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Recensione Redmi Buds 6
3:44 pm | February 4, 2025

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Phone & Communications Pro | Tags: , , | Comments: Off

Redmi Buds 6: Recensione rapida

Gli auricolari true wireless sono diventati un accessorio indispensabile per chi desidera ascoltare musica, effettuare chiamate o seguire contenuti multimediali senza fili e con la massima libertà di movimento. Xiaomi, con la serie Redmi Buds, ha sempre puntato su un ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo, offrendo dispositivi accessibili ma ricchi di funzionalità. Con i nuovi Redmi Buds 6, il brand cerca di alzare ulteriormente l’asticella, proponendo un doppio driver per una qualità audio superiore, cancellazione attiva del rumore fino a 49 dB e un’autonomia prolungata.

Rispetto ai modelli precedenti, i Redmi Buds 6 migliorano diversi aspetti chiave, come la qualità del suono, la riduzione del rumore e il comfort. Pur mantenendo un prezzo competitivo di circa 43 euro, offrono funzioni avanzate che si trovano solitamente su dispositivi più costosi. Tuttavia, ci sono anche alcune limitazioni da considerare, come la mancanza della ricarica wireless e la scelta di un cavo USB-A a USB-C invece di un più moderno USB-C a USB-C. In questa recensione analizzeremo nel dettaglio tutti i pro e i contro, valutando se i Redmi Buds 6 rappresentano davvero la scelta ideale per chi cerca auricolari economici ma performanti.

Redmi Buds 6

(Image credit: Redmi Buds 6)

Redmi Buds 6: Design, comodità, ergonomia

I Redmi Buds 6 si distinguono per un design moderno e compatto, progettato per un uso quotidiano confortevole e discreto. La custodia ha una finitura opaca che migliora la presa e riduce le impronte, un dettaglio che la rende più elegante e resistente nel tempo. È disponibile in tre colorazioni: Ivy Green, nero e bianco, permettendo una scelta estetica più ampia rispetto a molti concorrenti nella stessa fascia di prezzo.

Il peso ridotto della custodia (43,2 g con gli auricolari inclusi) la rende facilmente trasportabile in tasca o in una borsa senza risultare ingombrante. Anche gli auricolari, che pesano solo 5 g ciascuno, sono leggeri e ben bilanciati, riducendo la fatica anche durante sessioni prolungate di ascolto.

Per garantire la migliore vestibilità possibile, Xiaomi include punte in silicone intercambiabili in più misure. Questo dettaglio è fondamentale per migliorare sia l’isolamento passivo dal rumore esterno sia il comfort, evitando che gli auricolari si spostino o risultino fastidiosi dopo un uso prolungato. Inoltre, la certificazione IP54 assicura resistenza a polvere e schizzi, rendendoli adatti all’uso in palestra o sotto la pioggia leggera.

Un aspetto da considerare è l’assenza della ricarica wireless, una funzione sempre più diffusa anche in modelli economici. Sebbene comprensibile per un dispositivo dal prezzo contenuto, avrebbe migliorato ulteriormente la comodità d’uso. Inoltre, il cavo incluso è USB-A a USB-C, una scelta che potrebbe risultare meno pratica per chi utilizza principalmente caricabatterie USB-C a USB-C.

Redmi Buds 6

(Image credit: Redmi Buds 6)

Redmi Buds 6: Applicazione per smartphone

I Redmi Buds 6 sono compatibili con l’app Xiaomi Earbuds, disponibile per Android e iOS, che aggiunge un livello di personalizzazione e controllo avanzato alle cuffie. L’interfaccia è intuitiva e ben organizzata, permettendo di monitorare la batteria sia degli auricolari che della custodia, nonché di regolare impostazioni fondamentali per l’esperienza d’ascolto.

Tra le funzioni principali, spicca la possibilità di personalizzare i comandi touch per ogni auricolare, consentendo di assegnare azioni diverse a tocchi singoli, doppi o prolungati. È possibile, ad esempio, attivare/disattivare l’ANC, gestire la riproduzione musicale, rispondere alle chiamate o attivare l’assistente vocale.

L’app include anche quattro preset EQ per adattare il suono alle preferenze personali:

Bilanciato – un profilo neutro per la maggior parte degli ascoltatori.

Bassi potenziati – ideale per chi ascolta generi come EDM, hip-hop o rock.

Voce enfatizzata – perfetto per podcast, audiolibri e videochiamate.

Alti migliorati – consigliato per generi musicali con strumenti ad alta frequenza, come jazz o musica classica.

Un aspetto molto apprezzato è il supporto al dual device pairing, che permette di collegare due dispositivi contemporaneamente. Questa funzione è particolarmente utile per chi lavora con un laptop e uno smartphone, evitando la necessità di riconnessioni manuali. Ad esempio, si può ascoltare musica dal computer e passare automaticamente alle chiamate in arrivo sul telefono.

L’app offre inoltre strumenti pratici come il test di tenuta delle punte auricolari, che aiuta a verificare la corretta aderenza degli auricolari al condotto uditivo per migliorare isolamento e comfort. Infine, consente di aggiornare il firmware, garantendo che gli auricolari siano sempre ottimizzati con le ultime migliorie software.

Redmi Buds 6

(Image credit: Redmi Buds 6)

Redmi Buds 6: Isolamento passivo

Grazie al design in-ear, i Redmi Buds 6 offrono un buon isolamento passivo già senza la necessità di attivare l’ANC. La forma ergonomica e il peso ridotto (5 g per auricolare) permettono una tenuta salda e confortevole, riducendo naturalmente il rumore esterno. Questo aspetto è particolarmente utile in ambienti rumorosi, come uffici, trasporti pubblici o palestre, dove un buon isolamento passivo migliora l’esperienza d’ascolto senza dover sempre ricorrere alla cancellazione attiva del rumore.

Un ulteriore supporto all’isolamento è dato dalle punte in silicone intercambiabili, che consentono di adattare gli auricolari alle diverse conformazioni dell’orecchio. L’app Xiaomi Earbuds include inoltre un test di vestibilità, che verifica la corretta aderenza degli auricolari al condotto uditivo e aiuta a scegliere la misura di gommini più adatta. Questo non solo ottimizza l’isolamento acustico, ma migliora anche la resa sonora complessiva, evitando dispersioni di bassi e assicurando un audio più definito.

La leggerezza e la forma compatta delle Buds 6 le rendono ideali anche per l’attività fisica, garantendo stabilità anche durante movimenti intensi, come corsa o allenamenti in palestra.

Redmi Buds 6

(Image credit: Redmi Buds 6)

Redmi Buds 6: Riduzione del suono ANC

I Redmi Buds 6 offrono una cancellazione attiva del rumore (ANC) fino a 49 dB, un valore notevole per questa fascia di prezzo. Grazie ai quattro microfoni integrati, gli auricolari analizzano i suoni ambientali e li eliminano in tempo reale, migliorando sensibilmente l’esperienza d’ascolto, specialmente in ambienti rumorosi.

Nei test effettuati su voli, trasporti pubblici e uffici affollati, le Buds 6 si sono dimostrate molto efficaci nel ridurre rumori di fondo costanti, come il ronzio dei motori, il brusio delle persone o il ticchettio delle tastiere. Anche se non raggiungono il livello di cancellazione di modelli premium, la loro performance è più che adeguata per la maggior parte degli utenti.

L’app Xiaomi Earbuds consente di regolare l’intensità dell’ANC in base alle necessità, permettendo di scegliere tra più livelli di cancellazione. Questo è utile per trovare il giusto equilibrio tra isolamento e comfort, evitando quella sensazione di pressione auricolare che alcuni utenti avvertono con ANC troppo aggressivi.

Un’altra funzione apprezzata è la modalità trasparenza, che permette di amplificare i suoni ambientali, rendendo più facile ascoltare annunci nei trasporti pubblici o interagire con le persone senza dover rimuovere gli auricolari. La modalità voce migliorata è particolarmente utile per chiamate o conversazioni rapide, enfatizzando il parlato e filtrando il rumore di sottofondo.

Grazie alla combinazione di ANC efficace e modalità trasparenza ben implementata, le Buds 6 risultano ideali sia per chi vuole immergersi completamente nella musica o nel lavoro, sia per chi ha bisogno di rimanere consapevole dell’ambiente circostante.

Redmi Buds 6: Qualità musica

I Redmi Buds 6 offrono una qualità audio sorprendente per la loro fascia di prezzo, grazie all’architettura a doppio driver. Ogni auricolare è dotato di un driver dinamico in titanio da 12,4 mm, responsabile dei bassi potenti e della resa delle frequenze medio-basse, e di un driver piezoelettrico in ceramica da 5,5 mm, che migliora la riproduzione degli alti e la separazione dei dettagli sonori. Questa combinazione, solitamente riservata a modelli più costosi, garantisce un suono ricco e bilanciato, con un’ottima definizione degli strumenti e delle voci.

La mancanza di un equalizzatore personalizzabile può risultare una limitazione per gli utenti più esigenti, che preferiscono regolare manualmente le frequenze in base ai propri gusti. Tuttavia, la qualità audio offerta dal doppio driver compensa questa assenza, garantendo una riproduzione fedele e ben equilibrata.

Nel complesso, le Buds 6 si distinguono per una resa sonora dettagliata e dinamica, rendendole una scelta eccellente per chi cerca auricolari economici senza rinunciare a una buona esperienza musicale.

Redmi Buds 6

(Image credit: Redmi Buds 6)

Redmi Buds 6: Qualità audio in chiamata

I Redmi Buds 6 sono progettate per garantire una qualità audio in chiamata chiara e affidabile, grazie a un sistema a quattro microfoni con riduzione del rumore AI. Questa tecnologia analizza e filtra i suoni di sottofondo, migliorando la nitidezza della voce e riducendo le interferenze ambientali.

Nei test effettuati in ambienti chiusi, come uffici o stanze silenziose, le Buds 6 garantiscono una trasmissione vocale pulita e naturale, senza distorsioni o eccessiva compressione del suono. All’aperto, in contesti più rumorosi come strade trafficate o luoghi affollati, la riduzione del rumore AI si dimostra efficace nel minimizzare il vento e i rumori di fondo, permettendo all’interlocutore di sentire chiaramente la conversazione.

Un ulteriore vantaggio è la possibilità di utilizzare un solo auricolare per le chiamate, utile per chi preferisce mantenere un orecchio libero per ascoltare l’ambiente circostante.

Queste caratteristiche rendono i Redmi Buds 6 particolarmente adatte a chi utilizza spesso gli auricolari per riunioni di lavoro, chiamate su piattaforme come Zoom o Teams, o semplicemente per conversazioni telefoniche in mobilità, senza preoccuparsi della qualità del microfono.

Redmi Buds 6: Batteria

I Redmi Buds 6 si distinguono per un’autonomia eccellente, superando molti concorrenti nella stessa fascia di prezzo. Gli auricolari offrono fino a 10 ore di utilizzo continuo senza ANC e circa 5 ore con la cancellazione del rumore attiva. Questo permette di coprire un’intera giornata lavorativa o lunghe sessioni di ascolto senza doverli ricaricare frequentemente.

La custodia di ricarica amplia ulteriormente l’autonomia, portandola a un totale di 42 ore, garantendo così diversi giorni di utilizzo senza necessità di collegare il dispositivo alla corrente. Un punto di forza è il supporto alla ricarica rapida, che permette di ottenere fino a 2 ore di riproduzione con pochi minuti di ricarica, una funzionalità particolarmente utile in situazioni di emergenza.

Un aspetto da considerare è la mancanza della ricarica wireless, che avrebbe migliorato ulteriormente l’usabilità, specialmente per chi utilizza caricabatterie wireless con il proprio smartphone o altri accessori. Inoltre, il cavo incluso nella confezione è USB-A a USB-C, una scelta che può risultare meno pratica per chi utilizza principalmente caricabatterie USB-C a USB-C, ormai standard nei dispositivi più recenti.

Nonostante questi piccoli compromessi, i Redmi Buds 6 si confermano tra le migliori opzioni in termini di durata della batteria e velocità di ricarica, offrendo un’ottima esperienza d’uso per chi cerca auricolari affidabili e con una lunga autonomia.

Redmi Buds 6: Confronto con altre varianti

La gamma Redmi Buds 6 include diverse varianti, pensate per soddisfare esigenze e budget differenti. Il modello Redmi Buds 6 Lite è la versione più economica, ma mantiene un buon livello di cancellazione del rumore fino a 40 dB e un driver dinamico da 12,4 mm. La sua autonomia arriva a 7 ore di utilizzo continuo e 38 ore con la custodia.

I Redmi Buds 6 Play sono invece prive di ANC, ma offrono un driver da 10 mm e cinque modalità EQ per personalizzare l’audio. Hanno un’autonomia leggermente superiore, con 7,5 ore di utilizzo e un totale di 36 ore con la custodia.

I Redmi Buds 6 Active presentano un design semi-in-ear, che privilegia il comfort rispetto all’isolamento passivo. Sono dotate di un driver più ampio da 14,2 mm, ma l’autonomia è inferiore rispetto agli altri modelli, con 6 ore di riproduzione continua e 30 ore complessive.

Infine, i Redmi Buds 6 Pro rappresentano la versione più avanzata, con un sistema a triplo driver (11 mm + 2 piezoelettrici), supporto all’audio Hi-Res LDAC e una cancellazione del rumore fino a 55 dB. Questo modello è pensato per chi cerca la massima qualità audio e una cancellazione del rumore superiore.

Redmi Buds 6, ne vale la pena?

I Redmi Buds 6 offrono un equilibrio ideale tra funzionalità avanzate e prezzo accessibile, posizionandosi come una delle migliori opzioni nella loro fascia di mercato. Con un costo di circa 43 euro, questi auricolari garantiscono un’eccellente qualità audio grazie al sistema a doppio driver, una cancellazione attiva del rumore efficace fino a 49 dB e un’autonomia prolungata che permette di affrontare giornate intere senza preoccupazioni.

Alcune mancanze, come l’assenza della ricarica wireless e il cavo USB-A a USB-C anziché un più moderno USB-C a USB-C, avrebbero potuto migliorare ulteriormente l’esperienza d’uso. Tuttavia, considerando la qualità complessiva, queste limitazioni risultano secondarie rispetto ai numerosi vantaggi offerti.

I Redmi Buds 6 sono una scelta consigliata per chi cerca auricolari versatili, performanti e dal prezzo competitivo, senza rinunciare a funzionalità avanzate come l’ANC, la personalizzazione tramite app e il dual device pairing. Un prodotto solido, capace di soddisfare sia chi desidera un’esperienza musicale immersiva sia chi necessita di auricolari affidabili per chiamate e utilizzo quotidiano.

Ragioni per comprare

Audio di qualità con doppio driver

Il sistema a doppio driver (12,4 mm + 5,5 mm piezoelettrico) offre bassi profondi, alti cristallini e ottima separazione sonora.

ANC efficace fino a 49 dB

La cancellazione attiva del rumore riduce significativamente i rumori esterni, migliorando l’esperienza d’ascolto su voli, trasporti pubblici o ambienti affollati.

Autonomia eccellente e ricarica rapida

Le 10 ore di utilizzo continuo e le 42 ore totali garantiscono un’intera giornata di ascolto senza interruzioni.

Ragioni per NON comprare

Manca la ricarica wireless

L’assenza di ricarica wireless può essere un limite per chi possiede uno smartphone compatibile e vuole maggiore comodità.

No supporto a codec avanzati

Manca la compatibilità con aptX o LHDC, limitando la qualità audio per chi cerca un suono ad alta risoluzione su dispositivi compatibili.

No equalizzatore personalizzato

L’app Xiaomi Earbuds offre solo quattro preset EQ, ma manca la possibilità di regolare manualmente le frequenze audio preferite.


Se i Redmi Buds 6 non ti convincono del tutto, esistono diverse opzioni valide nella stessa fascia di prezzo o leggermente superiore. Ecco tre alternative da considerare, ognuna con caratteristiche specifiche che potrebbero meglio adattarsi alle tue esigenze.

Huawei FreeBuds SE 2

Questi auricolari semi-in-ear offrono un’ottima ergonomia e una qualità audio equilibrata, con autonomia fino a 40 ore grazie alla custodia di ricarica. Pur non avendo ANC, la loro vestibilità garantisce un discreto isolamento passivo. Sono ideali per chi cerca auricolari leggeri e comodi per un utilizzo quotidiano.

Sony WF-C510

Sony è sinonimo di qualità audio, e i WF-C510 offrono un suono ricco e dettagliato con supporto DSEE, che migliora la resa delle tracce audio compresse. L’autonomia è eccellente, con 10 ore per carica e fino a 30 ore con la custodia. Non hanno ANC, ma compensano con una resa sonora superiore.

SoundPEATS Air3 Deluxe HS

Questi auricolari Hi-Res certificati sono tra i migliori nella loro fascia di prezzo per qualità audio. Supportano il codec LDAC, offrendo una maggiore fedeltà sonora rispetto ai normali SBC/AAC. Sono semi-in-ear, quindi non offrono ANC, ma la loro qualità audio e connettività stabile li rendono un’ottima alternativa.

Recensione Redmi Buds 6
3:44 pm |

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Phone & Communications Pro | Tags: , , | Comments: Off

Redmi Buds 6: Recensione rapida

Gli auricolari true wireless sono diventati un accessorio indispensabile per chi desidera ascoltare musica, effettuare chiamate o seguire contenuti multimediali senza fili e con la massima libertà di movimento. Xiaomi, con la serie Redmi Buds, ha sempre puntato su un ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo, offrendo dispositivi accessibili ma ricchi di funzionalità. Con i nuovi Redmi Buds 6, il brand cerca di alzare ulteriormente l’asticella, proponendo un doppio driver per una qualità audio superiore, cancellazione attiva del rumore fino a 49 dB e un’autonomia prolungata.

Rispetto ai modelli precedenti, i Redmi Buds 6 migliorano diversi aspetti chiave, come la qualità del suono, la riduzione del rumore e il comfort. Pur mantenendo un prezzo competitivo di circa 43 euro, offrono funzioni avanzate che si trovano solitamente su dispositivi più costosi. Tuttavia, ci sono anche alcune limitazioni da considerare, come la mancanza della ricarica wireless e la scelta di un cavo USB-A a USB-C invece di un più moderno USB-C a USB-C. In questa recensione analizzeremo nel dettaglio tutti i pro e i contro, valutando se i Redmi Buds 6 rappresentano davvero la scelta ideale per chi cerca auricolari economici ma performanti.

