Atmos, where a Samsung TV can stream Dolby Atmos soundtracks - albeit a compressed version - to the Q990D.

Last is Tap Sound, where you tap your Samsung smartphone on the Q990D and it starts playing the music you’re streaming. 

Control options include a hardware remote control and the Samsung SmartThings app. With the app, you can make EQ adjustments, activate voice and bass enhancement, and select Night Mode, which adjusts the sound to a suitable level for late-night viewing or listening. The app also isn’t just for the Q990D, but can control any compatible Samsung product.

  • Features score: 5 / 5

Samsung HW-Q990D main bar

The Samsung HW-Q990D main soundbar  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung HW-Q990D review: Performance

  • Exceptional immersive sound
  • Powerful, yet detailed audio 
  • Impressive gaming performance 

For years, Samsung’s flagship soundbars have continually impressed, serving as a pinnacle of what a soundbar-based home theater audio system is capable of, and the Q990D continues this trend. 

With 22 speakers across the four units, including four height channels, in an 11.1.4 channel configuration, the Q990D creates an outstanding immersive experience, with expert reproduction of Dolby Atmos and DTS:X soundtracks and real surround sound.

Watching Star Wars: A New Hope on Disney Plus, the final attack and ensuing space battle involving the Death Star was every bit as cinematic as it should be. As X-Wings and Tie Fighters shot across the screen from every angle, the direction of the soaring engines glided across the speakers impeccably and John Williams’ iconic score in the rear speakers kept the tension high without drowning out other effects. Dialogue was crisp and clear, cutting through the densely packed mix of engines, lasers and music. Watching this, I truly felt like I was in the cockpit, as the iconic screech of the Tie Fighter passed over my head. 

Although immersive sound is where the Q990D succeeded the most,  bass levels from the weighty subwoofer also impressed. The rumble of the Batmobile’s engine in The Batman during the Penguin car chase sounded meaty with plenty of low-end punch. On previous Q990 generations, the bass could get carried away on occasion, but the Q990D’s bass feels more nuanced and controlled - dynamic but without overwhelming the rest of the mix.

Even when watching movies with a stereo soundtrack such as The Amazing Spider-Man on DVD, the Q990D boosted the sound through upmixing and gave more oomph to every fight sequence and web swing through NYC. 

Other parts of the audio mix are well-balanced on the Q990D. High notes come across without being too shrill whilst mids sit comfortably where they should in the mix, with everything combining to create a full, detailed sound. 

Although it’s not as impressive with music as with movies, the Q990D is still a triumph. When I streamed tracks from Tidal and Spotify in uncompressed hi-res and compressed formats respectively, the Q990D did a good job of balancing instruments and handled every genre well. Listening to Tears for Fears’ Everybody Wants To Rule The World, the bass and drums sounded punchy, and the trebles of the synths and guitars sliced through evenly.

Listening to Dolby Atmos music tracks via Tidal, the Q990D again showed its prowess. Thelonius Monk’s Monk’s Dream (Take 8) spread out across the Q990D’s speakers, with every instrument given equal room to breathe - from the twinkling piano to the bright sax and the warm bass notes. 

Sometimes the mix would sound forced on these Dolby Atmos tracks, with some instruments pushing a little too hard. But the Q990D generally continued to shine and even tracks streamed over lower quality Bluetooth sounded good. 

The Q990D was connected to a Samsung S95D TV during my testing, with Samsung-centric features such as Q Symphony available. And while this did provide an extra layer to the sound, adding a greater sense of space and power, the Q990D gave a great cinematic experience without it. 

As for gaming performance, when playing Battlefield V with an Xbox Series X, gaming was smooth, as switching between targets felt easy and the action suitably pacy. 

The most surprising element of the Q990D’s gaming performance was the low 9.2ms input lag time, meaning its HDMI pass-through didn’t add any latency. For those needing 4K 120Hz, VRR and low input lag for their console, the Q990D can provide. 

  • Performance score: 5 / 5

Samsung HW-Q990D front display

The Samsung HW-Q990D's front display isn't the easiest to read... (Image credit: Future)

Samsung HW-Q990D review: Design

  • Solid, premium design 
  • Front display isn’t easiest to read
  • Slightly wider than a 55-inch TV  

The Q990D comprises four units: a soundbar, subwoofer and two rear speakers. The subwoofer is sizable and hefty, but its wireless connection allows it to be placed anywhere in the room (as long as there’s a mains socket nearby to plug in for power). The rear speakers, meanwhile, have a compact yet sleek design. 

The soundbar itself measures 1309.0 x 595.0 x 277.0 mm, making it slightly longer than a 55-inch TV (which roughly measures 1200mm). At 595mm, it isn’t the tallest soundbar, but could still cut off the bottom of a lot of TVs. The soundbar is also weighty, although that demonstrates its premium quality. 

The soundbar and rear speakers sport a gray/navy matte finish that gives them a minimalist, modern appearance. A mesh grille on the soundbar’s front makes it quite difficult to see what input you’re using and other information provided on the front panel LED display, however.

