Gadget news
Review: Updated: Sony Xperia Z
3:07 am | February 23, 2013

Author: admin | Category: Gadgets | Tags: , , , | Comments: None

Review: Updated: Sony Xperia Z

Introduction and design

With a cutting-edge camera, a super-slim design and the ability to withstand life’s knocks and bumps (and Android Jelly Bean to[……]

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Review: Motorola Razr i
3:07 am | September 29, 2012

Author: admin | Category: Mobile phones | Tags: , , , | Comments: None

Review: Motorola Razr i

Overview, design and feel

Eight years ago, when the Android 4.0, Intel inside-toting Razr i wasn’t even a glint in Motorola’s eye, something revolution[……]

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