Redmi Buds 6

(Image credit: Redmi Buds 6)

Redmi Buds 6: Design, comodità, ergonomia

I Redmi Buds 6 si distinguono per un design moderno e compatto, progettato per un uso quotidiano confortevole e discreto. La custodia ha una finitura opaca che migliora la presa e riduce le impronte, un dettaglio che la rende più elegante e resistente nel tempo. È disponibile in tre colorazioni: Ivy Green, nero e bianco, permettendo una scelta estetica più ampia rispetto a molti concorrenti nella stessa fascia di prezzo.

Il peso ridotto della custodia (43,2 g con gli auricolari inclusi) la rende facilmente trasportabile in tasca o in una borsa senza risultare ingombrante. Anche gli auricolari, che pesano solo 5 g ciascuno, sono leggeri e ben bilanciati, riducendo la fatica anche durante sessioni prolungate di ascolto.

Per garantire la migliore vestibilità possibile, Xiaomi include punte in silicone intercambiabili in più misure. Questo dettaglio è fondamentale per migliorare sia l’isolamento passivo dal rumore esterno sia il comfort, evitando che gli auricolari si spostino o risultino fastidiosi dopo un uso prolungato. Inoltre, la certificazione IP54 assicura resistenza a polvere e schizzi, rendendoli adatti all’uso in palestra o sotto la pioggia leggera.

Un aspetto da considerare è l’assenza della ricarica wireless, una funzione sempre più diffusa anche in modelli economici. Sebbene comprensibile per un dispositivo dal prezzo contenuto, avrebbe migliorato ulteriormente la comodità d’uso. Inoltre, il cavo incluso è USB-A a USB-C, una scelta che potrebbe risultare meno pratica per chi utilizza principalmente caricabatterie USB-C a USB-C.

Redmi Buds 6

(Image credit: Redmi Buds 6)

Redmi Buds 6: Applicazione per smartphone

I Redmi Buds 6 sono compatibili con l’app Xiaomi Earbuds, disponibile per Android e iOS, che aggiunge un livello di personalizzazione e controllo avanzato alle cuffie. L’interfaccia è intuitiva e ben organizzata, permettendo di monitorare la batteria sia degli auricolari che della custodia, nonché di regolare impostazioni fondamentali per l’esperienza d’ascolto.

Tra le funzioni principali, spicca la possibilità di personalizzare i comandi touch per ogni auricolare, consentendo di assegnare azioni diverse a tocchi singoli, doppi o prolungati. È possibile, ad esempio, attivare/disattivare l’ANC, gestire la riproduzione musicale, rispondere alle chiamate o attivare l’assistente vocale.

L’app include anche quattro preset EQ per adattare il suono alle preferenze personali:

Bilanciato – un profilo neutro per la maggior parte degli ascoltatori.

Bassi potenziati – ideale per chi ascolta generi come EDM, hip-hop o rock.

Voce enfatizzata – perfetto per podcast, audiolibri e videochiamate.

Alti migliorati – consigliato per generi musicali con strumenti ad alta frequenza, come jazz o musica classica.

Un aspetto molto apprezzato è il supporto al dual device pairing, che permette di collegare due dispositivi contemporaneamente. Questa funzione è particolarmente utile per chi lavora con un laptop e uno smartphone, evitando la necessità di riconnessioni manuali. Ad esempio, si può ascoltare musica dal computer e passare automaticamente alle chiamate in arrivo sul telefono.

L’app offre inoltre strumenti pratici come il test di tenuta delle punte auricolari, che aiuta a verificare la corretta aderenza degli auricolari al condotto uditivo per migliorare isolamento e comfort. Infine, consente di aggiornare il firmware, garantendo che gli auricolari siano sempre ottimizzati con le ultime migliorie software.

Redmi Buds 6

(Image credit: Redmi Buds 6)

Redmi Buds 6: Isolamento passivo

Grazie al design in-ear, i Redmi Buds 6 offrono un buon isolamento passivo già senza la necessità di attivare l’ANC. La forma ergonomica e il peso ridotto (5 g per auricolare) permettono una tenuta salda e confortevole, riducendo naturalmente il rumore esterno. Questo aspetto è particolarmente utile in ambienti rumorosi, come uffici, trasporti pubblici o palestre, dove un buon isolamento passivo migliora l’esperienza d’ascolto senza dover sempre ricorrere alla cancellazione attiva del rumore.

Un ulteriore supporto all’isolamento è dato dalle punte in silicone intercambiabili, che consentono di adattare gli auricolari alle diverse conformazioni dell’orecchio. L’app Xiaomi Earbuds include inoltre un test di vestibilità, che verifica la corretta aderenza degli auricolari al condotto uditivo e aiuta a scegliere la misura di gommini più adatta. Questo non solo ottimizza l’isolamento acustico, ma migliora anche la resa sonora complessiva, evitando dispersioni di bassi e assicurando un audio più definito.

La leggerezza e la forma compatta delle Buds 6 le rendono ideali anche per l’attività fisica, garantendo stabilità anche durante movimenti intensi, come corsa o allenamenti in palestra.

Redmi Buds 6

(Image credit: Redmi Buds 6)

Redmi Buds 6: Riduzione del suono ANC

I Redmi Buds 6 offrono una cancellazione attiva del rumore (ANC) fino a 49 dB, un valore notevole per questa fascia di prezzo. Grazie ai quattro microfoni integrati, gli auricolari analizzano i suoni ambientali e li eliminano in tempo reale, migliorando sensibilmente l’esperienza d’ascolto, specialmente in ambienti rumorosi.

Nei test effettuati su voli, trasporti pubblici e uffici affollati, le Buds 6 si sono dimostrate molto efficaci nel ridurre rumori di fondo costanti, come il ronzio dei motori, il brusio delle persone o il ticchettio delle tastiere. Anche se non raggiungono il livello di cancellazione di modelli premium, la loro performance è più che adeguata per la maggior parte degli utenti.

L’app Xiaomi Earbuds consente di regolare l’intensità dell’ANC in base alle necessità, permettendo di scegliere tra più livelli di cancellazione. Questo è utile per trovare il giusto equilibrio tra isolamento e comfort, evitando quella sensazione di pressione auricolare che alcuni utenti avvertono con ANC troppo aggressivi.

Un’altra funzione apprezzata è la modalità trasparenza, che permette di amplificare i suoni ambientali, rendendo più facile ascoltare annunci nei trasporti pubblici o interagire con le persone senza dover rimuovere gli auricolari. La modalità voce migliorata è particolarmente utile per chiamate o conversazioni rapide, enfatizzando il parlato e filtrando il rumore di sottofondo.

Grazie alla combinazione di ANC efficace e modalità trasparenza ben implementata, le Buds 6 risultano ideali sia per chi vuole immergersi completamente nella musica o nel lavoro, sia per chi ha bisogno di rimanere consapevole dell’ambiente circostante.

Redmi Buds 6: Qualità musica

I Redmi Buds 6 offrono una qualità audio sorprendente per la loro fascia di prezzo, grazie all’architettura a doppio driver. Ogni auricolare è dotato di un driver dinamico in titanio da 12,4 mm, responsabile dei bassi potenti e della resa delle frequenze medio-basse, e di un driver piezoelettrico in ceramica da 5,5 mm, che migliora la riproduzione degli alti e la separazione dei dettagli sonori. Questa combinazione, solitamente riservata a modelli più costosi, garantisce un suono ricco e bilanciato, con un’ottima definizione degli strumenti e delle voci.

La mancanza di un equalizzatore personalizzabile può risultare una limitazione per gli utenti più esigenti, che preferiscono regolare manualmente le frequenze in base ai propri gusti. Tuttavia, la qualità audio offerta dal doppio driver compensa questa assenza, garantendo una riproduzione fedele e ben equilibrata.

Nel complesso, le Buds 6 si distinguono per una resa sonora dettagliata e dinamica, rendendole una scelta eccellente per chi cerca auricolari economici senza rinunciare a una buona esperienza musicale.

Redmi Buds 6

(Image credit: Redmi Buds 6)

Redmi Buds 6: Qualità audio in chiamata

I Redmi Buds 6 sono progettate per garantire una qualità audio in chiamata chiara e affidabile, grazie a un sistema a quattro microfoni con riduzione del rumore AI. Questa tecnologia analizza e filtra i suoni di sottofondo, migliorando la nitidezza della voce e riducendo le interferenze ambientali.

Nei test effettuati in ambienti chiusi, come uffici o stanze silenziose, le Buds 6 garantiscono una trasmissione vocale pulita e naturale, senza distorsioni o eccessiva compressione del suono. All’aperto, in contesti più rumorosi come strade trafficate o luoghi affollati, la riduzione del rumore AI si dimostra efficace nel minimizzare il vento e i rumori di fondo, permettendo all’interlocutore di sentire chiaramente la conversazione.

Un ulteriore vantaggio è la possibilità di utilizzare un solo auricolare per le chiamate, utile per chi preferisce mantenere un orecchio libero per ascoltare l’ambiente circostante.

Queste caratteristiche rendono i Redmi Buds 6 particolarmente adatte a chi utilizza spesso gli auricolari per riunioni di lavoro, chiamate su piattaforme come Zoom o Teams, o semplicemente per conversazioni telefoniche in mobilità, senza preoccuparsi della qualità del microfono.

Redmi Buds 6: Batteria

I Redmi Buds 6 si distinguono per un’autonomia eccellente, superando molti concorrenti nella stessa fascia di prezzo. Gli auricolari offrono fino a 10 ore di utilizzo continuo senza ANC e circa 5 ore con la cancellazione del rumore attiva. Questo permette di coprire un’intera giornata lavorativa o lunghe sessioni di ascolto senza doverli ricaricare frequentemente.

La custodia di ricarica amplia ulteriormente l’autonomia, portandola a un totale di 42 ore, garantendo così diversi giorni di utilizzo senza necessità di collegare il dispositivo alla corrente. Un punto di forza è il supporto alla ricarica rapida, che permette di ottenere fino a 2 ore di riproduzione con pochi minuti di ricarica, una funzionalità particolarmente utile in situazioni di emergenza.

Un aspetto da considerare è la mancanza della ricarica wireless, che avrebbe migliorato ulteriormente l’usabilità, specialmente per chi utilizza caricabatterie wireless con il proprio smartphone o altri accessori. Inoltre, il cavo incluso nella confezione è USB-A a USB-C, una scelta che può risultare meno pratica per chi utilizza principalmente caricabatterie USB-C a USB-C, ormai standard nei dispositivi più recenti.

Nonostante questi piccoli compromessi, i Redmi Buds 6 si confermano tra le migliori opzioni in termini di durata della batteria e velocità di ricarica, offrendo un’ottima esperienza d’uso per chi cerca auricolari affidabili e con una lunga autonomia.

Redmi Buds 6: Confronto con altre varianti

La gamma Redmi Buds 6 include diverse varianti, pensate per soddisfare esigenze e budget differenti. Il modello Redmi Buds 6 Lite è la versione più economica, ma mantiene un buon livello di cancellazione del rumore fino a 40 dB e un driver dinamico da 12,4 mm. La sua autonomia arriva a 7 ore di utilizzo continuo e 38 ore con la custodia.

I Redmi Buds 6 Play sono invece prive di ANC, ma offrono un driver da 10 mm e cinque modalità EQ per personalizzare l’audio. Hanno un’autonomia leggermente superiore, con 7,5 ore di utilizzo e un totale di 36 ore con la custodia.

I Redmi Buds 6 Active presentano un design semi-in-ear, che privilegia il comfort rispetto all’isolamento passivo. Sono dotate di un driver più ampio da 14,2 mm, ma l’autonomia è inferiore rispetto agli altri modelli, con 6 ore di riproduzione continua e 30 ore complessive.

Infine, i Redmi Buds 6 Pro rappresentano la versione più avanzata, con un sistema a triplo driver (11 mm + 2 piezoelettrici), supporto all’audio Hi-Res LDAC e una cancellazione del rumore fino a 55 dB. Questo modello è pensato per chi cerca la massima qualità audio e una cancellazione del rumore superiore.

Redmi Buds 6, ne vale la pena?

I Redmi Buds 6 offrono un equilibrio ideale tra funzionalità avanzate e prezzo accessibile, posizionandosi come una delle migliori opzioni nella loro fascia di mercato. Con un costo di circa 43 euro, questi auricolari garantiscono un’eccellente qualità audio grazie al sistema a doppio driver, una cancellazione attiva del rumore efficace fino a 49 dB e un’autonomia prolungata che permette di affrontare giornate intere senza preoccupazioni.

Alcune mancanze, come l’assenza della ricarica wireless e il cavo USB-A a USB-C anziché un più moderno USB-C a USB-C, avrebbero potuto migliorare ulteriormente l’esperienza d’uso. Tuttavia, considerando la qualità complessiva, queste limitazioni risultano secondarie rispetto ai numerosi vantaggi offerti.

I Redmi Buds 6 sono una scelta consigliata per chi cerca auricolari versatili, performanti e dal prezzo competitivo, senza rinunciare a funzionalità avanzate come l’ANC, la personalizzazione tramite app e il dual device pairing. Un prodotto solido, capace di soddisfare sia chi desidera un’esperienza musicale immersiva sia chi necessita di auricolari affidabili per chiamate e utilizzo quotidiano.

Ragioni per comprare

Audio di qualità con doppio driver

Il sistema a doppio driver (12,4 mm + 5,5 mm piezoelettrico) offre bassi profondi, alti cristallini e ottima separazione sonora.

ANC efficace fino a 49 dB

La cancellazione attiva del rumore riduce significativamente i rumori esterni, migliorando l’esperienza d’ascolto su voli, trasporti pubblici o ambienti affollati.

Autonomia eccellente e ricarica rapida

Le 10 ore di utilizzo continuo e le 42 ore totali garantiscono un’intera giornata di ascolto senza interruzioni.

Ragioni per NON comprare

Manca la ricarica wireless

L’assenza di ricarica wireless può essere un limite per chi possiede uno smartphone compatibile e vuole maggiore comodità.

No supporto a codec avanzati

Manca la compatibilità con aptX o LHDC, limitando la qualità audio per chi cerca un suono ad alta risoluzione su dispositivi compatibili.

No equalizzatore personalizzato

L’app Xiaomi Earbuds offre solo quattro preset EQ, ma manca la possibilità di regolare manualmente le frequenze audio preferite.


Se i Redmi Buds 6 non ti convincono del tutto, esistono diverse opzioni valide nella stessa fascia di prezzo o leggermente superiore. Ecco tre alternative da considerare, ognuna con caratteristiche specifiche che potrebbero meglio adattarsi alle tue esigenze.

Huawei FreeBuds SE 2

Questi auricolari semi-in-ear offrono un’ottima ergonomia e una qualità audio equilibrata, con autonomia fino a 40 ore grazie alla custodia di ricarica. Pur non avendo ANC, la loro vestibilità garantisce un discreto isolamento passivo. Sono ideali per chi cerca auricolari leggeri e comodi per un utilizzo quotidiano.

Sony WF-C510

Sony è sinonimo di qualità audio, e i WF-C510 offrono un suono ricco e dettagliato con supporto DSEE, che migliora la resa delle tracce audio compresse. L’autonomia è eccellente, con 10 ore per carica e fino a 30 ore con la custodia. Non hanno ANC, ma compensano con una resa sonora superiore.

SoundPEATS Air3 Deluxe HS

Questi auricolari Hi-Res certificati sono tra i migliori nella loro fascia di prezzo per qualità audio. Supportano il codec LDAC, offrendo una maggiore fedeltà sonora rispetto ai normali SBC/AAC. Sono semi-in-ear, quindi non offrono ANC, ma la loro qualità audio e connettività stabile li rendono un’ottima alternativa.

Earfun Air 2 NC review: budget earbuds that impress with tailored ANC and sound, though their design lacks refinement
12:00 am | January 27, 2025

Author: admin | Category: Audio Computers Earbuds & Airpods Gadgets Headphones | Tags: , , | Comments: Off

Earfun Air 2 NC review: Two-minute review

The Earfun Air 2 NC endeavor to avoid the fate befalling far too many options in the budget audio tech space – being woefully disappointing in the sound department. Luckily, they manage to do just that, offering punchy bass, clean mids and controlled treble, as well as LDAC compatibility. Given their list price of $69 / £59 (about AU$110), that’s impressive.

Sure, the Earfun Air 2 NC won’t deliver audiophile-grade sound – I wasn’t wowed by supremely detailed, immersive audio or anything. But for what they are, the Earfun Air 2 NC perform very nicely, plating up well-weighted vocals and even solid sub-bass. You might get a bit of harshness at top volumes, but I personally never needed to listen quite so loudly.

Something that helps the Earfun Air 2 NC sound even better is an excellent EQ tab. Just hop into the Earfun Audio app and choose from a wide range of presets, including genre-specific ones. There’s also a custom option to use and an intriguing, yet perhaps unpolished personalized sound option, which is based on your own listening. Having tested many, I can confidently say that even some of the best wireless earbuds don’t offer quite as much scope for tailoring on this front.

Another area with impressive customization is active noise cancellation. You can switch between five noise cancelling modes, including ear-adaptive and wind resistance configurations. Given that you can also personalize touch controls here, you get plenty of ways to make these earbuds your own.

It’s not totally smooth sailing, however. There are a couple of small drawbacks to bear in mind, such as a disappointing spatial audio setting, called Theater Mode. Although this may expand the soundstage somewhat, overall audio quality takes quite the hit, making it a pretty redundant inclusion. They aren’t the prettiest on the market either and the stems may not be diminutive enough for anyone craving a more discreet look.

There are some neat design choices here, though, like IPX5 waterproofing, which will keep your buds protected against heavy rain or sweat for outdoor or intensive listening sessions. Battery-wise, they’re absolutely fine too. You get six hours with ANC on and nine with it turned off, but the charging case should give you enough juice to last a few days, even if you listen at fairly high volumes and with LDAC turned on.