  • Design score: 4 / 5

Samsung HW-Q990D supplied remote

The Samsung HW-Q990D can be controlled with the above supplied remote, the Samsung SmartThings app or your TV remote via HDMI-CEC. (Image credit: Future)

Samsung HW-Q990D review: Setup & usability

  • HDMI eARC connection to TV
  • Wireless connection between units  
  • Remote or SmartThings app for control  

With four separate, wireless units, setting up the Q990D seems like it would be daunting, but the Q990D makes setup almost effortless. Once all units are plugged in and the soundbar is connected to the TV by HDMI eARC, the subwoofer and rear speakers connect by simply pressing a button on the back and you’re ready to go.

You can either use the supplied remote or the Samsung SmartThings app for control, with adjustments for boosting voice, bass and more. The Q990D can also be controlled via the TV remote using HDMI-CEC. Finally, there are control buttons and an LED display on top of the soundbar. 

For those looking to optimize audio based on their room’s layout, there is also the SpaceFit Pro calibration system, which can be performed during initial setup or on the fly using the SmartThings app. 

  • Setup & usability score: 4.5 / 5

Samsung HW-Q990D soundbar

The Samsung HW-Q990D is pricey, but you get an entire Atmos experience across four units. (Image credit: Future)

Samsung HW-Q990D review: Value

  • Premium price 
  • Best home theater soundbar option
  • Samsung Q990C still available   

Priced at $1,799 / £1,699 / AU$1,995, the Q990D is a premium soundbar. And although its features and excellent all-around performance justify the price, it is no doubt going to push some people’s budgets.

The Samsung HW-Q990C, the Q990D’s predecessor, is still available and sells at a reduced price that’s only going to fall further - I’ve seen it selling for roughly $400 / £600 cheaper than the Q990D. It does miss out on the Q990D’s gaming features, but if they’re not relevant to you, the Q990C is fine. Another option is the Samsung HW-Q930D, the step-down model from the Q990D which comes with fewer channels and features. 

Still, in terms of features and performance, the Q990D offers a Dolby Atmos home theater experience no other soundbar can offer. To beat it, you’d need to look at full AV setups that don’t allow for the same tidy installation or ease of use.

  • Value score: 4 / 5

Should I buy the Samsung HW-Q990D?

Buy it if...

Don't buy it if...

Samsung HW-Q990D review: Also consider

How I tested the Samsung HW-Q990D

Samsung HW-Q990D in front of TV

(Image credit: Future)
  • Connected to the Samsung S95D 
  • Tested with variety of sources 
  • Both surround sound and stereo sound tested

To test the Samsung HW-Q990D soundbar, I connected it to the Samsung S95D - the flagship 2024 OLED TV from Samsung. The majority of testing was done with Q-Symphony and any other Samsung-centric features turned off to see how the Q990D would fare if connected to sets from other brands. 

After some run-in time, I selected reference scenes from both streaming and 4K Blu-ray to test spatial sound, mainly Dolby Atmos. I then used lower-resolution sources such as DVD to test the Q990D on its handling of non-surround movie audio. I analyzed the Q990D's spatial sound but also bass, trebles, mids, and dialogue clarity. 

After this, I streamed music through both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to test the Q990D's music playback quality. I played hi-res audio and Atmos music tracks from Tidal and lossy quality tracks via Bluetooth from Spotify. 

Read more about how we test

  • First reviewed: May 2024
Amazon Fire TV 32-inch 2-series TV review: a small TV that gives great value, but struggles elsewhere
12:01 am | March 26, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Televisions | Tags: , , | Comments: Off

The 32-inch Amazon Fire TV 2-series is the entry level series in Amazon Fire TV range, below the Amazon Fire TV 4-series and Amazon Fire TV Omni QLED. It comes with a 720p panel and is priced at $199 / £249 / around AU$305. It is also available in a 40-inch size with a 1080p Full HD panel.

The Amazon 2-series has plenty to live up to following the Amazon Omni QLED, one of the best TVs of 2023, and our budget TV of the year at the TechRadar Choice Awards. Unfortunately, the Amazon 2-series doesn’t quite have the same wow factor as its more premium counterpart and faces tough competition in the best 32-inch TV category, although it does provide a very budget-friendly option for those needing a small screen. 

The picture quality on the Amazon 32-inch 2-series is a mixed bag. Starting with lower-resolution and HD broadcast TV, textures were detailed enough and the Amazon 2-series did a good job of upscaling. For daytime TV programming, the picture was decent. 

Moving onto 4K HDR sources, the first movie I watched was Star Wars: The Last Jedi on a Disney Plus stream to test color and overall HDR performance (the Amazon 2-series has HDR10 compatibility). During the throne room fight scene, With its Film Dark picture mode active, the Amazon 2-series did a good job of displaying the vibrant reds without making them look too overblown. Lightsabers also showed plenty of the expected shine. Testing the Amazon 2-series’ color gamut coverage, DCI-P3 (the color space used to master 4K movies and digital cinema releases) was 74.3% and BT.2020 was 54.1%. Although these results are expected for a budget TV, they aren’t as good as what we measured on the LG 32LQ6300, arguably the best 32-inch TV available.

Amazon 32-inch 2-series with Star Wars the last jedi on screen

The Amazon Fire TV 32-inch 2-series has an inconsistent picture, but colors can be good as shown by Star Wars: The Last Jedi. (Image credit: Future)

Using The Batman on standard Blu-ray to test black levels and shadows, the TV’s regular LED panel showed its limitations as any black areas on the screen took on a gray tone and there were instances of backlight clouding. Contrast was mixed, with a good balance between blacks and highlights in the subway fight scene, but less impressive performance in other scenes. 

