3:04 am | March 27, 2013
Author: admin | Category: Gadgets | Tags: Galaxy S3, Galaxy S3 Mini, Google Nexus, Samsung Galaxy S3 | Comments: None
The announcement that Samsung has sold the most phones, and in particular more than double the amount of iPhones, will no doubt be of litt[……]
3:11 am | January 17, 2013
Apple has gone where we never thought it would, with the iPad mini bringing the Apple tablet experience to a brave new budget world.
The ne[……]
3:10 am |
Author: admin | Category: Gadgets | Tags: Google Nexus, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, LG | Comments: None
Google’s Nexus (ten points to anyone who can tell us if Nexi is the correct plural) smartphones have always set the standard when it comes[……]
3:08 am |
Author: admin | Category: Cameras | Tags: Android Jelly Bean, AU, CES, Google Nexus | Comments: None
This tablet may look familiar but the Archos 80 Titanium is a new 8-inch device, although comparisons to a well known slate will be made.
If you haven'[……]
3:01 am | January 6, 2013
It’s a brand better known for producing budget alternatives to original E-Ink-based Kindle et al, but can the all-new Arc tablet take the[……]