So, given their low price, you get a lot out of the Earfun Air 2 NC. They’re not going to blow you away with next-level sound, battery life or looks, but they excel in all of the key areas. It’s pretty competitive in the budget wireless earbud department – there are some truly incredible alternatives out there, including the brilliant, albeit ANC-less, Sony WF-C510 or even the Earfun Air Pro 3 – regularly available at a discount. But, if you want a strong pair of wireless earbuds at an affordable price, I’d still happily recommend the Earfun Air 2 NC.

Earfun Air 2 NC in charging case against pink background

(Image credit: Future)

Earfun Air 2 NC review: price and release date

  • $69 / £59 (about AU$110)
  • Launched in 2024

The Earfun Air 2 NC were released in 2024 and initially had a slightly higher list price, which has since been reduced to $69 / £59 (about AU$110). However, you may be able to get these buds for even less. At the time of writing, I’ve spotted these going for just over the £40 mark on Amazon UK – that’s phenomenal value for money. If you’re not such a fan of the Black / Gray colorway shown in this review, you can alsograb the Earfun Air 2 NC in White.

Earfun Air 2 NC review: specs

Person picking up Earfun Air 2 NC bud out of charging case

(Image credit: Future)

Earfun Air 2 NC review: features

  • Effective, customizable ANC
  • Good EQ options
  • Solid battery life

The Earfun Air 2 NC boast a pretty impressive feature-set for a budget pair of earbuds. A lot of that comes courtesy of the Earfun Audio app, which opens you up to a whole host of options, including multi-point connectivity, EQ adjustment and much more.

Let’s start with EQ, which is a robust offering – something I’ve come to expect from testing other Earfun earbuds and speakers such as the Earfun UBoom X. There’s a custom option here, but you also get a lot of genre-specific EQ presets, such as Jazz and Hip Hop.

If you want, you can also use My Sound Profile, which allows you to create a personalized EQ calibration based on a series of listening tests. However, I found this didn’t work all too well and presented a fairly muted sound profile when in use. My Sound Profile is certainly a worthwhile feature in concept, with competitors like Anker nailing the similar HearID option on the Soundcore Space One Pro, for instance – I just wish the Air 2 NC delivered better results.

But there’s still a lot of juicy goodness to sink your teeth into with the Air 2 NC. For instance, the companion app allows you to customize noise cancellation for various settings. There are five different modes: Normal, Ambient Sound, Wind Noise Cancellation, Ear-Adaptive ANC and Noise Cancelling.

When testing each (both indoors and in outdoor environments as well as public transport), I found all of them to be effective, but I typically leaned towards using Ear-Adaptive ANC, which optimizes noise cancelling according to the shape of your ear canal. When using this mode, I couldn’t hear the sound of loud typing in the office and loud external noises, like the roar of a car’s engine, were aptly dulled. Are you going to get the stunning near-silence that the Bose QuietComfort Earbuds 2 can offer, for instance? No. But for what you pay, you’ll be impressed with how well the Air 2 NC quieten the outside world.

You also get pretty solid battery life here – nine hours with ANC off and six with it on. This will vary if you’re playing at higher volumes or using the LDAC audio codec, of course. The charging case should help you keep the buds juiced up for intermittent listening over a multi-day period too.

On top of that, the Air 2 NC have customizable touch controls. You can select from a range of commands, like volume up/down, play/pause, skip/replay, which can vary for the left and right bud – just choose whatever feels best for you.

There’s a lot more here too: a Find Headphones option, LDAC toggle (more on this later), Voice Prompt options (which lets you switch between English, Japanese or Mandarin cues) and a Game Mode, which is designed to reduce audio latency. All of this is welcome, although there was one option I found to be a bit sub-par: Theater Mode. Earfun claims that with Theater Mode on, you get a wider soundstage and more immersive sonic experience. Does it do that? Well, partially. But this comes at the expense of lower quality audio, which instantly renders it pointless in my view.

So, although Theater Mode and My Sound Profile are a little unrefined, you still get all the main features you’d want from budget ANC earbuds, plus a little more. Overall, you’re still getting a great user experience with the Earfun Audio app too, which is easy to use and well laid out. Positive stuff, all in all.

  • Features score: 4/5

Earfun Air 2 NC earbuds on surface

(Image credit: Future)

Earfun Air 2 NC review: sound quality

  • Punchy bass
  • Clear and rarely harsh all-round audio
  • LDAC compatibility

OK, good news, the Earfun Air 2 NC perform impressively in the audio quality department for their humble asking fee. Yes, the caveat remains: they sound surprisingly zealous, detailed and musical given their modest price tag. No, you’re not going to get premium sound from these buds, but you can certainly expect a solid sonic experience for the money.

When listening to Too Young to Die - Extended by Jamiroquai, the track’s bass was smooth, rich and clean, with brass instruments and vocals in the mid-range coming through without harshness or distortion at around 60-70% volume. Higher-pitched percussion was never tinny either and background vocals sounded well-weighted, making for a satisfying, enjoyable listen.

The Air 2 NC also have LDAC compatibility, which can be activated via the Earfun app. This comes at the expense of multi-point – which has to be switched off manually (but that's the case with much pricier buds we've tested, including the triple-device multipoint in the Technics EAH-AZ100). LDAC is a nice addition for those who want a more detailed listen and I kept it switched on when listening to tracks on Tidal, which are a lot less compressed than those lossy Spotify streams.

Still, I wasn’t always struck by the Air 2 NC’s ability to unveil the finer details. For instance, I tuned into the densely layered I Want You by Moloko and although the Air 2 NC excelled in delivering the track’s low-end punch, the breathiness of vocals and discreet instrumental details throughout were perhaps a little lacking. That’s fine for some more budget earbuds of course, but it’s worth flagging that LDAC doesn’t always equal incredibly detailed audio.

Again, overall quality is strong here. When listening to Magic by Yung Gravy, booming bass was impactful and deep without drowning out main or background vocals. You even get up-to-scratch sub bass, which can often be a problem for cheaper wireless earbuds. I did notice a touch of sibilance from vocals when I cranked volume up to 100%, but I never really needed to listen quite that loudly.

Thanks to the extensive list of EQ presets here, you can easily tailor sound to your liking on the Earfun Air 2 NC. Will that mean you get that perfectly detailed listen audiophiles go mad for? No – but you’ll still get great audio quality for the price you pay.

  • Sound quality score: 4/5

Earfun Air 2 NC and charging case on surface against pink background

(Image credit: Future)

Earfun Air 2 NC review: design

  • Long stems on earbuds not for everyone
  • Fairly plasticky build
  • IPX5 water resistant

Onto perhaps a more controversial aspect of the Earfun Air 2 NC: their design. The earbuds have a curved design with long stems. These stems are handy for swiftly removing the buds from your ear, but they’re not the most beautiful looking. If you’re someone who prefers a more discreet look, you may also find the Air 2 NC’s earpieces a little oversized.

You can get these buds in either a white or black colorway – I tested the latter. This looked fine enough, but part of each bud has a gray coating with the Earfun logo, which isn’t particularly easy on the eye. The case, meanwhile, comes in a neat Black color with a USB-C port and an LED light to display whether it's charging – no complaints here.

In terms of build quality, you’re not going to get the most premium pair of earbuds ever. The Air 2 NC do perhaps feel a little plasticky, but that’s to be expected at this price point. In the ear, however, they are comfortable and I didn’t feel the need to take them out, even after multiple hours of listening.

They may not have the most high-durability construction, then, but they are fairly well protected against the elements. That’s because the Air 2 NC are IPX5 waterproof rated, meaning they can withstand water projected by a nozzle. That means if you’re listening in the rain or working out, you won’t have to worry about moisture damaging your buds.

  • Design score: 3.5/5

Earfun Air 2 NC and charging case on surface against pink background

(Image credit: Future)

Earfun Air 2 NC review: value

  • Great audio for the cost
  • Great customizable ANC and comfortable in-ear fit
  • Sometimes even cheaper thanks to sales

One of the big draws of the Earfun Air 2 NC is their excellent low price. They have a list price of $69 / £59 (about AU$110), but I’ve already spotted them on sale with some retailers. Considering that you get impressive audio and a decent suite of features, you’re looking at brilliant value.

As the years go by, its becoming more common to get ANC at a budget price, but still, you get very customizable noise cancelling here, including ear-adaptive and wind-resistant options. OK, battery life is by no means exceptional, but it's not too bad – the same goes for design and build quality. But these are subordinate to the crucial areas of sound quality and in-ear comfort.

  • Value score: 4.5/5

Person holding Earfun Air 2 NC charging case

(Image credit: Future)

Should I buy the Earfun Air 2 NC?

Buy them if...

You want customizable ANC
If you’re looking for active noise cancellation but don’t want to splash too much cash, the Earfun Air 2 NC are a worthy option. There are a ton of different noise cancelling modes to play around with here, including Wind noise reduction and ear-adaptive ANC – even some more expensive rivals don’t offer this level of customization.

You’re on a fairly tight budget
If you’re looking for some highly competent wireless earbuds but don’t have a blank check, the Earfun Air 2 NC are worth keeping in mind. At $69 / £59, you’re getting solid audio quality and ANC as well as a comfortable fit and commendable feature-set – at this price, you can’t ask for a whole lot more.

Don't buy them if...

You want premium audio quality
If you’re on the hunt for super-detailed, ultra-immersive and perfectly balanced audio, the Earfun Air 2 NC may not be for you. Quality here is by no means bad, but it’s not premium. If you have a bit more cash to play with, an excellent-sounding wireless option would be the Technics EAH-AZ100.

You’re looking for a discreet look
Each earbud here has a long stem, which may be to your liking if you want a more ‘pinchable’ design. But if you’re on the hunt for a more low-key pair of earbuds, this might be a little overbearing. Some excellent, small earbuds that I loved in 2024 were the LG Tone Free T90S, if that’s more your style.

Earfun Air 2 NC: also consider

JLab Go Pop ANC
If you’re looking for the ultimate, super-cheap pair of wireless earbuds, you’ll struggle to find better than the JLab Go Pop ANC. For less than $30 / £30, you get decent ANC, solid overall audio and companion app compatibility. If you’re looking for all the essentials at an incredible price point, this is an option well-worth considering. Read our full JLab Go Pop ANC review.

Sony WF-C700N
We still consider the Sony WF-C700N to be some of the best cheaper noise-cancelling earbuds you can buy. They offer detailed, immersive audio, an incredibly comfortable fit and a fantastic companion app to boot. Don’t be put off by their list price too, they’re often available for less than $100 / £70. Read our full Sony WF-C700N review.

Earfun Air 2 NC review: how I tested

  • Tested for two weeks
  • Used in the office and while on walks
  • Predominantly tested using Tidal on the Samsung Galaxy S24 FE

I tested the Earfun Air 2 NC over the course of two weeks, listening with them for hours during each working day. I used them at the office, while at home and when on walks to assess the quality of ANC across multiple environments.

For the most part, I tested these wireless buds using Tidal on the Samsung Galaxy S24 FE, but I did also try using them with both Spotify and YouTube. When listening to music, I ran through the TechRadar testing playlist, which features tracks from a wide variety of genres but I also tuned in to hours worth of tunes from my personal library.

Where appropriate, I compared these to my Sony WF-C700N earbuds on metrics such as comfort, audio quality, ANC capabilities and features.

  • First reviewed: January 2025
  • Read more about how we test
Technics EAH-AZ100 review: premium true wireless earbuds that bridge gap between ‘good’ and ‘great’
8:30 pm | January 7, 2025

Author: admin | Category: Audio Computers Earbuds & Airpods Gadgets Headphones | Tags: , , | Comments: Off

Technics EAH-AZ100: Two-minute review

Technics EAH-AZ100 in-ear headphones on a white surface

(Image credit: Future / Simon Lucas)

Announced at a press conference at CES2025, the new Technics EAH-AZ100 are the company’s latest and (on paper, at least) and most thorough attempt to make meaningful waves in the stacked markets that are the best earbuds and best noise-cancelling earbuds.

There’s no denying the lengths to which the company has gone. From the extremely thorough specification (covering everything from multipoint connectivity and adaptive noise-cancellation to Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity with LDAC compatibility) to design (smaller, lighter and yet somehow no less premium in look and feel to the model they replace), the Technics EAH-AZ100 are ready to compete. Control options are numerous and well implemented, and the carefully ergonomic design extends as far as providing five different sizes of ear tip.

Of course, if you’re competing at the upper end of the market it’s important to go to these sorts of lengths. The most obvious products the Technics EAH-AZ100 intend to usurp – Bose’s QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds, the Pi6 by Bowers & Wilkins, the ubiquitous WF-1000XM5 from Sony – all look good on paper, too. The fight, as always, will be won or lost where sound quality is concerned.

And the sound quality that’s available here is convincing in pretty much every respect – or, at least, it is with ANC switched on. With noise-cancelling engaged, the AZ100 sound robust, insightful and thoroughly musical and sit easily among the best ANC earbuds out there. They can turn their hand to pretty much anything where styles of music are concerned, and are able to extract the most transient details in the most unpromising circumstances. Switch ANC off, through, and the solidly punchy and nicely controlled low frequencies lose a lot of their substance - and the Technics sound fractionally lightweight as a result. There’s a lesson there somewhere…

Technics EAH-AZ100: Price and release date

  • Release date: 7 January, 2025
  • Price: $299; £259; AU$478 (approx.)

The Technics EAH-AZ100 are on sale from 7 January 2025, having been unveiled at CES 2025 in Las Vegas. They are an update on Technics' much lauded EAH-AZ80, which arrived in 2023. A US price of $299 (the same asking fee as their predecessors) also puts the AZ100 into competition with any number of well-regarded rivals – think Bose, Bowers & Wilkins, Sennheiser and Sony just for starters…

Technics EAH-AZ100: Specs

Technics EAH-AZ100: Features

App screenshots showing settings for the Technics EAH-AZ100 in-ear headphones

(Image credit: Future / Simon Lucas)
  • Bluetooth 5.3 with SBC, AAC, LDAC and LC3 codec compatibility
  • 10mm free-edge dynamic drivers with ‘magnetic fluid’ technology
  • Three-device multipoint connectivity

No matter what you think of the way the Technics EAH-AZ100 perform, there’s no arguing with the feature set here. Technics has laid it on with the proverbial trowel.

For instance, the EAH-AZ100 use Bluetooth 5.3 for wireless connectivity, and compatibility with SBC, AAC, LDAC and LC3 codecs means there’s something for everyone here. Perhaps it might have been nice to see Qualcomm’s aptX range of codec supported, too, but I guess you can’t have everything,

Once the digital audio information has been wirelessly received, it’s delivered to your ears by a pair of 10mm full-range dynamic drivers with free-edge aluminum diaphragms. The gap between the driver magnet and the voice-coil is filled with a viscous liquid charged with magnetic particles – Technics suggests this results in precise low-frequency response and low distortion throughout the frequency range. They quote a frequency response of 20Hz - 40kHz.

You’re able to enjoy this full-range sound for a good while, too. In the most favorable circumstances (using the AAC codec with active noise-cancellation switched off) the earbuds should play for around 12 hours between charges, and even if you go to town (using the hi-res LDAC codec with ANC switched on) you should be good for seven hours or so. The charging case is good for a respectable-but-hardly-startling one-and-a-half further charges, and you can go from ‘flat’ to ‘full’ in around two hours when charging via USB-C. Fifteen minutes on the juice is good for 90 minutes of playback. The EAH-AZ100 are compatible with Qi-certified charging pads, too, and need around three hours to become fully charged this way.

The noise-cancelling itself is of a new ‘adaptive’ design that intends to adapt to fit the wearer’s ear and deliver optimal results. Three mics per earbud also look after voice control telephony, and Technics has introduced ‘Voice Focus AI’ in order to provide the best possible call quality. The AI noise-reduction chip analyzes your surroundings in order to filter out unwanted sound, and at the same time assesses the incoming call quality in an effort to make conversations as pain-free as possible.

What else? Well, the AZ100 offer three-point connectivity for the inveterate multi-taskers among us. A suite of Dolby technologies – ‘Atmos’, ‘Audio’ and ‘Head-tracking’ – offers spatial audio, enhanced clarity for voice-based content, and a sound-field that responds to the movement of your head respectively.

  • Feature quality score: 5/5

Technics EAH-AZ100: Design

Technics EAH-AZ100 in-ear headphone case on white surface

(Image credit: Future / Simon Lucas)
  • 21 x 26 x 25mm (earbud); 36 x 69 x 27mm (charging case)
  • 5.9g (earbud); 42g (charging case)
  • Five sizes of ear tip

Technics has long had a bee in its bonnet about the fit of true wireless in-ear headphones, and with the EAH-AZ100 it has gone to even greater lengths than before to ensure the earbuds are a secure and comfortable fit for lugholes of all shapes and sizes.

Both the earbuds and the case in which they charge are smaller and lighter than the outgoing EAH-AZ80 model. The concha shape and fit has been reworked, and there are now five sizes of ear tip provided in the package. It seems unlikely in the extreme that you’ll be unable to ensure your AZ100 fit snugly and remain comfortable for hours on end.

Otherwise, it’s high-end Technics earbuds business as usual. The EAH-AZ100 are available in silver or black, and no matter which finish you prefer, you’ll find yourself in possession of well-made, carefully finished and quite tactile earbuds that travel in a smooth, robust charging case with a nice slice of aluminum across the top which bears the company logo.

App showing different controls for Technics EAH-AZ100 in-ear headphones

(Image credit: Future / Simon Lucas)

Controlling the AZ100 can be done in a number ways, each nicely implemented and responsive. Your source player’s native voice assistant is available, of course, and interactions are rapid and reliable. The same can be said for the capacitive touch-surface on each earbud - it’s in the same spot as the brand logo, and is as responsive and reliable as these things ever get. And you can rearrange the meaning of the various ‘touch’ or ‘hold’ commands in the newly reworked ‘Technics Audio’ control app that’s free for iOS and Android. It’s not, perhaps, the most exciting-looking control app around, but it has a huge array of functionality (from adjusting EQ settings to finessing the amount of noise-cancellation you prefer) and proves utterly stable over the long haul.