Measuring the grayscale of the Amazon 2-series, it gave a result of 3.5 (we typically look for a result below 3). This isn’t the worst result we’ve seen (it’s the same as the LG 32LQ6300) but it explains some of the 2-series’ black level and skin tone accuracy limitations. Measuring the Amazon 2-series’ peak brightness on a 10% window yielded a result of 260 nits and 237 nits in Standard and Film Dark mode, respectively, which are similar numbers to other 32-inch TVs we’ve tested. 

Moving onto Top Gun: Maverick, the Amazon 2-series did a credible job of handling fast motion and panning shots, although there was some blur and judder present and there weren’t any motion adjustments in the TV's picture settings menu to compensate for it. In bright daylight sequences, the characters' skin tones looked oversaturated and unnatural. Changing the picture mode to Natural helped by preventing textures from appearing too sharp, but also sacrificed picture clarity and color accuracy. 

Amazon Fire TV 32-inch 2-series with Fire TV home screen

The Amazon Fire TV 32-inch 2-series uses Fire TV, a smart TV platform with pros and cons.  (Image credit: Future)

The Amazon 2-series fared better than expected in terms of audio quality. There isn’t much to distinguish between the various sound modes such as Standard and Music, though Entertainment proved the best option. With this active, dialogue was clear and the sound surprisingly well-balanced for a budget set. Watching The Batman and Top Gun: Maverick, the 2-series did an adequate job conveying the bassy rumble from the engines of the Batmobile and fighter jets, respectively – much more so than the tinny speakers of the Hisense 32A5K. If you’re using this as a main TV, I’d suggest you invest in one of the best soundbars, but as a secondary TV its sound should suffice.

The 2-series uses Amazon Fire TV as its smart TV platform. This offers access to plenty of apps and customization features, but also displays arguably too many recommendations on its home menu. Navigation also felt occasionally slow and clunky on the 2-series, with long pauses and stutters while loading different pages and apps. There are settings to adjust both picture and audio, but as stated above some important ones are missing such as motion settings.

The 2-series resembles other 32-inch budget TVs, with a functional design that's not uninspired - especially compared to the likes of the Hisense A5K. During setup, installing the feet showed its cheaper design, again even compared to the similarly priced LG LQ6300. The 2-series does, however, come with the Amazon Fire TV Alexa remote – a welcome accessory. 

Amazon 32-inch 2-series with battlefield V on screen

The Amazon Fire TV 32-inch 2-series (pictured with Battlefield V on screen) has average gaming performance that handles motion adequately. (Image credit: Future)

Gaming performance on the Amazon 2-series should be acceptable to bedroom gamers tight on space. There are no real gaming features ( expected at this price) but playing Battlefield V on Xbox Series X was smooth enough, though with occasional choppy frame rates. Switching between targets and scanning the environment was also fairly well handled. 

You see a lot of similarly priced sets with similar features in the 32-inch TV category, and with its 720p as opposed to 1080p resolution, the 2-series lies at a disadvantage. Better options exist at its $199 / £249 price, with the LG 32LQ6300 regularly priced in the UK at £199. However, we have seen the 2-series as low as $119 in the US, and for that low price it is tough to argue against. 

Amazon Alex TV remote

The Amazon Fire TV 32-inch 2-series comes with the Amazon Alexa remote.  (Image credit: Future)

Amazon Fire TV 32-inch 2 series review: Prices & release date

  • Release date: 2023 
  • Prices from $199  /£249 / around $305 for the 32-inch 
  • Prices from $249 / £299 / around $350 for the 40-inch  

The cheapest and smallest entry in Amazon’s 2023 Fire TV lineup, the Amazon 2-series is priced around $199 / £249 / around $305 for the 32-inch and $249 / £299 / around $350 for the 40-inch. Both models are regularly on sale, with the 32-inch TV we tested dropping as low as $119 in the US and £149 in the UK. 

Amazon Fire TV 32-inch 2 series review: Specs

Should you buy the Amazon Fire TV 32-inch 2-series?

Buy it if...

Don't buy it if...

Also consider...

Amazon 32-inch 2-series with testing equipment

(Image credit: Future)

How I tested the Amazon Fire TV 32-inch 2-series

  • Tested in lab room with different lighting conditions
  • Tested through a variety of sources - both SDR and HDR
  • Measurements taken using Portrait Displays' Calman calibration software

I tested the various picture and sound modes of the Amazon 2-series using a mixture of broadcast, lower-resolution TV, and HDR sources, streaming through apps such as Disney Plus and Blu-ray. I also used a Panasonic DP-UB820 4K Blu-ray player to play standard Blu-rays.

When it comes to how we test TVs at TechRadar, following subjective testing looking at picture quality, gaming, audio and more, we move on to objective tests using a colorimeter and test pattern generator (for our tests I use the Murideo Six 8K Metal), with the results recorded by Portrait Displays' Calman claibration software

To test for brightness, we measure across a variety of different-sized white window patterns in both SDR and HDR using Standard and the most accurate picture mode (in this case Film Dark) to get an indication of peak brightness and how well the TV will cope with reflections. We then record the Delta-E values (which demonstrates the margin of error between the test pattern and what is displayed) for color accuracy, grayscale and gamma using Calman. Lastly, we measure DCI-P3 and BT.2020 color space coverage, along with input lag in Game mode.

