Just one day after it detailed the Lava Blaze Duo, Amazon India revealed the specs of the Lava O3 Pro. The device is a rebadged Lava Yuva 4 with identical specs and design. Lava O3 Pro and its key specs Like the Yuva 4, the O3 Pro is built around a 6.56-inch IPS LCD with HD+ resolution and a 90Hz refresh rate. The device is also equipped with an 8MP front-facing camera and a side-mounted fingerprint scanner. The back of the O3 Pro houses a 50MP main camera alongside two unspecified auxiliary sensors. The phone has a Unisoc T606 chipset paired with 4GB RAM and 64/128GB storage,...
Tablets never killed off the PC, but they did take over some of its duties – especially when it comes to entertainment, but also casual web browsing and learning too. We picked out the more interesting tablet deals but also several phone offers too. The Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE has been replaced by the S9 FE, but it’s still a capable slate. It has a 12.4” LCD with stylus support (an S Pen is included in the retail package) and DeX support for a more desktop-like multitasking. The USB-C port also lets you plug in external monitors and other accessories, so you can turn this into a proper...