  • Design quality score: 5/5

Technics EAH-AZ100: Sound quality

Technics EAH-AZ100 in-ear headphones, one facing up and the other facing down, on a white surface

(Image credit: Future / Simon Lucas)
  • Balanced, detailed and respectably dynamic sound
  • Energetic and unified presentation
  • Pronounced difference in sound depending on whether ANC is on or off

Asking a premium price for true wireless headphones means there’s really no hiding place when it comes to sound quality – ‘good’ is nothing like good enough. Happily, the Technics EAH-AZ100 are never less than ‘very good indeed’ and are capable of giving the class leaders plenty to worry about.

No matter if they’re dealing with a 16bit/44.1kHz FLAC file of Summon the Fire by The Comet Is Coming via AAC or a 24bit/96kHz copy of Weyes Blood’s Grapevine using LDAC, they’re a balanced and insightful listen, more than capable of bringing order to ear no matter how unruly a recording might think it is. Detail levels are high at every turn, and the AZ100 organize and lay out a recording with such confidence that even the densest tunes are easy to understand.

With ANC on and EQs set to ‘direct’ (which basically means ‘flat’), these Technics are a straightforwardly enjoyable and entirely convincing listen. Low frequency activity is deep, punchy and textured, and controlled with enough authority to make sure rhythms are expressed with assurance. The midrange is open and informative, with a whole stack of detail regarding tone and timbre not only made available but put carefully into context. And there’s proper drive and attack at the top end, but treble sounds have sufficient substance to ensure they never become hard or bitey.

Best of all is the way the AZ100 unify the entirety of the frequency range. They’re completely even-handed, and the sweep from the top end to the bottom is smooth – no area is given undue prominence, no area is underplayed. It’s possible to alter this stance quite radically if you fiddle with the EQ settings, of course, but it’s obvious Technics’ engineers have found a suitable balance – it’s called ‘direct’.

Despite the carefully judged frequency response and naturalistic tonal balance, though, the AZ100 are an energetic and decently dynamic listen when the material you’re listening to demands it. They fairly power through up-tempo stuff like Claro Intelecto’s Peace of Mind and make broad and fine dynamic variations completely obvious. They do this all with absolute authority – the Technics are always in control, and consequently the organization of the soundstage never gets blurred or uncertain.

All the above applies if you have active noise-cancellation switched on, and the ANC itself is pretty effective by the standards of any premium brand that isn’t Bose. Companies both large and small have tried in vain to replicate the almost eerie Bose Blanket of Silence, and all have failed – Technics is simply the latest. But if you accept that the ANC here can be bettered, it’s actually very effective where all but the most near-field, loud and toppy frequency occurrences are concerned.

Switch ANC off, though, and the AZ100 undergo a strange and obvious change in their sonic character. Low frequencies lose a degree of substance, and the overall presentation becomes rather flimsy and lightweight. It may well be fair to suggest that very few people buy a pair of true wireless earbuds with active noise-cancellation in order to leave the ANC turned off, but it’s equally fair to point out that any number of alternative designs sound exactly the same no matter if the ANC is operating or not.

  • Sound quality score: 4.5/5

Technics EAH-AZ100: Value

Rear of Technics EAH-AZ100 in-ear headphones carry case, showing USB-C charging port

(Image credit: Future / Simon Lucas)
  • Look and feel like a premium item
  • Balanced, convincing sound (with ANC on)
  • Very thoroughly specified

Touching and wearing the Technics EAH-AZ100 is a very pleasant experience. They’re nicely made and finished from tactile materials, and the care the company has taken where ergonomics are concerned means getting a secure and comfortable fit is no problem whatsoever.

Technics has been similarly thorough when it comes to specification, too. If you judge value for money by the spec-sheet yardstick, a) you’re not alone, and b) you’re in business here. The AZ100 are handsomely specified, with triple-device multipoint connectivity to boot. Only the lack of aptX compatibility sounding the mildest of false notes.

  • Sound quality score: 4.5/5

Should you buy the Technics EAH-AZ100?

Buy them if...

You value comfort
Small, light, very carefully shaped and with a very wide choice of ear tips, the EAH-AZ100 are no kind of burden to wear for hours on end

You enjoy vibrant, informative sound
Keep the ANC switched on and the Technics will reward you with an audio performance that strikes a very nice balance between ‘insight’ and ‘entertainment’

You’re a full-on multi-tasker
Triple-point wireless connectivity means your EAH-AZ100 can connect simultaneously to your laptop, your tablet and your smartphone, and switch seamlessly between them

Don't buy them if...

You’re far from mains power for days at a time
Seven hours (with ANC on) from the earbuds and another 10 hours or so from the charging case ain’t bad – but not if you like to rock around the clock…

Noise-cancellation is the most important thing
To be honest, Technics is far from alone in having ANC that’s not quite as good as that provided by Bose. If noise-cancellation is paramount, buy a pair of QuietComfort Ultra and be done with it

You’re not very dextrous
The earbuds fit snugly into their charging case, and unless you have fingers like cocktail sticks it can be a little tricky getting them out

Technics EAH-AZ100: Also consider

Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds
If you’re after class-leading noise-cancellation along with very competitive ‘everything else’ you need to check out the Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds – oh, and they are also available at a new and improved price-point. Read our full Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds review.

Sony WF-1000XM5
They’re surely not long for this world, but that just means that the Sony WF-1000XM5 are now routinely available for less than $230, and that means they are even more difficult to ignore than before. Read our full Sony WF-1000XM5 review.

How I tested the Technics EAH-AZ100

Technics EAH-AZ100 in-ear headphones on a white surface

(Image credit: Future / Simon Lucas)
  • Connected to an iPhone 14 Pro and a FiiO M15S
  • Various codecs, various file types and various styles of music
  • Listened (on and off) for very nearly a month

When connected to my iPhone 14 Pro, I am of course limited to the AAC codec - but this is nevertheless a decent-sounding smartphone and reveals a lot of what makes the EAH-AZ100 tick. The best results, though, naturally come via the FiiO M15S digital audio player – it’s compatible with the LDAC codec, which means higher resolution and an altogether fuller audio experience.

I spent the best part of a month (not 24/7, obviously) listening to the Technics earbuds, and in that time listened to a lot of different types of music, of different file standards and resolutions. And it wouldn’t be any kind of hardship to have to do it all again…

Read more about how we test

First reviewed January 2025

Sony LinkBuds Fit: The best fitness earbuds for people who don’t like earbuds
1:00 pm | December 21, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Computers Gadgets Health & Fitness | Tags: , | Comments: Off

Sony LinkBuds Fit: Two minute review

The Sony LinkBuds Fit are the latest addition to Sony’s mid-range true wireless earbud lineup. Sony has a solid reputation for making some of the best high-end buds, while also catering to people on a budget with more affordable options. The LinkBuds range has already impressed in the past, with models like the original Sony LinkBuds, which have an open-ear design, and the Sony LinkBuds S with a closed design that are perfect for smaller ears.

The LinkBuds Fit take a slightly different approach. The name tends to suggest these buds are targeted at fitness lovers – and they are – but it also hints at their best feature, a fantastic fit. They stay put throughout rigorous workouts, but are also light and comfortable enough for all-day wear while you work.

They won’t beat the very best earbuds when it comes to sound quality or noise cancellation. Sony’s high-end models, like the WF-1000XM5, are considerably better on those fronts and Bose is still ahead of the competition when it comes to ANC, with the QuietComfort Ultra.

But although the LinkBuds Fit don’t have top-tier features, they make up for it with an option that we think is a reliable and versatile choice for most people. They’re perfect for movement, sports, and anyone who has struggled to find earbuds that fit securely without sacrificing comfort.

Becca holding one of the Sony Linkbuds Fit earbuds

(Image credit: Future)

Let’s start with the fit, which is genuinely excellent. I’ve reviewed many earbuds in this mid-range price bracket, including fitness-focused models, and these are among my favorites. They’re small, lightweight, and versatile, making them ideal for almost anything – whether you’re working at a desk all day or doing intense workouts at the gym.

The fit stands out for several reasons. Each earbud weighs just 4.9g, so light that you might forget you’re wearing them. While there are lighter options – like the budget Jlab Go Pop ANC at 4.1g per bud – few fitness-oriented earbuds with noise cancellation and robust features are this light. For comparison, the Jabra Elite 8 Active, some of my favorites, weigh 5g per bud, and the Sennheiser Momentum Sport buds come in at 6.4g per bud, which is a significant difference for such small devices.

The stability and comfort are enhanced by two key features. First, the silicone tips, which are standard with most true wireless earbuds. Although there are only three sizes included, I found the pre-installed tips surprisingly perfect for my ears, even though I usually size down. That said, the limited tip selection might not suit everyone. Second, the earbuds feature silicone fins that fit snugly into the cartilage of your ear. Initially, I wasn’t a fan of how the fins looked, but they’re very effective at holding the buds in place, which won me over.

These earbuds aren’t just comfortable; they’re incredibly stable. I tested them while running in the rain, perfecting calisthenics skills upside down on parallel bars, attending a yoga class, and working out at the gym. No matter the activity, they stayed firmly in place without ever feeling tight or uncomfortable.

Aesthetically, they have a minimal yet playful design, with an almost bubble-like appearance for both the buds and the charging case. Their small size and lightweight build make them look discreet in your ears, without protruding too much, like some competitors. The design seems aimed at a younger audience, which makes sense given they’re marketed as a collaboration with singer-songwriter Olivia Rodrigo.

The charging case is a bit chunkier and less streamlined than those of rival buds. While I personally love its unique, slightly marble-like finish (available on the white and green versions), it might not be as pocket-friendly. If you want other colors, the Sony LinkBuds Fit also come in black and violet.

A close up of the Sony linkbuds fit earbuds next to their case

(Image credit: Future)

The Sony LinkBuds Fit have two noise-cancelling modes: standard and ambient. The standard mode isn’t best-in-class. For example, I could hear myself typing at my desk and a baby crying in a cafe. However, it effectively blocked out low-frequency sounds like the hum of a heater or the rumble of a train. It seems particularly effective at dampening hums and rumbles rather than completely silencing all noise.

With that in mind, if you want near silence, the Sony LinkBuds Fit might not be the right choice. They’re designed to reduce noise rather than eliminate it completely, which I personally appreciate as it keeps me aware of alarms or emergencies. For those needing to hear their surroundings, the ambient mode also reduces noise while still allowing announcements and other key sounds to come through.

These settings can be adjusted in the Sony Connect app, which is packed with features. You’ll find expected options, like EQ settings (with an intuitive process to determine your favored presets), head-tracking sound, and multipoint pairing. There are also more unique features, such as a mode that makes your music sound more like background noise, adaptive sound control that adjusts based on what you’re doing, and a speak-to-chat feature that pauses music when you talk. If this all feels overwhelming, the good news is you don’t need to customize every feature to enjoy a great experience right out of the box.

Connectivity is robust, with Bluetooth 5.3 supporting AAC, SBC, LDAC, and LC3 codecs, catering to a wide range of preferences and devices.

You can also customize gesture controls via the app. Sony claims you can tap the area below your earlobe or between your ear and sideburn to activate gestures, but I couldn’t get this to work reliably. Instead, I had to tap the buds themselves, which occasionally required a firm tap to register.

Battery life is solid, offering 5.5 hours with noise-canceling on and eight hours without. This matched my testing, though it varies depending on the audio codec and extra features you’re using. With the case, you’ll get just over 20 hours in total. While decent by modern true wireless standards, it’s not exceptional. For example, the more affordable Sony WF-C510s deliver 11 hours of playback but lack noise-cancelling – so your choice depends on your priorities.

As expected for workout-focused earbuds, the LinkBuds Fit have an IPX4 rating, making them resistant to sweat. However, don’t take them in the shower or to the swimming pool.

The exterior of the sony linkbuds fit case

(Image credit: Future)

During testing, the Sony LinkBuds Fit delivered a sound that’s best described as powerful and punchy. While I wasn’t blown away by the detail or richness of the audio, the experience was undeniably enjoyable. The buds provide a bouncy, bass-heavy sound that’s perfect for powering through workouts.

If you’re a fan of boomy, high-energy tracks, these earbuds will hit the mark. I even boosted the bass in the EQ settings for extra impact. While this became fatiguing over time, tracks like Armani White’s Billie Eilish and Hanumankind’s Big Dawgs had an adrenaline-pumping intensity. Similarly, heavy rock like Queens of the Stone Age’s Sick, Sick, Sick sounded meaty and immensely satisfying.

Dramatic ballads like Lana Del Rey’s Ultraviolence also worked well, delivering an emotional punch. For work sessions, I found melodic tracks by Ólafur Arnalds especially enjoyable, often pairing them with the background music effect to improve focus.

However, these buds sacrifice some detail and subtlety in favor of their bass-forward profile. Sony’s DSEE tech, which upscales low quality sound, maybe worked some magic. But it felt like something was lacking a little when I listened to classical music, and expected the richness and expansiveness found in higher-end earbuds. At higher volumes, complex arrangements sounded a bit messy and restrained.

Which is all to say that the LinkBuds Fit excel at delivering a robust, energetic soundtrack for daily activities and workouts. However, if you’re looking to analyze every nuance of your favorite tracks, you’d be better served by a more refined option.

Sony LinkBuds Fit: Price and availability

The Sony LinkBuds Fit pictured in their charging case on a wooden surface.

(Image credit: Future)
  • Priced at £179 / $179 / AU$348
  • Released in October 2024

The Sony LinkBuds Fit cost £179 / $179 / AU$348. Although the buds are currently discounted on the Sony website in some regions. At the time of writing, the price in the UK has dropped from £179 to £149.

This price puts the buds in the mid-range category. Cheaper than Sony's WF-1000XM5 earbuds at $299.99 / £259 / AU$499 but more expensive than the Sony WF-C700N at $119 / £99 / AU$199.

Other competitors in this space are the Apple AirPods 4 with ANC at $179 / £179 / AU$299 and the JBL Live Beam 3 at $199.95 / £179.99 / AU$249. There are several at a similar price that are also considered workout-friendly buds too, like the Jabra Elite 8 Active at $199.99 / £199.99 / AU$329, and the Beats Fit Pro at $199 / £199 / AU$299.

What this means is that although you will find good buds that are cheaper and can pay more for better audio performance and features, the wealth of features, the comfy fit, the design and the fitness-friendly specs make the Sony LinkBuds Fit competitively priced and good value.

Sony LinkBuds Fit: Specifications

Sony LinkBuds Fit: Scorecard

The Sony linkbuds fit true wireless earbuds pictured out of their case

(Image credit: Future)

Sony LinkBuds Fit: Should I buy?

Buy it if...

You’ve struggled to find buds that fit

Whether your ears are small or you get stressed when buds stick out and think you're going to lose one, give these a go. We can't make promises, but think some people will be pleasantly surprised.

You work out a lot

These buds did it all. They came running with me through fields and along the beach, to the gym, the yoga studio and swung around on some parallel bars. They’re super stable and not going anywhere.

You like a cute and considered design

They’re not premium-looking or particularly design-y, but the rounded shape, the marble case, the shiny surface and bubble-like vibe make them cute and Instagrammable.

Don't buy it if...

You want excellent ANC

I personally enjoyed what the noise-canceling here had to offer, but they’re not fantastic. No near-silent cocoon of sound to be found. Choose Bose or higher-end Sony buds instead.

You prioritize longevity

At 5.5 hours from the buds themselves, it's not like the battery life is bad, but you can find better if that’s a priority for you.

You value a seamless experience

I had to tweak the sound here a little and there's a lot to play around here in the app in terms of features. Is this a good thing? Yes But does it require a fair bit of setup? Also yes.

Also consider

Beats Fit Pro

A very similar proposition with enjoyable sound and decent ANC, as well as silicone ear fins. More expensive than the Sonys, but they've been around a while so you can find solid discounts.

Beats Fit Pro review

You'll find a better battery and more durable build from these Jabras – there's a Gen 2 version out now, too. They're also the only workout buds that come close to the Sonys in terms of comfort for me.

Jabra Elite 8 Active review

How I tested

I tested the Sony LinkBuds Fit every day for two weeks. This gave me the chance to trial them in a range of different environments and all sorts of situations.

I mostly used them to listen to music and podcasts on my iPhone 14 Pro with Apple Music, Spotify and YouTube music. I tested them when I was travelling on a train, working in a busy cafe and a quiet library and at home at my desk. I also took them to the gym when I was using the cardio machines and lifting weights, to the yoga studio, along the beach for several runs, and to an outdoor pull-up bar.

I’ve tested many headphones and earbuds over the past 12 years, with a focus on fitness devices. I’m interested in tech that prioritizes comfort and ease of use.

First reviewed: December 2024

Baseus Bowie 30 Max review: head-tracked spatial audio and ANC on a budget, but these headphones have one fatal flaw
5:30 pm | November 2, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Audio Computers Gadgets Headphones Wireless Headphones | Tags: , , , | Comments: Off

Baseus Bowie 30 Max: two-minute review

The Baseus Bowie 30 Max headphones are a perfect example of some cans that bite off more than they can chew. At a glance, you’d think these are an incredibly competent pair of Bluetooth headphones. They offer LDAC higher-resolution audio, proprietary head-tracking technology, active noise cancellation, customizable button controls and incredible battery life. But something may throw up a red flag fairly quickly – the low price.

That’s right, although the Baseus Bowie 30 Max have a list price of $149.99 / £109.99, you’ll realistically never have to pay quite so much. They’re already discounted on Amazon and the Baseus website has them available for less than that too. We’ve already spotted them going for as little as $69.99 in the US – that’s really cheap for some headphones with all of the above features. So is it too good to be true?

Frankly, yes it is. In fairness, getting up to 65 hours of listening is excellent, better than even some of the best headphones around, but things go pretty downhill from here. Head tracking, though functional, will worsen overall audio quality – though admittedly not as badly as the ‘fixed’ spatial audio option, which leaves you with almost sub-nautical sound littered with tinniness.

General audio quality isn’t amazing either. Out of the box, bass is thin and treble sounds are pretty grating at higher volumes. And sure, there’s a Bass Boost option in the Baseus app, or even custom EQ options, but these are only able to improve – not cure – the Bowie 30 Max of their sonic shortcomings. This means that the added detail you’d expect to uncover with the inclusion of LDAC never truly comes to fruition and fundamental flaws in sound means these headphones are held back from competing strongly against budget rivals.