LG 32LQ6300 review: a small, reliable TV that packs great performance
3:49 pm | December 14, 2023

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Televisions | Tags: , , , | Comments: Off

The 32-inch LG LQ6300 is the company’s ’s only TV in that screen size from its 2022 lineup. It comes with a standard LED panel with a Full HD (1080p) resolution and sits in the mid-range of the 32-inch TV market, with pricing around $249 / £249 upon release. 

LG TVs are amongst the best TVs on the market owing to their features and competitive pricing. The LG 32LQ6300 is no exception in this regard, featuring LG’s  Alpha 5 Gen5 AI processor, web OS smart TV platform and Game Optimizer menu for a better gaming experience.

Picture quality of the LG 32LQ6300 is impressive given it uses a standard LED panel. Viewing a couple of scenes from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, in Movie mode, to test HDR images (even though it’s a 1080p TV, the LQ6300 supports HDR10 high dynamic range), colors were punchy and the picture was well-defined and detailed, with the reds within the throne room scene looking true-to-life without being overwhelming. When measuring the DCI-P3 color gamut coverage (the color space used to master 4K movies and digital cinema releases) and BT.2020, the 32LQ6300 yielded results of 81.2 and 62.2% respectively, which are good results for an LED TV, if not a little lower than expected. 

Testing black levels on the LQ6300 using The Batman, some of the limitations of the LED screen became apparent as blacks took on more of a gray tone, but shadow detail was still rich enough. Contrast was also good, with the lights and shadows during the opening subway fight scene looking well-balanced. When measuring the LG 32LQ6300’s peak brightness on a 10% window test pattern the results were 236 nits and 216 nits in Standard and Movie (Cinema) mode, respectively. 

LG 32LQ6300 with rocky landscape on screen

The LG 32LQ6300 has a very clear, punchy HDR picture  (Image credit: Future)

When evaluating motion using Top Gun: Maverick, the LQ6300 handled the intense scenes well, with the fast-moving jets during the training and final missions looking smooth on screen. There is a picture setting called ‘Real Cinema’ (which was set to On by default in Movie mode) that helped with motion processing, but it’s worth noting that on quick panning shots from left to right the LG LQ6300 did struggle a bit. 

As you’d expect from a 32-inch TV, sound quality isn’t mind-blowing. But the LQ6300’s 2 x 10W speakers still do an adequate, if not sometimes surprisingly good, job compared to other 32-inch TVs. Standard sound mode offered a more direct, powerful sound with a bit of bass. This was welcome in the Batmobile scene in The Batman, as there was heft to the Batmobile’s engine. 

Cinema sound mode offered a wider soundstage, but overall didn’t have the same balance as Standard. Although perfectly decent for a small screen, those using this TV for more than just bedroom or secondary viewing will want to invest in one of the best soundbars

In terms of design, the LG LQ6300 is a very basic TV. It’s deeper than a good chunk of other 32-inch TVs on the market and has a thicker frame than other TVs as well. It has two feet serving as its stand that are fairly far apart, which could cause issues for those with narrow furniture. It does, however, feel solidly built thanks to this chunkier appearance. The included remote is packed with buttons, arguably a few too many, but it’s functional and covers all the bases.

LG 32LQ6300 with Battlefield V and Game Optimizer menu on screen

The Game Optimizer from LG (pictured) featured on the LG 32LQ6300 enables you to edit settings for games such as Battlefield V (pictured) (Image credit: Future)

Although it doesn’t have any next gen-gaming features, gaming performance is still good on the LQ6300. Playing Battlefield V on Xbox Series X, the LQ6300 handled graphically intense battle sequences well with quick-switching between targets feeling smooth. Colors were bold and vibrant and the same definition in textures that was present in movies was evident here as well. 

The LQ6300 comes with LG’s own webOS smart TV platform built-in. Although it doesn’t have the same range of settings to adjust as other LG TVs, there’s still plenty to choose from to tailor the picture to your needs. A large portion of the screen on its home menu is taken up by recommendations, with apps in a line along the bottom, and although this was not a major deal, I still found it a little overwhelming and cluttered. 

Considering value for money, the LG 32LQ6300 is one of the better 32-inch TVs available. There are cheaper models out there with QLED screens and better smart TV platforms, but in terms of features and picture quality, the LG LQ6300 overall is a good 32-inch option for those looking for a smaller set. 

LG 32LQ6300 remote

The LG 32LQ6300's remote (pictured) is functional, if not a little cluttered  (Image credit: Future)

LG 32LQ6300 TV review: Price & release date

  •  $249 / £249 
  •  Release date: 2022 

The LG 32-inch LQ6300 is the 32-inch model in LG’s 2022 TV lineup. Released in 2022, the LQ6300 was initially priced at £249 / $249 on release, which is about right for a 32-inch TV with its specs. Since its release, the LG has dropped in price, sitting around £199 / $179 at the time of writing, although prices have dropped further than this in sales before.

LG 32LQ6300 TV review: Specs

Should you buy the LG 32LQ6300 TV?

Buy it if...

You want a punchy, detailed picture
The LG 32LQ6300 has a great HDR picture with detailed sharpness and punchy colors that really jump out during brighter scenes

You want a bedroom gaming TV
Although it may not have the next-gen gaming features such as VRR and 120Hz, gaming performance and picture are still great on the LQ6300

You want solid built-in sound
It may not have the most powerful sound, but the LQ6300's speakers do a good job considering its small size 

Don't buy it if...

You want the all-around best picture
Whilst the LQ6300's picture looks great in bright, colorful scenes, its black levels aren't the best and it struggles with black uniformity 

You like a plain smart TV platform
LG's webOS22 is easy enough to navigate, but its main menu is a little cluttered with recommendations which on a small screen take up a lot of room 

LG 32LQ6300 review: Also consider

LG 32LQ6300 with testing equipment connected from Portrait Displays, Murideo and HP Omen

(Image credit: Future)

How I tested the LG 32LQ6300

  • Tested in our lab room with varying lighting conditions
  • Measurements taken using Portrait Displays' Calman software
  • Tested through a variety of sources, both SDR and HDR

I used a variety of SDR and HDR sources to test the TVs preset picture modes, including streaming through Disney Plus, live TV via antenna and several Blu-rays played through a Panasonic DP-UB820 4K Blu-ray player (although I used standard Blu-rays to test the LG 32LQ6300).

After choosing the best picture mode, Movie, I then selected several reference scenes from movies such as The Batman, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Top Gun: Maverick and more to test elements of the picture such as color, black levels, and contrast. I tested gaming performance by using an Xbox Series X. 

When it came time to take measurements of the LQ6300, I used Portrait Displays’ Calman calibration software. With this, I measured peak brightness on a 10% window and 100% window in both SDR and HDR. I then recorded the Delta-E values (which demonstrates the margin of error between the test pattern and what is displayed) for color accuracy, grayscale and gamma again using Calman. I then measured the color space looking at DCI-P3 and BT.2020 coverage. For all tests, I used the Murideo Six 8K test pattern generator.

Samsung CU8000 review: a cheap 4K TV that looks premium, but you can get better pictures
7:34 pm | October 19, 2023

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Televisions | Tags: , | Comments: Off

Samsung CU8000 review: Two minute review

The Samsung CU8000 is the second most entry-level LED TV in Samsung’s 2023 lineup, with the CU7000/7100 sitting below it. Sitting above these is Samsung’s range of QLEDs, Neo QLEDs (mini-LED) and QD-OLED TVs. 

Samsung TVs often find themselves amongst the best TVs on the market, especially when it comes to picture quality in sets like the Samsung S90C. The Samsung CU8000 has an edge-lit LED panel so certainly won’t hit these heights, but it does a decent job when it comes to color reproduction and when displaying brighter content, despite its low brightness levels. It also does a good job of handling reflections when viewing brighter images and is surprisingly effective when upscaling SDR content. But, its black levels and contrast are lacking and its poor backlight uniformity in darkened conditions mean it doesn’t quite have the picture to make it a budget gem such as the Amazon Fire TV Omni QLED

Sound quality on the CU8000 is not the strongest. With 2.0 channel speakers totaling 20W, the sound is thin and overall lacking in power and punch. Speech levels are surprisingly decent in any sound mode, but there is little-to-no bass and trebles can sound harsh at higher volumes. This is one TV that you’ll definitely need to pair with one of the best soundbars

Design is a real highpoint for the Samsung CU8000 and arguably its most standout feature. A sleek design with a razor-slim depth, super-thin bezel and attractive dark finish, the CU8000 is a really good-looking TV. It has two easy-to-install feet that can be placed in two positions for those looking to place on furniture, but it would also look stunning on the wall using one of the best TV wall mounts

Gaming performance on the Samsung CU8000 is solid enough, with motion feeling smooth despite only having a 60Hz panel. Graphically, it’s colorful and clean-looking, but the lack of next-gen gaming features including no HDMI 2.1 ports with 120Hz and VRR support might put some people off. For more casual gamers, there is the useful Game Hub, which provides access to cloud gaming apps including Xbox cloud gaming and is a welcome inclusion on the CU8000. 

Tizen is one of the better smart TV platforms available, with a neat home menu, or ‘Smart Hub’, layout and access to a wide array of apps. It also offers plenty of recommendations that aren’t plastered across the screen, which prevents them from becoming overwhelming. There are numerous settings to tweak the picture to get it as close to perfect as you’d like, with plenty of room for experimentation. 

With the Samsung CU8000,  you get a big screen from one of the world’s biggest TV brands, such as a 75-inch for around roughly $999/£999/AU$1,800 or an 85-inch for roughly $1,600/£1,500/AU$2,700 if that’s what you’re after. Just-average picture quality and features hold it back from being the Black Friday steal it could be, but if you’re after a solid and affordable second TV, the CU8000 should do the job. 

For our review, we tested the 75-inch version of the Samsung CU8000. 