It isn’t all doom and gloom. These are some decent looking cans with a relatively attractive rectangle-like design. Mic and call quality is decent too and ANC, though far from silence-inducing, is able to dull external noise competently. You can also customize the function of the headphones’ ANC button, which is a neat inclusion.

However, these are ultimately small wins in the context of disappointing audio quality. Unfortunately, if you’re in the market for some cheap ANC headphones, there are better options available to you. I have some personal recommendations in the ‘Also Consider’ section of this review, but if you’d like, you can consult our guide to the best cheap headphones, where we run you through some incredible alternatives that offer plenty of bang for your buck.

Baseus Bowie 30 Max review: price & release date

  • $149.99 / £109.99 (around AU$230) list price, but already discounted
  • Launched in the US and UK September 2024
  • Australia release date and pricing TBC

To be honest, reader, I’m a little confused on pricing for the Baseus Bowie 30 Max. They have a list price of $149.99 / £109.99 (around AU$230) on Amazon US/UK, but just head over to the Baseus website and these are only $79.99 (or $69.99 with an in-site coupon). On top of that, despite only releasing in September, these have been hit with discounts and coupons on Amazon. So really, I’d aim to pay around that $70/$80 mark if you really want to grab these.

The Baseus Bowie 30 Max are available now in the US and the UK, although the company isn’t planning to sell them to the Australian market. They’re available in one color option – Black, although this is pretty clean in fairness (more on this later).

Baseus Bowie 30 Max placed flat on a gray surface

(Image credit: Future)

Baseus Bowie 30 Max review: Specs

Baseus Bowie 30 Max review: features

  • Decent head-tracked spatial audio
  • Companion app compatibility
  • Adequate ANC

When it comes to features, the Baseus Bowie 30 Max appear to pack in some seriously impressive options for often sub-$100/£100 cans.

I’m mainly talking about head tracking – a great inclusion for some budget headphones, but one that produces mixed results. Audio does dynamically shift with head movement quite well, which is ideal for following sound across a screen when viewing video content.

The catch? You take a hit to audio quality. When listening to Wasurechau Hitotoki by Fishmans, vocals and percussion became very tinny with head tracking active, which frankly, made it unpleasant to listen to. But as I say, this feature is predominantly for video, so I tried watching some Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth gameplay on YouTube. And again, although audio did shift as I turned my head, the actual quality was noticeably worse than when head tracking was turned off, making for a disappointing user experience.

Even worse was the Fixed spatial audio option. But when listening to Rock With You by Michael Jackson I didn’t get expansive, spacious sound at all; instead it sounded as if I’d journeyed around 10ft below sea level. Vocals sounded warped and inauthentic while percussion lacked sharpness, so I switched this off again pretty quickly. The out-of-the box audio didn’t exactly make this song sound amazing either, so I found myself playing around with EQ options a fair bit – but I’ll get onto that in the ‘Sound quality’ section.

OK, maybe spatial audio might not quite hit the spot, but how do the other features fare? Well, ANC wasn’t too bad. At around 60% volume a lot of outside sounds were fairly dulled, although a lot of sounds – whether lower or higher-frequency – still crept through with relative ease. For instance, even at around 75% volume, I could make out the sound of my colleague typing next to me. So don’t expect the near-silent listening experience you’d get from some more premium cans, like the Bose QuietComfort Ultra, for example.

The story so far is certainly one of disappointment, although Baseus didn’t let me down on battery life. I kept the LDAC ‘hi-res’ codec activated throughout almost all of the testing process and predominantly listened at quite high volumes, but found my playtime to be in-line with the 50 hours ANC claimed. You even get up to 65 hours with ANC off, which is an excellent serving of battery life. So, if you’re someone that often forgets to charge their devices, this shouldn’t matter too much with the Baseus Bowie 30 Max – they can keep going (and going) for quite some time.

  • Features score: 3/5

Baseus Bowie 30 Max placed flat on a gray surface

(Image credit: Future)

Baseus Bowie 30 Max review: sound quality

  • Thin bass out of the box
  • LDAC audio support
  • Highs can get quite tinny

I’ll be upfront – the Baseus Bowie 30 Max didn’t offer the best listening experience out of the box. When listening to I Want You by Moloko, I felt that percussion and higher-pitched vocals were pretty grating at higher volumes and even sounded a bit tinny. I should mention too, that was with LDAC audio turned on – the benefits of which never felt truly realized.

Something that puzzled me was Baseus’ claim that the Bowie 30 Max have “super bass”. I definitely didn’t feel that initially. When listening to Love Foolosophy by Jamiroquai, the groovy bassline was relegated to a small-part background actor and the choppy guitar riff and vocals sounded too forward. Admittedly, the thin low-end was improved significantly when I toggled on Bass Boost in the Baseus app, but of course, the grating highs didn’t stop.

I knew what I had to do… I took to the EQ settings to make amends to the Bowie 30 Max’s sonic shortcomings. Unfortunately, I found the different presets – including Baseus Classic, Clear Vocals, Hi-Fi Live, Pop and Rock Classic – lacked enough definition. There were noticeable differences between them, sure, but it was pretty minimal for the most part. Instead, I found the best solution was to create my own custom tuning, with a bit more low-end weight. A lot of users may be OK with tailoring their own sound, but if you’re someone that wants straightforward, hassle free listening that could be a bit of a turn off.

So, after customizing my own sound were my woes overcome? Well, not entirely. Despite having a bit more bite, bass and electric guitars in Walk Up by Geordie Greep sounded fairly muddy and instrumental separation was lacking. Vocals in White Mustang by Lana Del Ray also sounded boxy and constricted, resulting in an unnatural-sounding delivery. I would say, though, that lower-frequency sounds were no longer hidden away to a frustrating degree and the overall listening experience became at least adequate. So if you do decide to snap these up on a discount sale, it’s 100% worth shifting away from the top-heavy Baseus Classic EQ calibration.

One aspect sound-wise that was somewhat redeeming was mic quality. When recording the opening of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, my voice was pretty clear-cut, with only a bit of ambience in the background. Call quality, meanwhile, was a bit more middling in terms of quality, but still totally passable. I was still, however, underwhelmed with the audio on offer from the Baseus Bowie 30 Max – especially given the manufacturer's claim that they offer “superior audio quality”. I’m sorry to say that this is not the case.

  • Sound quality score: 2.5/5

Baseus Bowie 30 Max leaning against a block

(Image credit: Future)

Baseus Bowie 30 Max review: design

  • Tidy design for the price
  • Although the headband is a little plasticky
  • Customizable button controls

I’ve been quite critical of the Baseus Bowie 30 Max so far, but one area I think they succeed more in is design. When at a discounted price, these headphones look great for the price you pay. They have a more rectangular, classic look than a lot of cheap options and small ring lights on each can add a nice splash of style too.

The headband isn’t the most padded thing in the world, but I was able to happily listen for multiple hours on end. Looks-wise it is a tad plasticky – and the glossy finish means you can see fingerprints fairly easily, but it’s not particularly ugly or anything.

Speaking of a plasticky look, the button controls suffer from a similar issue, feeling a little cheap. They are, however, nicely laid out and, despite volume down, up, and play/pause being quite close together, they’re easy to use. There’s also an ANC button that can handily be customized using the Baseus app to switch between noise cancelling modes, EQ settings, or spatial audio options.

The Bowie 30 Max are also decently portable. They’re not as compact as a model like the Anker Soundcore Space One Pro or anything, but they can be folded up for carrying in a backpack or tote bag. These are fairly lightweight headphones too weighing in at 11.3 oz / 320g and have decently soft earpads, so they’ll not be too uncomfortable for longer listening sessions, even if the headband isn’t top quality. My main complaint here though is that these cans don’t come with a carry case or similar for keeping them safe during longer journeys.

Finally, don’t expect anything super-fancy or hi-tech from these design-wise. There’s no waterproofing or touch controls – although this isn’t too bad if you’re getting them on discount for around $70/£70. What you do get though is an AUX port for wired listening and USB-C charging, the latter of which can give you as much as 14 hours of playtime from a 10-minute recharge – not bad.

  • Design score: 3.5/5

Baseus Bowie 30 Max semi-folded on a gray surface

(Image credit: Future)

Baseus Bowie 30 Max review: value

  • Even when discounted, rivals perform better
  • Head tracking nice at this cost, but mixed quality
  • Ultimately, sound quality not good enough against competitors

If we’re going by their $149.99 / £109.99 list price, I’d argue that the Baseus Bowie 30 Max are totally outclassed by a wide array of competitors, competing against competitors in the same ballpark, like the Sony WH-CH720N, for instance (more on those later).

However, from early discounts, I suspect these will be available for far less for a lot of the time. Early sales and coupon offers on Amazon US/UK even put these as low as $69.99 / £68.79, so don’t look to pay much more than that. And sure, at this price, getting features like spatial audio is undoubtedly impressive. But, what matters above all is good sound quality and I would argue that’s adequate at best with these headphones. Some of the best cheap headphones – like the Earfun Wave Pro – will likely prove to be a much better value pick.

  • Value score: 3/5

Baseus Bowie 30 Max placed on block with ring light on

(Image credit: Future)

Should I buy the Baseus Bowie 30 Max?

Buy them if…

You want head tracking at a low-price
Although sound quality isn’t top-rate, head tracking is still functional here. It’s not going to give you truly exceptional 3D sound, but if you simply want audio that will dynamically shift as you peer across a screen this is a budget option.

You’re looking for a splash of style
For all of my criticism, I do like the look of the Baseus Bowie 30 Max, they have a fairly unique appearance. There are no color options and the headband is a little plasticky, but overall they have a clean, attractive design.

Don’t buy them if…

You’re an audiophile
If you checked out the ‘Sound quality’ section, this will come as little surprise. Out of the box, bass is too thin, highs often sound tinny and the ‘hi-res’ details don’t really get the chance to breathe. Even with EQ adjustments, these aren’t going to cut it for the most keen listeners.

You want the ultimate value pick
The world of wireless headphones is truly vast. There are so many amazing options out there for you, regardless of your budget. There’s no need to spend an arm and a leg to get top features like ANC – I’ve picked out some stronger budget options below that, in my view, offer cleaner audio and a better user experience overall.

Baseus Bowie 30 Max leaning against block

(Image credit: Future)

Baseus Bowie 30 Max review: also consider

1More Sonoflow
The 1More Sonoflow still sit proudly in our guide to the best noise-canceling headphones – and for good reason. You get 50 hours of battery life with ANC on (and 70 hours with ANC off), solid overall sound, what is (in my opinion) quite a stylish build and solid ANC. Now that’s value. Read our full 1More Sonoflow review.

Sony WH-CH720N
I’ve owned the Sony WH-CH720N for over a year now and highly recommend them if you’re looking for a strong budget option. Yes, at first these may look a fair bit more than the discounted Baseus Bowie Max – but these cans are regularly available for closer to $90/£70. You get commendable ANC, quality customizable audio, DSEE upscaling and so much more. You can even choose from some neat color options, ensuring these are an excellent alternative. Read our full Sony WH-CH720N review.

Baseus Bowie 30 Max review: How I tested

  • Tested across the course of a week
  • Used in the office, while on walks and on public transport
  • Predominantly tested using Tidal on the Samsung Galaxy S24 FE

I spent a week testing the Baseus Bowie 30 Max headphones in a number of settings, including: my apartment; a train; bus; and while on walks. This let me get a real taste for ANC quality, regardless of environment.

When listening to music, I played the entirety of the TechRadar testing playlist and listened to hours and hours of tunes from my own personal library. I predominantly tested using Tidal to make use of LDAC, but I also tested the headphones using Spotify, YouTube and Messenger (for calling). I mainly connected the headphones up to the Samsung Galaxy S24 FE when conducting tests.

Where appropriate, I compared these headphones to the Sony WH-CH720N, judging them side-by-side with the Baseus Bowie 30 Max to gauge audio quality, features and design choices.

First reviewed: October 2024

Read more about how we test

Edifier Stax Spirit S10 review: fantastic-sounding earbuds with a few issues in the feature set
4:00 pm | October 21, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Audio Computers Earbuds & Airpods Gadgets Headphones | Tags: , | Comments: Off

Edifier Stax Spirit S10: Two-minute review

Since I started testing the Edifier Stax Spirit S10, I’ve dropped the words 'planar magnetic' into conversation when describing them a few times. Given the number of blank looks I received at the phrase, I feel it’s important for me to explain it, given that it is the key selling point of these premium earbuds – and they may still enter our best earbuds buying guide as 'best planar magnetic buy' or similar.

A planar magnetic driver is a kind of flat headphone or earbud driver that's fragile, expensive and typically bigger than dynamic (cone-shaped) drivers, but it can offer a wonderfully balanced, detailed sound with less distortion – when done well. Planar earbuds are, as opposed to the homophone, definitely not plainer than dynamic ones.

The vast majority of devices touting planar magnetic drivers are headphones, including Edifier’s Spirit Stax S3 and S5, so the trick the company has pulled with the Stax Spirit S10 is using this tech for a new set of wireless noise-cancelling earbuds.

Cue earbuds lovers asking what audiophiles already know: “Do the Stax Spirit S10 sound good?” The answer is a resounding yes: they sound fantastic for true wireless earbuds, offering better audio than beloved rivals from Apple and Samsung. The dynamic range is wonderful, with pronounced bass and crisp treble, and I found them great for listening to anything from acoustic pop to synthwave and post-rock. The maximum volume could do with being a touch higher, but beyond that, it’s impossible to fault the sound of the Edifiers.

So why don’t the Edifier Stax Spirit S10 deserve a five-star review? Well, it’s hard to give a five-star review to a product with a five-star price like the Edifiers, given how high expectations are when you’re paying more for them than rival AirPods and Galaxy Buds. But that’s not the reason that the Edifier sheds a whole star.

The real reason is that the S10 have a few rough edges in the usability department that many rivals do better. My first gripe was pairing: they literally wouldn’t pair to my phone to begin with (leading me to blow the buds off for another pair I was testing initially, and it was only when I was about to hit ‘send’ on a message to my editor to tell her that the buds weren’t working that they finally decided to get their act together). Of course, this was just my personal experience – I'm unable to promise you'll have the same issues when trying to pair a set to your phone or tablet – but as someone who's tested literally scores of wireless earbuds, it's unusual and note-worthy for buds to simply refuse to pair to my trusted source devices. 

All through the testing period, they were slow to connect to my phone, and the odd droppage here and there when I was out and about got in the way of my listening.

Lastly, the S10 are the first of Edifier’s Stax Spirit devices to have Active Noise Cancellation. But you might not be able to tell, because it’s incredibly light-touch. There are various modes to pick from, but even the strongest struggled to filter out moderate chatter in my office, and the adaptive mode was, there’s no other word for it, ‘janky’. 

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 in front of a sunset.

(Image credit: Future)

It’d sometimes change modes when I was sitting still, leading to a noticeable change in my audio despite not affecting the noise levels beyond it too much – and it changes dramatically. I wish there was an antonym for ‘seamless’ in a tech context; whatever it is, that’s how the adaptive noise cancellation sounds.

Edifier also triggers my pet peeve of audio companies: having multiple different pairing apps. I spent half of the testing period with Edifier Connect on my phone, thinking that the Stax Spirit S10 didn’t have an app, and it took me a while to realize that I actually needed to have downloaded EDIFIER Connex. Come on, Edifier!

Audiophiles are probably used to overlooking annoying quality-of-life issues in the quest for perfect sound, and the Stax Spirit S10 will be an enjoyable stepping stone in that journey. A comfortable fit, support for a nice range of codecs and other branded technologies, plus a distinctive look all help me overlook the strange quirks of the buds. 

Edifier Stax Spirit S10 review: Price and release date

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 in front of a sunset.

(Image credit: Future)
  • Announced in September 2024
  • On sale in the US
  • Cost $299 (roughly £230, AU$450)

Edifier announced the Stax Spirit S10 in September 2024 and released them shortly afterwards, so they’re available to buy in some regions right now.

In the US, you can buy the Spirit S10 for $299 – that price converts to roughly £230 / AU$450. I can’t find them on sale from trusted retailers in the UK or Australia but Edifier does sell gadgets in both regions, so we could see it roll out the earbuds to those places in the future. 

As you can tell from this price, the Edifiers are premium earbuds aimed at discerning buyers. They match in price the Technics EAH-AZ80 which top our list of the best earbuds and cost more than the AirPods Pro 2 and Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 Pro (individually).

Edifier Stax Spirit S10 review: Specs

Edifier Stax Spirit S10 review: Features

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 in front of a sunset.

(Image credit: Future)
  • 5-hour buds battery, 18-hour with case, when ANC is on
  • Noise cancellation leaves a lot to be desired
  • Some connection issues

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 offer all of the features you’d expect in premium headphones… but they don’t all work perfectly.

The battery life is an example. Edifier doesn’t offer a battery estimate for the buds themselves, but says the case will offer 18 hours of playback with ANC on or 28 with it turned off. That’s not a huge number compared to competitors.

In my own testing, the Spirit S10 buds didn’t even last for five hours of playback when ANC was turned on – that’s one of the weakest battery lives I’ve tested in earbuds (it's close to that of the much cheaper AirPods Pro 4 with ANC, with noise-nixing deployed). They got to 4:55:17 until one earbud ran out, and the other was left on 6%. Based on Edifier’s case predictions, I’d estimate that the buds would last for 7 hours of listening if you don’t use ANC.

I didn’t find the battery-sapping ANC that great either; it did a fairly poor job at cancelling background noises. In my office it only succeeded in taking the edge off low-level surrounding chatter or the hum of the microwave, and alongside busy roads and railways it barely made a difference.

There are several different ANC modes: high, medium, ambient sound, wind reduction, adaptive and off. I stuck to high due to the fact that, as I said, it still didn’t feel like much, however I fiddled around with the others too. In adaptive, the modes would change for seemingly no reason, making quite dramatic and sudden shifts from time to time – this was often more than a little distracting.

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 in front of a sunset.

(Image credit: Future)

The ANC is controlled by the tie-in app: EDIFIER Connex, which isn’t Edifier’s only audio app, confusingly. I tried to set it up with Edifier Connect for a while, which isn’t the right app.