Samsung CU8000 with sunset on screen

The CU8000 has punchy color but lacks decent contrast  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung CU8000 review: Prices and release date

  •  April 2023 
  •  Prices start at $399 / £370 / AU$895 for the 43-inch 
  •  Up to $1,597 / £1,499 / AU$2,695 for the 85-inch 

 The Samsung CU8000 is one of Samsung’s entry-level LEDs in its 2023 TV lineup, with only the CU7100 below it. As such, it’s the second cheapest 2023 Samsung TV. At the time of release in April, prices for the Samsung CU8000 were as below: 

  • 43-inch: $399 / £499 / AU$899 
  • 50-inch: $449 / £549 / AU$995 
  • 55-inch: $529 / £679 / AU$1,199 
  • 65-inch: $649 / £849 / AU$1,499 
  • 75-inch: $999 / £1,199 / AU$1,999 
  • 85-inch: $1,699 / £1,899 / AU$2,999 

At the time of writing, several months after release, CU8000 prices have dropped across the entire range of sizes, with particularly large price drops in the UK, averaging around 30%. For the 55-inch version, the Samsung CU8000 sits at $499 /£499/ AU$1,195, which makes it the same price as the Amazon Fire TV Omni QLED. For the 75-inch Samsung CU8000, the size used in our review, you’re looking at $949 / £925 / AU$1,795 which is a great price for such a big screen.  

Samsung CU8000 review: Specs

Feet of Samsung CU8000

Feet provided with the 75-inch Samsung CU8000 (pictured) are solid and can be installed in two different positions  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung CU8000 review: Features

  •  Tizen smart TV platform 
  •  Edge-lit LED panel  
  •  No 120Hz or VRR gaming support 

As an entry-level LED TV, the Samsung CU8000 isn’t packed with as many features as more premium models and even in comparison to other budget TVs, like the Amazon Omni QLED, it lacks some of the features you would hope for, especially from a brand like Samsung.

The CU8000 has an edge-lit LED backlight, meaning it doesn’t have the same picture quality as higher-end models and even struggles in comparison to similar models, again like the Amazon Omni QLED. In terms of HDR, the CU8000 supports HDR10+ as well as the usual HDR10 and HLG, but as with all other Samsung TVs, it doesn’t support Dolby Vision.

In terms of gaming features, there isn’t a wide array of options available. The CU8000 doesn’t make itself the most standout in terms of gaming performance, with ALLM and HGiG support, but none for 120Hz or VRR. There is, however, Samsung’s Gaming Hub that does collect cloud gaming options via Xbox, Luna and more into one place, with some game recommendations and trending information also included. 

For audio, there are 2 channels with 20W total power output, but no Dolby Atmos or DTS:X support. The CU8000 does come equipped with Q-Symphony, a feature that can add another layer to the audio experience when a Samsung TV and compatible Samsung soundbar are paired together. 

The Samsung CU8000 comes equipped with the 2023 version of Samsung’s own Tizen smart TV platform. Tizen provides a smart hub as a home page packed with apps including Netflix, Prime Video, Disney Plus, Apple TV Plus and many more. The home page provides plenty of TV  show and movie recommendations based on your viewing and also shows what’s trending on each app. 

  • Features score: 3.5/5

Samsung CU8000 with Top Gun Maverick on screen

The CU8000 handles brighter scenes such as Top Gun: Maverick (pictured) well, even looking quite natural  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung CU8000 review: Picture quality

  •  Colors are vibrant  
  •  HD/SDR picture looks good 
  •  Black levels lacking plus backlight blooming 

The Samsung CU8000 comes equipped with a standard LED panel with edge-lighting, so it doesn’t have the strongest picture features on the market. And while it succeeds in some areas, it is definitely lacking in others. 

Viewing standard dynamic range (SDR) TV shows, including low-resolution and live HDTV via antenna, the CU8000’s picture was surprisingly detailed. Despite a large 75-inch screen to fill, low-resolution TV shows weren’t as fuzzy as expected, with textures still looking decent. HDTV looked even better, with bright colors and sharp detail on the screen. That’s not to say the image was perfect as there were still some colors looking a little overblown, particularly greens, but considering its LED panel and 75-inch size, SDR content didn’t look bad at all.

Moving on to 4K HDR movies and TV shows, the particular highlights within each different type of image were once again the colors. When measuring the DCI-P3 coverage (the color space used to master 4K movies and digital cinema releases) in Filmmaker mode, the CU8000 yielded a result of 88.32% and a BT.2020 coverage of 64%. That’s a decent enough result for a budget TV, but it also demonstrated one of the shortcomings of a model with a standard LCD panel as opposed to a QLED or OLED one. 

Measuring Delta-E values (the margin of error between the test pattern and what’s on screen) for color point accuracy, the result was 2.4 (we typically look for this to average below 3). and the grayscale average Delta-E was 2.9. Again, those are respectable numbers for a TV like the Samsung CU8000, so it’s no surprise its colors looked decent in some of the TV shows and movies I viewed. 

First viewing demo footage on the Spears & Munsil UHD HDR Benchmark Blu-ray, the CU8000 demonstrated the dynamic colors I had seen in the SDR TV shows, but suddenly looked a little more overblown than before. More neutral tones looked best, including scenes of a mountain within a desert landscape, but when it came to black levels and contrast, the Samsung CU8000's shortcomings became obvious. For example, when viewing any night footage, such as a night sky within a city landscape, the black of the night sky took on a gray hue.

When viewing The Batman, during a particularly dark fight scene within the opening of the movie, the Samsung CU8000 again struggled with black levels and shadow details and another shortcoming of the CU8000 became apparent: backlight uniformity. 

When viewed in brighter conditions, the backlight issue wasn’t too obvious, but when the lights were dimmed or turned off, it was hard to overlook. The Batman arguably became difficult to watch, as the CU8000 struggled to control its backlight and the image took on a white overall glow and the movie’s dark, moody tone was lost. 

Watching the throne room fight scene from Star Wars: The Last Jedi streamed from Disney Plus in 4K and Dolby Vision, the CU8000’s colors improved again. Red was a prominent color in this scene, and it looked dynamic but not overblown, while the skin tones were true-to-life and natural. One thing that I noted was the lightsabers seemed a bit dimmer than I’d expected, lacking the same crisp and bright punch I’d seen on other TVs like the Amazon Omni QLED. 

When measuring the peak HDR brightness levels of the CU8000 using Portrait Displays' Calman calibration software, the results were 292 nits and 324 nits on a 10% window in Filmmaker mode and Standard picture mode, respectively, which explains the dull-looking lightsaber in the Star Wars Dolby Vision scene. Despite its low peak brightness levels, the CU8000 did handle screen reflections well, even with harsh overhead lights turned on in our testing environment. 

Finally, when watching the two mission scenes from Top Gun: Maverick to check motion handling, the CU8000 did a decent enough job of processing the fast, panning shots as the jets accelerated across screen, though motion judder became obvious in certain intense moments. Thankfully, going into Settings>Picture>Picture Clarity>Judder reduction and making some minor adjustments improved the motion handling, and it did so without leading to the dreaded soap opera effect.  

  • Picture quality score: 3.5/5

Samsung CU8000 with explosion from Star Wars The Force Awakens on screen

Thin- sounding audio mean scenes with battles such as Star Wars: The Force Awakens (pictured) lack any punch (Image credit: Future)

Samsung CU8000 review: Sound quality

  •  2.0-channel speakers 
  •  Decent speech levels 
  •  Thin-sounding audio quality 

The Samsung CU8000 is an extremely slim TV, and whilst that certainly makes it an attractive TV, it does not do any favors for its audio. With a 2.0-channel speaker configuration and 20W of power, the CU8000’s audio is incredibly basic and very much on the thin side. 

There’s no Dolby Atmos or DTS:X support, as you’d usually expect on TVs around this price, though other budget TVs like the Amazon Omni QLED at least try and make up for this with better built-in sound. The Samsung CU8000 doesn’t do the same, unfortunately. Watching the Batmobile chase from The Batman, bass levels were minimal with the rumble of the Batmobile’s engine almost non-existent. Speech levels were solid enough, but treble and mid-range were also paper-thin, especially in Standard sound mode. Switching to Amplify, everything was heigthened especially in terms of volume, but not really improved.

Also checking out Top Gun:Maverick, speech levels maintained their decent level within the audio mix, but again sound was too direct and thin-sounding to create any real sense of immersion. Switching to Adaptive Sound, the CU8000 took on a slightly more surround-sound feel, but it also made the sound clinical, with any sort of warmth disappearing. 

  • Sound quality score: 3/5

Samsung CU8000 side shot in testing room

The CU8000 is delightfully thin  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung CU8000 review: Design

  •  Very sleek and attractive design  
  •  Easy to install feet, with two positions 
  •  Feels more expensive than it is 

Samsung has made a habit of designing good-looking TVs (I’m thinking of its 2023 QD-OLEDs, the S90C and S95C, in particular). It’s great to see that it hasn’t forgotten its dedication to design for budget models as well, as the Samsung CU8000 is a very attractive TV.

Featuring what Samsung calls an AirSlim design, the CU8000 is seriously thin – razor-thin in comparison to other TVs, and with a dark finish. Thanks to its minuscule depth, it would look seriously good mounted on a wall. But if that’s not your plan, there are two very easy-to-install feet that can be placed in two positions based on preference. I had it in the ‘narrow’ position during testing and it felt solid. 

The TV itself is very appealing to look at, with a marginal trim around the outside and a super-slim bezel that makes it look more expensive than it is. Despite the slim design, there’s a reassuring ‘quality’ feel to it. 

The Samsung CU8000 also comes supplied with two remotes, one of which is the more minimal smart remote, named the solar cell remote, whilst the other is the more standard Samsung remote with numbers and so on. Each remote feels decent enough in quality, with the solar cell remote in particular looking clean and visually appealing, but it’s nice to have both options.

  • Design score: 4.5/5

Samsung Cu8000 with Tizen Smart Hub home menu on screen

The Samsung CU8000 features the 2023 version of Tizen (pictured), Samsung's own smart TV platform  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung CU8000 review: Smart TV & menus

  •  Tizen smart TV platform 
  •  Smart hub 
  •  Plenty of settings options to tweak 

The CU8000 features the 2023 version of Samsung’s own Tizen smart TV platform. This itself feels like an improvement over last year’s version, with quicker response times and a more streamlined appearance. 

The Smart Hub, the ‘home’ menu of Tizen, is where you can find all the apps that the CU8000 has at its disposal, of which there are many. (Samsung has always had one of the strongest catalogs of smart TV apps.) And with access here to all you’d expect, such as Netflix, Prime Video, Disney Plus, Apple TV+ and in the UK all the Freeview apps, such as BBC iPlayer, ITVX and so on, there really is something for everyone. Also on the smart hub, Tizen will show any trending shows by app and make recommendations based on genre as well. 