Connex lets you play with an equalizer (and two presets), toggle noise cancellation, turn on a high-latency gaming mode, change the function of the on-bud buttons, turn off (or on) wear detection, change your audio codec and do a few other functions which we see in wireless earbuds. There are also a few extras which you don’t: you can change how sensitive the bud buttons are, which I appreciate, and also change the volume of low battery and connectivity prompts.

Something else I need to raise is that I had real connection problems when first setting up the buds – I could pair them once, but after that my phone just couldn’t find the buds, The way I solved the problem (admittedly after a week) was by unpairing the device and re-pairing it several times. 

Also, even once the buds worked well, they’d always take a short while to connect to my phone. It wasn’t dramatic, but I’d always have to wait a few seconds before listening to music, wondering if they'd dropped out again. I even accidentally played my playlist out loud a few times, before getting wise to the fact that pairing from the case takes the Stax Spirit S10 a while longer than most earbuds I've tested.

  • Features score: 3/5

Edifier Stax Spirit S10 review: Design

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 in front of a sunset.

(Image credit: Future)
  • Clamshell case which holds the buds
  • Thick stems give a distinctive look
  • Buds stay in the ear well

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 come in a ‘clamshell’-style case, which you open up to reveal the buds within. This case weighs 56g, is just a hair bigger than a golf ball, and has a USB-C port for charging. It’s definitely not the smallest headphone case I’ve seen, but it protected its contents well.

The earbuds themselves are fairly distinctive looking due to the width of the stem; you’re not going to confuse these for AirPods any day. The large size doesn’t really add to the ‘bulk’ of the buds, so it’s not an issue – it didn’t affect their ear grip from my experience – and it screams to people “these are serious earbuds for serious audiophiles!”.

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 in front of a sunset.

(Image credit: Future)

For most of my testing period, the Spirit S10 were reliable at sticking in my ears. This was even the case through most of a gym session, until I hit the treadmills, so I wouldn’t recommend them for running with. They also fell out when I was doing certain stretches on mats so, again, these aren’t work-out buds unless you’re doing slower and more upright exercises.

The stems bear touch controls which you can customize in the Edifier app, but you’re meant to ‘pinch’ to trigger the control and I could never work out the right place to squeeze to get a reliable result. 

You’re getting IP54-rated protection with both of the buds – this means that they’re mostly protected against solid particles (sand or dust), but can only survive splashes of water. Don’t wear them swimming, then.

  • Design score: 3.5/5

Edifier Stax Spirit S10 review: Sound quality

  • Planar magnetic drivers provide fantastic balanced sound
  • Equalizer gives lots of customization over sound
  • Max volume could be higher

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 in front of a sunset.

(Image credit: Future)

Any downsides that come from planar magnetic drivers (here 12mm ones) are easily outmatched by the positives: The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 sound really, really fantastic. 

I most appreciate the balanced audio you’re getting from the S10. You can hear every line of music as though they’re spread out in Avid Pro before you, and they’re all totally equal, from the lowest rings of the bass guitar to the screechiest soprano; the whisper of the hi-hat and the sniffs of the cold-addled drummer are all even.

Such a balanced mix helps you appreciate the song as it was intended to be listened to, as Edifier isn’t blowing up the bass until it drowns out everything else, or positioning the treble as so dominant that you’d think every song is acapella.

If you like your music a certain way then there is an equalizer in the app (hidden in the ‘Sound effects’ menu) which lets you listen to the default balanced mix, Dynamic (ie bass-heavy), Electrostatic (treble-heavy) or a customized mode with an in-depth equalizer to play around with. However I found the default Original mix so great that I preferred it during testing. 

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 in front of a sunset.

(Image credit: Future)

Don’t worry about any distortion here, as another effect of planar magnet drivers is that it’s far less frequent. In fact, I didn’t notice any distortion during testing, however that may be partly because the Stax Spirit S10 don’t go very loud.

At the maximum volume, I found the S10 to put out music at a comfortable listening level… when I was at home in my quiet flat. Out and about, I’d often find myself struggling to make out parts of a song, especially with the lackluster ANC doing the bare minimum to cancel noise. If I had to commute into an office much more than I do, I’d probably opt for alternate earbuds. These aren’t the worst buds I’ve tested for volume issues, with the Nothing Ear still wearing that – crown? – but the Edifier really could do with being a touch louder.

True audiophiles (or technophiles) will appreciate the range of tech standards and codecs that the S10 support. These earbuds connect using Bluetooth 5.4 and support Snapdragon Sound, Google Fast Pair, aptX Audio, aptX Adaptive, aptX Lossless, LHDC, LDAC and Hi-Res Audio Wireless. To use these better-quality protocols, you’ll need a streaming service that offers them (not Spotify), plus a source that can support them in addition to just using the Edifier buds – but if you want the highest resolution a wireless connection can bring, these earbuds will not be a barrier. 

  • Sound quality: 4.5/5

Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 Pro review: Value

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 in front of a sunset.

(Image credit: Future)
  • High-price earbuds with sound quality to match
  • Feature set needs to improve for better value

To answer simply on whether the Edifier Stax Spirit S10 offer value for money: of course they don’t. No premium earbuds do, not when great-sounding alternatives exist for under $100/£100/AU$200.

The nature of tech is that you get diminishing returns as you slide up the tower of price, and so the Stax Spirit were never going to offer you competitive value for money, and they’re not designed for shoppers on a budget. 

Sure, they sound better than rivals, but they also cost more than these competitors too. Plus the feature set doesn’t work perfectly, and beyond the audio output there are no killer features here worth paying top dollar for. The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 are for audiophiles who have money to spend on their passion, don't care about ANC, and don’t need to get the most efficient value for their money.

  • Value: 3.5/5

Should I buy the Edifier Stax Spirit S10?

Buy them if...

Don’t buy them if…

Edifier Stax Spirit S10 review: Also consider

Technics EAH-AZ80
Triple device multi-point connectivity, LDAC support, supreme fit and excellent call-quality are just four reasons to buy these earbuds. The excellent sound is one more – but there's no dust ingress protection and they're just as pricey as the Edifiers, despite a May 2023 release date. See our Technics EAH-AZ80 review for the full scoop

How I tested the Edifier Stax Spirit S10

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 in front of a sunset.

(Image credit: Future)
  • Tested for 4 weeks
  • Tested at home, in the office and on walks

The Edifier Stax Spirit S10 enjoyed a prolonged testing period; I used them for roughly a month to write this review, which meant I could really put them through their paces. I used them alongside an Android phone, mostly – so I could benefit from their support for LDAC. 

I tested the buds at home, in the office, commuting between the two and on an international holiday; most of my listening was on Tidal or Netflix, but I tried other music and video streaming services as well as calls, podcasts and more.

My tech reviewing history for TechRadar spans more than five years now, including lots of earbuds – and a few pairs of Edifier headphones.

  • First reviewed in October 2024
JLab Go Pop ANC review: some of the best ultra-cheap noise cancelling earbuds on the market
6:46 pm | October 15, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Audio Computers Earbuds & Airpods Gadgets Headphones | Tags: , , , | Comments: Off

JLab Go Pop ANC: one-minute review

The JLab Go Pop ANC have all the hallmarks of an instant budget favorite. These wireless earbuds pack in plenty of quality in the audio department, with particularly impressive bass and treble, strong active noise cancellation and a tiny, lightweight design.

By covering these core essentials, it's already hard to believe the JLab Go Pop ANC are only $29.99 / £29.99 / AU$69.99. However, JLab has gone beyond the basics by including companion app compatibility, which lets you fully customize touch controls – a great addition for the amount you expend.

Earbuds in this price range don’t often feature ANC and although you won’t get the near-silence that some of the best wireless earbuds might offer, overall quality here is good. It’s certainly enough to keep conversations muted and loud noises dulled when you’re out in public. Similarly, sound quality – although not mind-blowing due to a relatively narrow soundstage – is still up-to-standard, thanks to energetic bass and treble output.

With a great seven hours worth of battery per bud (with ANC on), high-comfort feel and IP55 waterproof rating, you’re getting more than your money’s worth from the JLab Go Pop 4, so don’t be surprised if they appear in our guide to the best budget wireless earbuds sometime soon.

JLab Go Pop ANC inside charging case being held in someone's hand

(Image credit: Future)

JLab Go Pop ANC review: price and release date

  • $29.99 / £29.99 / AU$69.99
  • Launches on October 15 in the US
  • Expected to launch in Q1 2025 in the UK and Australia

The JLab Go Pop ANC are set to launch on October 15 in the US and although there’s no confirmed release date for the UK and Australia, it seems likely you'll see them on sale sometime in the first quarter of 2025. We’ll keep you updated with full availability info as it comes.

I tested the Black color variant, but if you want to jazz things up a bit, you’ll also be able to grab them in either Fuchsia or Teal. But arguably the main draw of these wireless earbuds is their ultra-low price. They’ll be just $29.99 / £29.99 / AU$69.99 at launch, so you’re going to be hard pressed to find better value ANC buds.

JLab Go Pop ANC review: specs

USB-C cable on JLab Go Pop ANC charging case folded in

(Image credit: Future)

JLab Go Pop ANC review: features

  • Solid ANC
  • Companion app compatibility
  • Customizable touch controls

The JLab Go Pop ANC surprised me in that they offer a fairly personalized user experience.

At the core of this is the JLab app, which offers a handful of tasty options. This includes customizable touch controls for each earbud, allowing you to choose between play/pause, volume controls, skip/previous track, voice assistant and EQ controls. I personally love touch controls, but if you find them irritating, fear not – you can deactivate them entirely in the JLab app.

I touched on EQ options there – and these are very good. There are three presets – JLab Signature (a fairly exciting sound with more of a bass/treble focus), Balanced, and Bass Boost. You can also alter EQ to your personal taste with a Custom option. In a similar vein, there are also Music and Movie modes to choose from, depending on the sort of media you’re consuming.

The main event, though, is ANC. You can adjust the strength of this with an in-app slider or simply switch between Noise Canceling and Be Aware mode – the latter of which lets in more ambient sound. And ANC quality itself is good overall. You’re not going to get the near-silence you'd expect from some of the best noise cancelling earbuds, though. What the Go Pop ANC can do is effectively dull external noise – I was unable to clearly make out conversations when in the office and playing music at medium-high volume. You can’t ask for much better at this price-point.

Finally, you’re getting good battery life out of these buds. They can survive for approximately 24 hours with a fully juiced charging case and you’ll get seven hours out of each earbud with ANC on. When testing this over the course of an entire work-day, I found the seven-hour timeframe to be accurate after listening at medium-high volume.

  • Features score: 4.5/5

JLab Go Pop ANC inside charging case, against a pink background

(Image credit: Future)

JLab Go Pop ANC review: sound quality

  • Sparkling treble; impressive bass
  • Mids not so prominent
  • Limited tinniness and distortion

For some super-cheap wireless earbuds, the JLab Go Pop ANC fare well in the audio-quality realm. It’s worth noting upfront, you’re not getting great audio here. The soundstage is pretty narrow and details won’t be fully realized. As you’d anticipate, there’s nothing fancy on offer like ‘lossless’ audio codecs, so if you’re an audiophile, it might be worth looking elsewhere (and perhaps spending a little more too).

But for buds like this, none of that matters all that much. For the most part, I used the default JLab Signature EQ setting and found that bass was surprisingly impactful and treble was sharp enough to add some flair to the overall listening experience.

When listening to I Want You by Moloko, instrumental separation was admittedly quite limited, with the complex mix a little constrained. However, the actual punch of the bass was still satisfying, synths had a cutting, prominent edge and there was little-to-no tinniness, even at high volumes.

I also tried tuning into Black Eye by Allie X. The track’s all-action intro was replicated well; the depth of the drum machine came through nicely and the dynamism of the bouncing bass line – which connects up to the lower-mid range – was responsive. I didn’t sense incredible agility or explosiveness when listening to this track, but for some budget wireless earbuds these replicated the intended energy accurately.

If you’re really into podcasts, these earbuds might not be ideal for you, though. Mids can be pushed a little bit towards the background, so vocal-heavy media doesn’t always sound perfectly clear. Of course, you can make EQ adjustments in the JBL app to partially offset this, but these earbuds are really at their best when leaning into their strengths in the lower and higher-end frequencies.

Audio is decent for calls, however. I made a phone call, Messenger video call and Google Meet video call and the quality was decently clear across the board. The only problem here is that higher-pitched sounds have a bit of a hiss, but this is a pretty common issue, even with a lot of the more expensive wireless earbuds out there.

  • Sound quality score: 3.5/5

JLab Go Pop ANC outside of charging case on a stone surface

(Image credit: Future)

JLab Go Pop ANC review: design

  • Pleasingly lightweight
  • Super-small build
  • Admittedly a tad cheap-looking

Something that I instantly loved about the JLab Go Pop ANC was their ultra-lightweight, compact build. These factors combine to give them a truly minimalistic profile – both in terms of feel and aesthetic. I happily kept these buds in across multiple full work days without any irritation or discomfort.

Looks-wise, I have mixed feelings here. Given their price, I wasn’t expecting beautiful quality, but I still wasn’t won over by the plastic JLab logo etched on the outside of each bud. That is me nitpicking, though. Ultimately, these are a little cheap-looking across the board, from bud to charging case, but they aren’t off-putting by any means.

Another design aspect that could be better is the color options. Don’t get me wrong, the fact there are options at all is a nice touch – but both the purple/maroon Fuchsia and the Teal colors didn’t do it for me. They lack vibrancy, but don’t have a mild, classy look either, floating in an awkward middle ground. The classic Black will be perfectly fine for most, however.

Practically speaking though, these are very well designed. The charging case is tiny, perfect for carrying in your pocket. It also has a USB-C cable that's folded inside the base of the case, which is incredibly handy for charging on-the-go (although if you were hoping for a new USB-C to USB-C cable for general use, you'll be disappointed; this one's permanently attached to its product). The buds themselves are also IP55 rated, meaning they’re both sweat and splashproof – ideal for workouts or if, like me, you live in a rainy English city.

  • Design score: 4/5

USB-C cable on JLab Go Pop ANC charging case folded out

(Image credit: Future)

JLab Go Pop ANC review: value

  • Incredibly cheap wireless earbuds
  • Very impressive sound quality at this level
  • ANC at this price-point a rarity

OK, spoiler alert, these get full marks in the value department, but honestly, reader, I expect you saw that coming. ANC, app compatibility and solid audio quality all for less than $30 / £30 / AU$70 – that’s truly exceptional.

ANC especially is a massive win for wireless earbuds in this price range. It’s quite unusual to find this feature for so little – not to mention that the actual ANC quality is admirable. In the context of its cost, the sound quality is strong here too. Sure, it’s nothing mind-blowing and audiophiles will likely find a few faults – but their exciting sound signature is still very much enjoyable.

  • Value score: 5/5

JLab Go Pop ANC outside of charging case on a stone surface

(Image credit: Future)

Should I buy the JLab Go Pop ANC?

Buy them if...

You’re on a budget but want ANC
Active noise cancellation at $29.99 / £29.99 / AU$69.99? Go on then. There aren’t too many competitors offering ANC for this little and given the actual quality is good here too, these buds are an absolute steal.

You want some small, lightweight buds
These buds are absolutely tiny – even their case is as diminutive as it gets. On top of that they feel about as heavy as a feather, which combined with their high-comfort fit makes them ideal if you want to lock in for a long listening session.

Don't buy them if...

You’re an audiophile
Right, so as much as the sound quality here is great for the price, it’s still not going to be enough to impress audiophiles. There are no fancy Bluetooth codecs here like LDAC and the soundstage is a tad narrow. As a result, audiophiles, you’ll almost certainly have to splash a bit more cash to get the rich sound quality you crave.

You’re a fashionista first, listener second
For all their perks, I can’t lie, these buds haven’t won me over looks-wise. The plastic JLab logo on the buds isn’t the easiest on the eye and the color options weren’t my thing either. If you want to look a bit more stylish, it may be worth looking at another strong budget option, like the (still) amazing Audio-Technica ATH-SQ1TW.

JLab Go Pop ANC: Also consider

EarFun Air Pro 3
The EarFun Air Pro 3 are probably the closest competitor to the JLab Go Pop ANC when it comes to pound-for-pound value. With solid ANC and sound quality, Bluetooth LE Audio support and a lightweight design they hit all of the right notes. Their stem-like look might not be for everyone, so weigh up whether that more out-of-the-box appearance is for you before picking them over these brilliant JLab buds. Read our full EarFun Air Pro 3 review.

Sony WF-C700N
Right, these are admittedly a fair step-up over the JLab Go Pop ANC price-wise. However, I’ve seen these go on sale for as little as $98 / £67 on Amazon UK and US respectively – that’s great value. I personally own these buds and you get impressive, customizable sound, plenty of fun features and perfect comfort levels. The ANC here is very competent too, so given that these are budget earbuds, you’re not sacrificing much at all on quality. Read our full Sony WF-C700N review.

JLab Go Pop ANC review: How I tested

  • Tested over the course of one week
  • Used in the office, at home and while on walks
  • Predominantly tested using Spotify on Samsung Galaxy S24 FE

I tested the JLab Go Pop ANC over an intense week-long period, keeping the buds in for the majority of my work days. I used them at the office, while at home and when on walks to grasp the competency of ANC in multiple environments.

Although I predominantly tested these wireless earbuds using Spotify on the Samsung Galaxy S24 FE, I did also try using them while using both Tidal and YouTube. When listening to music, I ran through the TechRadar testing playlist, which features tracks from a wide variety of genres but also tuned in to hours worth of bangers from my personal library.

Where appropriate, I compared these to my Sony WF-C700N earbuds on metrics such as comfort, audio quality, ANC capabilities and features.

JLab Go Pop ANC in-ear

(Image credit: Future)
  • First reviewed: October 2024
  • Read more about how we test
JBL Tour Pro 3 earbuds review: ‘feature-packed’ is an understatement, but JBL’s own cheaper version makes them a tough sell
11:30 am |

Author: admin | Category: Audio Computers Earbuds & Airpods Gadgets Headphones | Tags: | Comments: Off

JBL Tour Pro 3: Two-minute review

Sometimes, we can become victims of our own success. Are the new JBL Tour Pro 3 some of the best noise-cancelling earbuds I've ever tested? They're emphatically the most feature-packed I've ever used, bar none, and that is wholly commendable. A quick scroll through the on-screen menu options is testament to that. These flagship earbuds do so much; to your music, to the voice of anyone you talk to during calls, to the ambient sounds around you, to your in-game experience, to broadcast audio to your friends – I could go on (I will go on, don't worry).