It’s worth noting, however, that, as usual, Tizen does not support Freeview Play in the UK and rather uses its own Samsung TV Plus platform for live TV. 

When it comes to settings, there are plenty of options such as contrast, brightness, sharpness, and motion that will enable you to customize the picture to how you like. There are also plenty of preset picture modes to dig into and again these can be tweaked as well. Being able to tweak picture settings and see the effect clearly on a full screen, without menus blocking the picture, is a really handy feature as well. Tizen still stands as one of the best TV smart platforms around and it’s great to see it on the CU8000.

  • Smart TV & menus score: 4.5/5

Samsung CU8000 with Game hub on screen

The CU8000 comes equipped with a Gaming Hub (pictured) to organize all things gaming  (Image credit: Future)

Samsung CU8000 review: Gaming

  •  Gaming hub 
  •  10ms input lag time  
  •  No 120Hz or VRR gaming 

When it comes to gaming, the Samsung CU8000 is a little light on physical features to get the best experience for gamers. With no HDMI 2.1 ports, there’s no 120Hz or VRR support. And with no Dolby Vision compatibility, there’s no Dolby Vision gaming, a feature that’s supported by other budget TVs such as the Amazon Omni QLED. 

Graphically, the Samsung CU8000 is perfectly adequate. Playing Battlefield V on Xbox Series X, colors were as crisp as they were when playing HDR movies and TV shows and actually looked more natural in the game itself. Textures weren’t as sharp, however, which resulted in plain-looking terrain sometimes, but they were still decent enough.

In terms of gaming performance, despite having no real gaming features, the CU8000 handled motion well enough. When measuring the CU8000’s input lag time with Game mode switched on, it clocked in at 10ms, which is an excellent score for a TV of this type. 

During an intense woodland battle in Battlefield V, switching between targets still felt smooth and despite not feeling as smooth as TVs with 120Hz, the CU8000’s performance was solid enough. 

One welcome feature in the CU8000 is the inclusion of Samsung’s Gaming Hub. This collects together all things gaming such as cloud gaming apps including Luna and Xbox, trending information, and recommendations on other video games and even the Xbox Series X itself to allow for easy navigation of anything gaming-related. 

The CU8000 isn’t going to take over the gaming world anytime soon, but it still performs well enough for those not too worried about having next-gen gaming features.

  • Gaming score: 3.5/5

Samsung SolarCell Remote

The CU8000 comes with two remotes, including the minimalist SolarCell Remote (Image credit: Future)

Samsung CU8000 review: Value

  •  Good budget price 
  •  Decent enough level of features 
  •  Better TVs available for similar price 

It’s hard to argue that the Samsung CU8000 doesn’t have a solid, budget price. At $399 / £370 / AU$895 for the 43-inch model, it has an acceptable level of performance for the price to accommodate most people. It’s also possible to get a big screen, such as the 75-inch, for under $1,000 / £1,000 / AU$2,000, if that’s what you’re looking for. 

But, when lined up against the Amazon Fire TV Omni QLED, the Samsung CU8000 doesn’t hit the same level of value. The Omni QLED beats the Samsung CU8000 in picture, sound and features, and to top all it off, is the same price or cheaper in every size, although a 75-inch Fire TV Omni QLED option isn't available in the UK or an 85-inch one in the US.

In terms of picture quality and overall performance, a lot of TVs beat the Samsung CU8000. But, if you are a Samsung fan and are looking for a budget LED TV, maybe as a secondart set for the bedroom, the CU8000 should suffice.

  • Value score: 3.5/5

Samsung CU8000 with dog and living room on screen from HD live TV

SDR TV shows look surprisingly crisp on the Samsung CU8000 (Image credit: Future)

Should I buy the Samsung CU8000?

Buy it if...

Don't buy if it...

Also consider...

Samsung Cu8000 with testing equipment attached

(Image credit: Future)

How I tested the Samsung CU8000

When testing the Samsung CU8000, I first viewed several different sources such as SDR and HDR movies and TV shows through 4K Blu-ray, streaming and live TV via antenna. I also tested video game performance using an Xbox Series X. Whilst doing this, I tested the out-of-the-box picture presets to determine which was best. 

One thing to note is that I have been previously using the Xbox Series X to test HDR content but now have access to the Panasonic DP-UB820, a UHD Blu-ray player that is compatible with multiple HDR formats including Dolby Vision. For future reviews, I will be using this to test 4K Blu-rays, but for the CU8000 testing, I viewed the same movies on both the Xbox Series X and DP-UB820 to get a comparison. 

After some running-in time, I then took measurements of the Samsung CU8000 using Portrait Displays' Calman calibration software. I used this to measure and record the CU8000's SDR and HDR peak brightness levels on a 10% and 100% window. Alongside this, I measured the Delta E averages (the margin of error between a test pattern and what's shown on screen) for grayscale, color point accuracy and gamma. Test patterns were made using the Murideo Seven 8K test pattern generator.

As well as these tests, I also measured  DCI-P3 and BT.2020 color space coverage. This demonstrates how faithfully a TV can render extended color space from UHD sources. Finally, I used the Leo Bodnar 4K input lag tester to measure the input lag of the TV while it was in its Game mode. 

  • First reviewed: October 2023
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