So why do you sense a 'but' coming? Well, since the arrival of the January 2023-issue JBL Tour Pro 2 upon which this third-gen flagship set are built, JBL has offered much of its once-flagship tech to the cheaper Live 3 earbuds (which come in three flavors: 'toothbrush-head' Beam, 'open-ear-ish' Flex and 'no-tail' Buds propositions) including that super-impressive smart case. Which is good, right?

Yes, except it means that justifying the price hike from $199.95 / £179.99 for the excellent JBL Live Beam 3 up to $299.99 / £279.99 for the Tour Pro 3 isn't easy. And making a case for buying the flagship set only becomes harder when you discover that the more budget set is now available for a bit less; a quick UK scan proved you can buy the Live Beam 3 for £149.99 – and I'd suggest that they're amazing value for that money.

JBL Tour Pro 3 earbuds on floral background

(Image credit: Future)

So what are the upgrades here? Let's not mess around, I'll tell you right now: you now get two color choices – black and a new 'latte' caramel-type finish – and the screen is 30% larger than the older Tour. Also the case a little smaller than that of the Tour Pro 2, but it's still bigger than the Live Beam 3.

The headline-grabber is that this case is now a transmitter (see the Bowers & Wilkins Pi8, Jabra Elite 10 Gen 2 or LG Tone Free T90S for similar) meaning that with the included 3.5mm-to-USB-C cable, you can hook up to the in-flight movie system in your airplane seat (say) and broadcast the audio to your buds – but like B&W's option, it'll do it in high-quality audio, this time using LE Audio and the LC3 codec.

The JBL Tour Pro 3's case is also one of the first registered Auracast source devices in portable audio, which means anyone in the vicinity with Auracast-enabled headphones (there aren't too many about right now, but they're coming) could also join to hear the sound being transmitted, and you can add a password if you don't want random listeners hooking up to your broadcast.

JBL's Spatial Audio 360 is onboard too, which now includes head-tracked, device-agnostic immersive audio helped by an updated algorithm; L/R balance optimization; 12 EQ bands to tailor things sonically and JBL's new Personi-Fi 3.0 update. Personi-Fi helps to personalize the sound to your liking, creating a sound profile based on your hearing by giving you an otoacoustic test of sorts (more on this later).

Under the driver housing there's now a hybrid 10.2mm cellulose dynamic driver coupled with a 5.1mm x 2.8mm balanced armature setup, which splits the audio signal so different frequencies go to their optimized drivers. Codec support is also better: in addition to SBC and AAC, hi-res LDAC joins the party when listening wirelessly – great news for Sony Xperia or other Android phone owners.

JBL also claims its new AI algorithm means the company's True Adaptive Noise Cancellation 2.0 with 'smart calibration' is actually able to tackle what it calls 'incident noises' – think unusual, one-off sounds rather than constant jet engine cabin noise.

If that sounds like a lot for it to offer over the Live Beam 3, it is and it isn't. The difference in screen size is negligible to the eye and for me the case is a touch on the bulky side to be truly pocketable. It'll come down to whether you want that head-tracked spatial audio (which is very good indeed), the transmitter in the case, and/or an Auracast source device. If you're not worried about those last two perks, I cannot build a compelling case for paying the significant price hike over the Live Beam 3.

Add to this the fact that for me, the Tour Pro 3 earbuds themselves are on the large side (despite the addition of foam tips as well as silicone, I struggled to get them to stay put in my ears) plus the fact that, like the cheaper set, you still need to make a compromise in terms of on-ear control options and you'll see why I can't give them the full five stars – or the 4.5-star verdict their cheaper siblings get – despite the plethora of perks.

JBL Tour Pro 3 review: Price & release date

  • Unveiled on August 21, 2024
  • Priced $299.95 / £279.99 / (approx.) AU$545

OK, so the JBL Tour Pro 3 are not cheap. What to say about the asking price? Well, the aforementioned flagship Bowers & Wilkins earbuds (which coincidentally launched on the same day and also offer a case transmission feature – but no spatial audio processing) are even more expensive, at $399 / £349 / AU$699.

Elsewhere, Bose's QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds also come in at $299 / £299 / AU$449; Technics' excellent EAH-AZ80 are $299 / £259 / AU$499 as well, and the Final ZE8000 MK2 are $399 / £289 (around AU$609), where available.

It's worth noting that the older Tour Pro 2 launched in January 2023 at MSRPs of $249.95 / £220 / AU$350, so there's been a $50 / £50 price hike this time around. Given the upgraded specs listed, you could say that the new asking fee doesn't seem unreasonable. On the other hand, I really think the small matter of the splendid $199.95 / £179.99 / AU$249 JBL Live Beam 3 remains a thorn in this Pro set's side…

JBL Tour Pro 3 earbuds held in a hand, with navy floral background

(Image credit: Future)

JBL Tour Pro 3 review: Specs

JBL Tour Pro 3 review: Features

  • Excellent spatial audio with head-tracking
  • Case retransmission feature adds value
  • Noise cancellation is good rather than excellent

Before I launch headfirst into what the Tour Pro 3 do incredibly well, if you want Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds or AirPods Pro 2 levels of active noise cancellation, you don't quite get it from JBL Tour Pro 3. When I deploy ANC (and here you can select from a seven-step slider or pick 'Adaptive ANC' to have JBL's algorithm sort it) I do feel the noise floor drop, but that cocooned, bubble-of-silence feeling is never quite achieved.

This may be in part to the fit and seal I was personally able to get – despite the in-app 'Check my best fit' test telling me I'd got it just fine and toggling 'Auto compensation' on, in the ANC customization tab (which promises to check wearing and ear canal status to adjust ANC in real time) the Tour Pro 3 never felt incredibly secure in my ears, and this does contribute to sound leakage and passive isolation.

However fervent the claims JBL makes about its souped-up True Adaptive Noise Cancellation 2.0 with 'smart calibration' (the company says it does a good job of nixing 'incident noises' as well as regular low-level constants), I never quite feel it. Don't get me wrong: there is a marked difference to the level of extraneous noise that seeps in, but it isn't wholly cancelled, and the Tour Pro 3 never perform as well as the options listed above in this area.

JBL Tour Pro 3 earbuds held in a hand, with navy floral background

Quite a deep-set design for stemmed earbuds. (Image credit: Future)

Now, the really very good bits: spatial audio. Oh, it's good. When I cue up Rod Stewart's Handbags & Gladrags, the drums sit over on my right as flutes join in, somewhere behind my brainstem. Honestly, as I deploy head-tracking and turn my head slowly away from my phone, I notice when Stewart belts a little too close into the mic, or a key is miss-played in a chord – or that there's actually a conversation barely audible, during the last chorus. You don't get this head-tracked spatial audio support with the cheaper Live Beam 3. Is it worth the $100 / £100 price hike? If they only fit a little better for me, probably… but I'm getting ahead of myself (the sound and design sections come later).

Now the screen: it's just as snappy as the one you'll find on the JBL Live Beam 3 and although marginally bigger, it doesn't do an awful lot more. Functional screens (ear tip sound settings; toggling between Bluetooth and transmitter mode; options within spatial sound) are here, but the chief benefit here is still the lock-screen wallpaper.

Elsewhere, JBL really has thrown everything and the kitchen sink at these earbuds. Top of the pile is Personi-Fi 3.0, but here again I find myself backtracking to the Live Beam 3 and trying to justify whether they're worth a price hike. I absolutely loved Personi-Fi 2.0, in the Live Beam 3, and I'm not 100% sure how this has been upgraded – because I once again took the test (which involves listening to various tones and lifting your finger from a button when you can no longer hear them) to create a test report and your own personal augmented profile, and once again I got the self-same result. I still love the effect of it in the Tour Pro 3, but I can get it for cheaper in the Live Beam 3…

Call-handling is again very good, thanks (again) to the numerous options you have available to enhance the experience, including Sound Level Optimiser, which balances the volume of the voice on the other end of the line; Sound Setting, to increase the bass or treble of the voice at the other end of the phone, or keep things "natural"; Voice Setting, aka same thing but for your own dulcet tones in the call; VoiceAware, which is a slider to control how much of your own voice you'd like to hear during calls; and Private Call Mode, which actually lets you remove one bud and use it as a mic – ie. to talk a little quieter and keep the conversation on the down-low. Again, it's all very good, but you can get it in the Live Beam 3 too, for less.

You get the same six EQ presets as the Live Beam 3 too, or the ability to create your own, plus Adaptive EQ for automatic adjustments in real-time with the option of toggling on "Low Volume EQ" to boost highs and lows if listening at low volumes, plus "Leakage Compensation", to help the sonics if the tips you've fitted don't offer a perfect seal.

And of course, here you also get a transmitter mode. Do you take a lot of flights? You'll love it and so will the person sitting next to you, who won't entangle themselves in any headphone cables when trying to politely nip past you and your tray table. Also, the Tour Pro 3's case is an Auracast source device, if you've got friends with (new, Bluetooth 5.2 and later) earbuds that can join the party. Will I personally use these features often? No. But they are extra perks in a set of earbuds that already offered myriad features.

The JBL Tour Pro 3 offer an admirable battery life of up to 44 hours in total – 11 hours from the buds plus three more full charges with ANC off. If you're always using ANC, it's eight hours plus three more full charges with ANC on, for a 32-hour total. During my testing I got just over eight hours and 20 minutes from them on a single charge with ANC deployed, which is very impressive. And that claim of an additional three hours of listening with a quick 10-minute speed charge? Yup, all good – and very useful.

  • Features score: 5/5

JBL Tour Pro 3 a trio of JBL Headphones app Personi-Fi screen-grabs

Personi-Fi 3.0 is just as good as 2.0…  (Image credit: JBL)

JBL Tour Pro 3 review: Sound quality

  • Admirable separation and detail in head-tracked audio
  • A zealous mix; brims with energy
  • Plays nice and loud at 50% volume

I knocked the JBL Tour Pro 2's sound quality and the good news is, it's a different story with the Tour Pro 3. Your codec support here includes LDAC if you own an Android device to deploy it, which won't do much for your lowly Spotify streams but will help you get the best from Tidal Max tracks, Apple Music playlists or Qobuz albums.

The rumble at the outset of Grian Chatten's The Score is deftly handled and gives way to the detailed and textured Spanish guitar. The album continues to Last Time Every Time Forever and something I haven't felt since testing the Bose QuietComfort Ultra happens: I forget I'm wearing earbuds for a second because the head-tracked spatial audio sounds so convincingly like it's coming from below my chin. Sadly, this only lasts until I turn my head sharply (as that dislodges the right earpiece) but you can't knock the talent of the driver array here.

Switching to Free Fallin' by Tom Petty, jangly guitars, a resolute easy drum and Petty's vocal are present with ample room to shine, in a cohesive mix that never sees one instrument or musical passage vying for enough space to be impactful. When backing vocals come in to echo the words "Ventura Boulevard", there's a level of detail to the dynamics to the mix similar to the kind you get with the Bowers & Wilkins Pi8.

Also, the Tour Pro 3 play nice and loud, even at 50% volume, which means those battery claims are bang on. (Often find yourself whacking the volume up to get robust audio from your earbuds? Impacts the stamina doesn't it? Not a problem here.)

In direct comparison, the zealous and energetic presentation of the Tour Pro 3 may have one very small shortfall, and it's to do with the timing. It's not a cluttered or disorganised performance by any means, you understand, but I tap my feet more readily during what I call the 'marching band' section of this track (where Phil Jones switches up the time signature on his drums) when listening to the Bowers & Wilkins earbuds.

Again, it's only a very minor issue and only notable in direct comparison, but the JBL earbuds lose out just fractionally for regimented accuracy across the frequencies here – as if the two drivers under the hood haven't quite married up perfectly. It's a difficult concept to explain without going overboard, so know that it isn't a big issue at all. If pushed to expand on it, it's as if the B&W product keeps a wholly tight grip on every musical strand, constantly, and the JBL earbuds just very occasionally loosen one, through the treble.

  • Sound quality score: 4.5/5

JBL Tour Pro 3 earbuds on floral background

It's a small detail, but this rubberised section so useful (Image credit: Future)

JBL Tour Pro 3 review: Design

  • Driver housings feel a little thick
  • On-ear functions still require a compromise
  • Not-so pocketable case

One thing I really like about the JBL Tour Pro 3 is the rubberized section on the back of the case that offers traction when placed on most surfaces. If, like me, you tend to gesture a lot when you talk (or love a good dance al desko) often swiping your earbuds case to the floor with a flourish, this won't happen here.

The JBL Tour Pro 3's case opens like a satchel (think AirPods) rather than a suitcase (think JBL Live Beam 3) and while it feels well-made, the case is a little too bulky to slip into my pocket anonymously. Also, there isn't a lanyard hole here, as there is with the Live Beam 3, which was a fun way to showcase your lock-screen wallpaper.

My issue with the JBL Tour Pro 3's design and where they lose marks in this section is the size of the driver housings. Now, I know I've said before that actually, deeper 'concha-fit' designs – see the Technics EAH-AZ80 – often look a little big and end up feeling anything but. Sadly, that's not the case with the Tour Pro 3. Despite supplying foam tips as well as silicone, the addition of a stem and a deeper housing makes for a poor fit, for me. I still struggle to keep them in my ears.

Now, fit is obviously subjective, but I know (after compiling a list of the best earbuds for smaller ears) I'm not alone in finding certain options easier to accommodate in my bijou ears than others. This set of earbuds will not be making an appearance in the above buying guide.

A JBL Live Beam 3 earbuds and a Tour Pro 3 earbud, held in a hand, to show the relative depth

The Tour Pro 3 (right) is a deeper design and doesn't feel as ergonomic or secure as the Live Beam 3 (left). (Image credit: Future)

I do have one more minor negative though, and it's the self-same minor issue I encountered with the JBL Live Beam 3. Basically, you need to ditch a set of functions again. To explain, you can customize what tapping each bud controls, but the sums don't work. Your command options are Playback Control, Ambient Sound Control, and Volume Control – ie. three-fold. But humans typically have only two ears and thus only two earbuds to give jobs to, so one useful thing is left out of the mix.

It could be worse; earbuds that don't offer a way to tweak the volume of music without having to dig out my phone (or ask Siri) annoy me most, but while the JBL Tour Pro do offer volume control, assigning that to my left earbud and Playback Control to my right means foregoing on-ear ANC > Ambient aware > Off tweaks. The touchscreen gives you another way to quickly access the ANC, Ambient or TalkThru modes besides my phone, it's true, but at this level I think it's not unreasonable to expect a comprehensive set of on-ear controls that covers the lot simultaneously – because other options, such as the Cambridge Audio Melomania M100, do.

  • Design score: 3.5/5

JBL Tour Pro 3 earbuds on floral background

(Image credit: Future)

JBL Tour Pro 3 review: Value

  • The most fully-featured earbuds around
  • …but sadly, the JBL Live Beam 3 exist
  • Can't offer the full suite of on-ear controls at once

As I've tried at length to explain in this review, the JBL Tour Pro 3 are a very interesting proposition and to justify their price hike over JBL's talented Live Beam 3, you do get head-tracked spatial audio, Auracast broadcasting, a slightly bigger screen, a case retransmission feature for in-flight entertainment systems, plus additional foam eartips and processing that claims to compensate for the tips you've chosen.

On paper and in the flesh, they're stuffed to the gills with features. The problem is the existence of the excellent, cheaper, also screen-enhanced earbuds the company released in January 2024, instantly making those once-flagship perks afforded by a smart screen available for much less.

Are the extras listed above enough to represent great value? I think for most people, no. Yes, the Denon PerL Pro-esque Person-Fi hearing tests are excellent, but for me, they're no different to those you'll get within the much cheaper JBL Live Beam 3. Both are very good indeed, and one can be had for significantly less money (aka, better value). And the thing is, the cheaper set fit my ears much better than the flagship Tour Pro 3's bulkier driver-housing…

  • Value score: 3.5/5

JBL Tour Pro 3 held in a hand

(Image credit: Future)

Should I buy the JBL Tour Pro 3?

Buy them if...

You prioritize natural head-tracked spatial audio
These earbuds don't care which streaming service you're listening to, simply toggle it on and hear the sound open out all around you – and fix itself as you turn your head to each sonic article.

You like to wear your heart on your sleeve
This is the biggest smart screen JBL's ever put on a case, so you'll get a few millimeters more of lock-screen wallpaper.

You have an Android phone
Your Sony Xperia phone (and other Androids) will let you have at LDAC quality streaming using the JBL Tour Pro 3

Don't buy them if...

You have smaller ears
The buds are on the large side, and they feel it.

…and smaller pockets
I mean physically: the case is pretty big. Then again, they're not exactly wallet-friendly either, so deep pockets are metaphorically preferable here too… 

You want the best ANC on the market
Here, AirPods Pro 2, Bose QuietComfort Earbuds Ultra or even the Bowers & Wilkins Pi8 will serve you better.

JBL Tour Pro 3: Also consider

Bowers & Wilkins Pi8
I think these are the best-sounding buds you can get, with superior noise cancellation than the JBL as well, and they also have the audio transmission features. But they're very pricey, and there's no spatial audio, so take a read of my full Bowers & Wilkins Pi8 to see if they're right for you.

JBL Live Beam 3
I've already talked a lot about these, but the pitch is simple: most of the best features of the Tour Pro 3, for a much lower price. Definitely take a read of my JBL Live Beam 3 review to see if they're right for you.

Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds
Want device-agnostic, head-tracked spatial audio as well as some of the best ANC in the business? It's here in the September 2023-issue earbuds from Bose. It's rare that we get to call Bose the cheaper option, and they aren't here – but they're only slightly more expensive than JBL's flagship offering. You'll have to forego multi-point connectivity, wireless charging support, and a modicum of detail sonically speaking, but maybe noise-nixing takes priority for you, and that's ok. You can read more in-depth in our full Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds review.

Cambridge Audio Melomania M100
The ANC is very good indeed here, too – as is the sound quality. And to top it all off, you get the option of Matt Berry on voice prompts (his "Waiting to pair!" is sublime). You don't get a case with a screen on it, mind – and the fit is good rather than exceptional, but the M100's still a viable cheaper rival, depending on your priorities. Our Cambridge Audio Melomania M100 review will help you sort through the details.

How I tested the JBL Tour Pro 3

JBL Tour Pro 3 earbuds on floral background

(Image credit: Future)
  • Tested for three weeks; listened against the competition
  • Used at work and home
  • Listened to Tidal Masters, Apple Music Lossless tracks and Spotify

The JBL Tour Pro 3 became my musical companions for nearly four weeks – after a thorough 48-hour run-in period, as per our guidelines on how we test wireless earbuds.

I wore them to work on weekdays (running to the station; on the London Underground; at the office), and during a weekend on Weymouth sea-front – the best way to test blustery wind interference from mics during calls I've ever found.

To better test the comfort and security of the Tour Pro 3, I even wore them during a cycle along the promenade, and while they did ping out onto the street, they seem virtually uncrushable (since I believe another bicycle may have gone over it).

To check the audio quality across the frequencies, I listened to TR's playlist (spanning everything from acoustic mixes to electronica) on Apple Music, Qobuz and Tidal, but I also tested using podcasts and albums on Spotify, plus YouTube tutorials (mostly about how to duck-dive while surfing because I still can't do it, in case you wondered) on my MacBook Pro. I compared them directly against the Bowers & Wilkins Pi8, Cambridge Audio Melomania M100, AirPods Pro 2 and JBL Live Beam 3.

I’ve been testing audio products well for over five years now. As a dancer, aerialist and musical theater performer in a previous life, sound quality, fit and user experience always take priority for me – but having heard how effective ANC can be when done well, I have grown to love immersing myself in a cocoon of silence also.

Read TechRadar's reviews guarantee

  • First reviewed: October 2024
AirPods 4 review: they’re good, but you can do better for the price
5:51 pm | October 11, 2024

Author: admin | Category: Audio Computers Earbuds & Airpods Gadgets Headphones | Tags: | Comments: Off

Apple AirPods 4: Two-minute review

Apple's AirPods 4 – which are the cheaper version of AirPods 4 at $129 / £129 / AU$219, not the more expensive model with active noise cancellation and some other extra features – are the latest version of Apple's open-ear wireless earbuds. Designed for people who don't want anything inside their ear canal, the AirPods 4 sit just outside it, and they stay remarkably stable and sound nice while doing it.

But the main refrain you're going to hear throughout this AirPods 4 review is that if you don't mind in-ear tips, you can get better sound quality and a more flexible set of features for a lower price among the best budget earbuds.

There are good reasons for Apple users to stick with AirPods though, because all their best features work with Apple tech exclusively, as you'd expect. The head-tracked spatial audio is so impressive with movies, the auto-device switching between Apple tech is really useful, and it's generally a seamless experience.

The sound is fulsome and fairly dynamic, and it's easy to have a good time listening to all kinds of tracks, thanks to their superb balance between frequencies. But there's a lack of fine detail compared to the mid-range competition that means music lacks that extra realism and deep satisfaction. The open-ear design allows a lot of sound to leak in as well, which interferes with the audio fidelity.

The issue for people at large is the lack of standard Bluetooth multi-point pairing, which means you only get seamless switching if you have multiple Apple devices. Nearly all the best wireless earbuds at a similar price offer multi-point pairing, which means you can switch from an iPhone to a Chromebook or Windows laptop easily – and those earbuds also offer better sound, the option of active noise cancellation, and on-ear volume control – for a lower price than the AirPods 4.

These earbuds do the job for their intended Apple audience, with some great unique features and a good design (I really like the pinch controls) and fit. But if you want real bang for your buck, look to the $119 / £79 / AU$149 Sony WF-C700N or the $99 / £99 / AU$169 Nothing Ear (a).

AirPods 4 outside of their case on a table

(Image credit: Future)

Apple AirPods 4 review: Price & release date

  • $129 / £129 / AU$219
  • Released on September 20, 2024
  • The cheapest current AirPods

With an official price of $129 / £129 / AU$219, the AirPods 4 wander dangerously into 'mid-range earbuds' territory for earbuds with a feature set that's closer to those of budget buds. Apple does now offer discounts on its earbuds around sales events (which didn't use to be the case), but I doubt these will drop under $100 / £100 for quite a while.

It's not a bad price for a pair of good-sounding earbuds with excellent spatial audio, but basically all the competition at this price offer active noise cancellation – including the $99 / £99 Nothing Ear (a), for example.

Apple AirPods 4 review: Specs

Apple AirPods 4 review: Features

  • Good features for Apple devices
  • No cross-platform multi-point pairing
  • No on-ear volume control

As we expect from AirPods, the AirPods 4 only give you the full power of their features if all your devices are Apple-made.

They offer fast pairing with Apple tech, and will auto-switch between any bit of Apple tech you're signed into with your Apple ID, which means they're effectively 'paired' with all your devices at once, whether that's an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Mac or Apple Watch. Just start playing something on a new device while wearing them and you can automatically switch, or choose to switch in some cases. It works extremely well, and is a slick benefit of buying into Apple's cosy ecosystem.

While they can be paired with non-Apple devices, you won't get access to most of the features mentioned here, and they don't support Bluetooth's standard multi-point pairing, meaning that if you have an iPhone and a Windows laptop, you'll only get the good features when you’re using the AirPods with your iPhone, and there's no easy switching to your laptop.

They offer head-tracked spatial audio when used with Apple devices, which is a highlight. This means that when listening to anything in surround sound or Dolby Atmos, it'll seem like the sound is coming from a set of static speakers around you that don't move even when you move your head, like a home theater system. I've never been a big fan of this with music because I just tend to move around too much while listening for it to make sense (though I enjoy spatial audio without head-tracking for music, where it just creates a kind of bubble of expanded sound around your head), but spatial audio with movies is just fantastic.

You get a convincing feeling of surround sound, with your device as the 'center' of the home theater effect, and the feeling of speakers all around you. When you're watching movies on a long journey, it really helps you to feel like you're less trapped in a space, and makes the experience more engaging and immersive. I love it.

Speaking of journeys, one nice touch with AirPods (and many of the best Beats headphones) is that you can share audio between them, so two people can watch the same show on an iPad together while traveling.

There's limited support for Apple's Find My service here: the app can tell you where you last had them, and the AirPods can 'call home' via the Find My network of other people's iPhones to tell you roughly where they are. But these don't have the precision finding of the AirPods Pro 2 (where your iPhone can literally point you towards them), or the ability of the AirPods 4 with ANC to play a sound to help you find them.

AirPods 4 case held in a man's hand

(Image credit: Future)

They support 'Hey Siri' so you can ask Apple's assistant for things, though frankly I don't find Siri useful enough to want this turned on. Similarly, the AirPods 4 support Apple's 'Announce Notifications' feature, where Siri's voice will read you out notifications that have arrived on your iPhone or Apple Watch, which I also have turned off. It certainly can be a useful feature in a clutch, but as an Apple Watch user I already have quick access to my notifications on my wrist, and that route doesn't interrupt my podcast.

Still, if you use Announce Notifications (you'll be given the option when you first pair), you can also use the AirPods' new gesture controls to respond to certain notifications by nodding or shaking your head. For example, when my Apple Watch asks if I'm doing an outdoor walk, I can nod to confirm and start the tracking.

These gestures are smartly implemented, with a blip of audio feedback when the AirPods detect that you're moving your head. You'll need to move your head fairly definitively to confirm, so perhaps left, right and left again to reject a notification with a shake of the head, but it's very clear if and when the AirPods are picking up the gestures, though I felt like the head motions I made were a little too exaggerated to be subtle – while waiting with other people to cross a road, I can only assume that people thought I was vehemently agreeing with a radio call-in show or something.

Also for controls, you've got pinchable stems on the earbuds, basically borrowed from the original AirPods Pro. You can pinch to play/pause, double-pinch to skip tracks, triple to skip back, hold to trigger Siri. I really like this control system, because it's comfortable (you don't push the buds into your ears while pressing a button) and works if you're wearing gloves (unlike touch-only systems). However, you can't pinch for on-ear volume control, which seems very miserly.

Apple's claim of five-hour battery life was, frankly, extremely disappointing, but the good news is that in my battery testing at 50% volume the AirPods 4 took seven hours and five minutes to run down from 100% to nothing. Apple says you should get another 25 hours from the case (though that could be as much as 34 hours based on my testing), and that five minutes of charging in the case provides the buds with around an hour of listening time.

Five hours is way behind the curve on battery life, and while seven hours is acceptable for such lightweight buds, it's still not amazing considering there's no ANC here. We measured 9.5 hours from the Nothing Ear (a) with ANC turned off.

There's no wireless charging here, unlike the more expensive models – just USB-C charging.

The microphone quality is very good, as is common for Apple's earbuds. The voice is a little quiet (common for earbuds in general) and there's a little bit of digital artefacting to the sound, presumably coming from the clean-up and processing Apple is applying, but speech is clear and represents your voice well, and that's all we need.

  • Features score: 3.5/5

AirPods 4 bud held in a hand, showing the speaker section

(Image credit: Future)

Apple AirPods 4 review: Sound quality

  • Very well balanced
  • Good bass and energy
  • Loss of fine detail

Compared to Apple's previous cheapest AirPods, the AirPods 4 are in another world of sound quality, even without considering spatial audio. They're a bigger, more natural, and more dynamic listen, and I enjoyed music with them.

The bass feels well presented and full, and while it's not super-deep, it underpins things exactly as it's supposed to. It may not hit unctuous levels of sub-bass, but it's really well controlled, so something like the bassline of Allie X's Black Eye bounces along as it should – some cheaper headphones will lack the range for a full bounce, or each beat will hit with a thud. The AirPods are nimble enough to handle this kind of thing.

The mid-range is clear and well resolved, capable of letting individual instruments stand out even among more crammed songs, such as when Moloko's I Want You gets super-busy with lots of overlapping sounds – the AirPods are capable of holding onto each strand, and making sure it doesn’t just turn into a mess of noise. Vocals of all types are lifted out of the mix well.

The treble is similarly well represented, and there's plenty of sparkle in high-frequency details so they shimmer among the rest of the mix. In terms of being a good representation of the bones of music tracks, the AirPods 4 work great, especially since they're reasonably dynamic as well, shifting up a gear in good time when songs pop off.

The problem is that they're soft on fine detail, and it means they're limited to being a fun listen rather than a truly satisfying one, or one that lets you engage with your music at a high level.

The open-ear design that lets in more outside sound doesn't help with this – fine detail is exactly what you lose most from being able to hear chatter or traffic – but I listened in multiple environments and the issue is still there.

When the fine resolution is lost, the realism of the track is lost. That doesn't matter in every track (I wasn't exactly missing it in Eric Prydz' Call On Me, I was just bopping along), but there's a clear difference in a few tracks. Sonny Rollins' St. Thomas is a track that should really put you among the instruments, because it's built around the slight scrape of a drumstick or the click of a tongue on a reed – but that's basically lost when listening on the AirPods 4. The track sounds like a recording, a diminished facsimile, not the close-to-real audio that it can do.

Rains Again by Solji is another clear example – it opens with a heavy rainfall sound that becomes static on headphones that can't deal with the complex detail, but stays as distinct drops on headphones that can deal with it… and on the AirPods 4, it's more in the static column.

With movies, spatial audio works excellently, providing convincing sound that moves around you, doing a great impression of a home theater. There's also a great sense of impact to bassier sounds and a good elevation of treble details – it's exciting to watch action movies this way, and the AirPods' ability to be dynamic is effective here too.

However, dialogue isn't represented as well as effects in the mix, so feels quieter and more unclear, relatively speaking – and with sound leaking in through the open-ear design (and no ANC), it's the first thing to get muddied by outside noises. I compared the AirPods 4 to my AirPods Pro 2, and while the dialogue is a similar level in the Pro 2, the other sounds are closer to that level, so you can just crank the volume up and get a good experience. With the AirPods 4, turning the volume up means effects become a bit much when dialogue gets to the right level.

The lack of fine detail also hits here – for example, during The Matrix's helicopter rescue scene, the cascade of water from the sprinklers becomes a hiss of sound in the background, but again other headphones can pick out the drops. I don't mind this as much here as with the music, though – it's better to have it, but it isn't essential.

I don't think the AirPods 4 are bad for sound at all, but when the competition is as hot for music fidelity as the Sony WF-C700N and the Nothing Ear (a), they pale.

  • Sound quality score: 3.5/5

AirPods 4 being placed back into their case

(Image credit: Future)

Apple AirPods 4 review: Design

  • Secure open-ear fit
  • Smallest case yet is great
  • IP54 rating for buds and case is good

I've never been a fan of this kind of earbuds design, where they're held in place by the areas of skin around your ear canal – I much prefer the fit of an in-ear tip. However, the AirPods 4 are the best and most comfortable version of this design so far, and I can happily wear then for an extended period without feeling like they're sore or applying pressure, which hasn't always been the case for me. However, when taking them out after a long time, I can slightly feel where they were sitting, so they won't convert me from in-ears just yet.

They're very secure, and didn't shift in any meaningful way during my general use – i.e., mostly while walking or working. They stayed secure while I was jogging too, though I can't promise that this will also be the case for long-distance runs or other workouts.

They're extremely light at 4.3g per bud, which helps with comfort, and they stick out of your ears less far than the AirPods Pro 2 do, which might please some people. And while not everyone likes the stick design, I think it works well for balancing the weight, and this is arguably the most subtle and perhaps preferable version of the design so far.

The case is Apple's smallest AirPods case to date, and I really appreciate that as well – some buds makers perhaps forget that people often just want to slip this stuff into a pocket and not feel it pressing against them. There no reason not to carry these buds with you everywhere, and that's useful.

A nice touch is that the charging light is now totally hidden behind the white of the case – when it's illuminated it appears out of nowhere. A less-nice touch is that the pairing/reset button is now a touch element on the back with no indicator, rather than a physical button, and given that this will mostly be used when people are in a pinch, I think the clarity of a real button was better.

I found that the AirPods 4 are a little harder to grab out of their case than previous models – you'll develop a technique for getting a grip to overcome the magnets, but I suspect that, like me, many people will take a couple of days to get in the groove.

The IP54 waterproof rating for both the earbuds and the case is impressive – not too many mid-range or budget earbuds offer both. This means they should keep dust out, and be fine against water splashes, including rain if you get caught outdoors for a short time.

Incidentally, if you're wondering if it's possible to tell the difference between these AirPods 4 and the ANC model: not from the buds. They are truly identical apart from a tiny printing of the model number. The ANC case has telltale speaker holes on the bottom, though.

  • Design score: 4/5

AirPods 4 case showing the charging port

(Image credit: Future)

Apple AirPods 4 review: Value

  • Cheaper headphones offer better sound
  • …and better cross-platform features
  • But for Apple-only users, they have big advantages

The AirPods 4 are aimed at people who are big on Apple tech, so I'm taking that into account when scoring their value. But as you've likely already picked up in this review, for sound quality, or if you have an iPhone and a Windows laptop (for example), they don't excel for bang-per-buck.

You'll get the extra realism and detail pop in music that these AirPods lack from the likes of the Sony WF-C700N and the Nothing Ear (a), as well as active noise cancellation to make sure you can really hear it. You'll get Bluetooth multi-point with both those devices as well – and even hi-res audio from the Nothing. They both have on-ear volume control as well (and the Nothing even pinch the great pinchable gestures from the AirPods).

However, if you are all-in on Apple, the auto-switching between all your devices without pairing, the (admittedly limited) Find My support, and the excellent spatial audio all help boost the value here. It is frustrating that the AirPods 4 with ANC offer lots more features, though, including wireless charging, and improved Find My support in the case, in addition to the ANC itself.

Let's not forget the design: some people really don't want ear tips, and my recommended alternatives have them. So if your preference is not to have tips, there's added value to these because of their shape. But still, on balance, I don't think they offer any better value than average.

  • Value score: 3/5

AirPods 4 next to their open case on a table

(Image credit: Future)

Should I buy the AirPods 4?

Buy them if...

You want Apple's cheapest earbuds
If you really want Apple's unique tech that works with all your Apple devices, and you want to spend the minimum, these tick the key boxes, and sound fun while doing it.

You hate in-ear tips on earbuds
The options that really beat the AirPods 4 tend to use in-ear tips, so if you don't want that style, these become a much better option.

Don't buy them if...

You don't own Apple gadgets exclusively
The lack of standard Bluetooth multi-point means no quick switching between, say, an iPhone and a Windows machine. So why not buy something that has that, and has better sound and ANC?

You travel a lot
AirPods 4's small size is great for travel, but they let in so much sound from outside that you won't hear your music very well. Get something with active noise cancellation.

Apple AirPods 4 review: Also consider

Sony WF-C700N
Sony's superb buds offer fantastic fidelity in music, solid noise cancellation, control via the Sony app, and Bluetooth multi-point. We've championed them since their launch, and you can read why in our full Sony WF-C700N review.

Nothing Ear (a)
If you like the stick design and pinch control of AirPods, these offer that, along with even better sound and ANC than the Sony option above, for just a little more cash than the Sony. These are the mid-range buds to beat right now, as our Nothing Ear (a) review explains.

How I tested the AirPods 4

AirPods 4 worn in a man's ears

(Image credit: Future)
  • Tested over three weeks
  • Connected to an iPhone, iPad Pro and MacBook Air
  • Tested alongside AirPods 4 with ANC and AirPods Pro 2

I reviewed the AirPods 4 as part of my typical daily routine, using them at home, at the office, and while commuting. I have an iPhone 13 Pro, MacBook Air M1, iPad Pro, and an Apple TV 4K, so they were used just as Tim Cook intended.

For testing sound quality and battery life, I followed the procedures laid out in our explainer on how we test earbuds.

I had the AirPods 4 with ANC and AirPods Pro 2 available for any direct comparisons that were useful, across Apple's current earbuds lineup.

Read more about how we test

  • First reviewed: October 2023
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